The event bp bonus is a bad joke.

I'm pretty new to this game but I have a question, are the events always
I mean, you get 3k bloodpoints for each completed Gen. So when all 5 are done 15k
But only if you use the event offering, and my question now is. Why should I use this offering and not a cake? I get 20-27K every round and with this new offering I'm only losing BP.
Because the offering is 3000 points which is comparable to one of the brown +50% to one category ones and its much better than those
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You also are getting an extra 700k in total during the event. Your standards for bp are pretty high.
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We used to get event coins for hooking survivors on the event hook or finishing event gens (being alive while they were finished was enough).
With those coins we could buy event skins.
Now it looks like we will get the skins from event codes they release on twitter or something.
The BP were roughly the same.
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The events are usually pretty lame, yeah.
But hey.. new cosmetics I guess😒
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The event gens used to offer 4500 points, but they nerfed it for undisclosed reasons.
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They said they are going to put more effort into their anniversary and Halloween event now
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Oh yeah, then what's the point of the bouquet offerings for survivor that give me 75% more BP in a specific category if I can use a cake and gain 100% more in all categories instead?
What's the point of a yellow coin offering if I can use the purple one and get more chests in a trial?
What's the point of the brown mist offering if I can use the yellow or the purple one to get more value out of it?
What's the point of any brown or yellow offering that has a slightly different version of them then?
The point is, that different offerings have different costs and effects, and removing a big chunk of them would flatten the game even more (you could argue on removing or lowering the price of some of them, because yeah, some are dumb)
I love how the event work in particular because the only thing you need to do to get the bonus bloodpoints is "Stay alive while your teammate do gens", this means that if I'm good at looping and the killer chases me/camps me for 5 gens, I get 8k in boldness, and a 15k bonus in objective if I burnt the event offering. Total? At least 23k without touching a single gen or unhooking anyone
Last but not least, you're not losing BP if you burn an event offering, you are simply gaining less bloodpoints than when you use a cake
Use cakes if you don't like the offering, you will still get some bloodpoints each time a gen is completed
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As somebody said above the blood points weren't really the meant to be the benefit for doing the special objectives.
Like with the barbecue event, Chinese New Year event and the first Halloween light event it was mainly done to get the collectible event currency for cosmetics the bonus bloodpoints were pretty much just a bonus which is why they were never more significant than bloody party streamers or a cake.
Now the event currency currency is no longer a thing and the only thing that's left is the bloodpoints you definitely end up feeling lack of bonus. Especially if you're somebody who has an excess amount of cakes and bloody party streamers
Post edited by Volfawott on1 -
To be fair, now every Gen is an Event Gen and gives at least 1k BPs when completed without an Offering. If you use an Offering, it is 3k BPs per Gen.
Before, the Offerings also increased the numbers of Event Gens, meaning if only you burn an Offering, there will only be two Gens aka only two Gens for Bonus BPs.
So overall, the event grants more BPs than the previous ones. And since BHVR announced that they will not do large Events anymore, except for Anniversary and Halloween, I did not expect more than that.
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They use to be good... Those were the days...
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They event offerings seem to be pretty scarce. In 2 survivor bloodwebs i haven´t found a single offering. While the killer bloodwebs only contained 1 per web.
Older events had up to 6 event things per web.
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1 Offering per Killer Bloodweb was pretty rare for me, most of mine have 2 Offerings, biggest I have seen was 4 (3 normal, 1 in a brown Box). For Survivor, I either get near to none or many. E.g. I got 2 on Dwight and 12 on Meg, with the same number of Bloodwebs.
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This is how my bloodwebs look like:
Nurse is from a older event.
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Holy ######### you haven't touched Nurse since Winter 2017-18
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I know. Not a nurse fan.
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Yeah... is wanderfull thay they have decided to focus theyr effort in this event so they are memorable... we get more bp than normal... fantastic...
About the killer skins, how do we earn them? for sure buying them is not the only way... right?
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Well, this does not look good indeed.
Maybe I just got lucky, it was the first evening. I will see how long it will take me to get one Toolbox and one Firecracker on every Survivor.
As Killer, so far I can burn an Offering every game (granted, I use BBQ as well, so I get a little bit more than one Bloodweb done after each game).