I'm sorry but... it needs to be said.

The patch needs to be rerolled back to 4.4.2.. i honestly can't take this patch at best, it's so hard to not dc every game just getting pokos'd every damn hit, it would save this game Honestly,


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    They can’t really Errol the patch when they’ve already made the changes to live. They’d just end up putting in the same work to fix the issues and keep all the good changes

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    first game in and every single hit was about a body and a half's length away and even one pretty wide and tot he side ######### lol. I ran for a fulls econd after a vault once before I dropped immediately. I know I haven't played much ina while, but jesus christ, I'm going down faster than that hooker in full metal jacket.

    At least so many people don't wanna play (I don't blame them especially with no double bp) that my queue was shockingly less than 5 minutes in the evening. Which I take as a possible indication a lot of people don't wanna play right now. It's possibly only worth the login bonus and then playing something else until they fix the hitboxes and extend the lunar thing to make upf or the game being unplayable and wasting some of it. And throw in double bp to get some onto killers once hitboxes are fixed and survivors come back so queues don't push 20 minutes again.

    I suspect the hitboxes were intentional, but they did not intend for them to be as far reaching and as wide as they are they probably wanted it tweaked just a little bit to get more people enticed to play as killers since they didn't change ds and have basically removed the hope for the object changes due tot rust issues. So the double bp will keep some after hitboxes are fixed. I can't believe I found myself thinking "well they needed tot hrow killers a little bone for once" with all the firecrackers after finishing a generator until the second, third, fourth times I was hit lmfao.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Every damn game is always a 100% poko's hit, it's terrible and it's miserable,

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    definitely miserable. I brought spinehcill to be safe, but didn't really put it to use, I will next time though. gotta play like a total coward and hope you get a map with abusable spots in it untilt hey fix this. Or maybe it'll be the one time this year worth playing killer for a while if the hitboxes are still broken while playing as one.

    I googled poko and all that came up was a tractor truck and some overwatch kid, were you referring to being hit by a mac truck as a figure of speech I'm used to using?

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    They did though, they just waited for next gen consoles to power through their terrible coding. problem fixed as far as they're concerned.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yeah i know 😧

    The classic EA move.

    Want to unlock the optimization DLC for 500$?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    once cdpr has that grand revelation that there isn't much they can do for base consoles they'll probably start being quiet about it until everybody forgets about it too lmao

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    lol when I got hooked the firecrackers going off ont he hook even lagged me for a second on ps5

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Everyone's tried telling them this so many times, but our words don't reach their ears apparently. From what I heard from the dev stream last week, apparently the mid chapter patches are gonna be focused around game health. Even then it won't matter anyway thanks to the potato coding, every update basically breaks the game in some way shape or form.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    incorrect, this has just been a small bandaid every few months while the root of their discontent is not addressed (itself that attitude and approach being part of it) while making sure the game is fun for them and working on major issues and causes of frustration would bring some of those players back and wind up even keeping some once they got hooked on the gameplay again feeling a lot less frustrated and burnt out. and then work on further retention through new content. or as soon as a better game comes out, that isn't abandoned a month in or threatened by hollywood lawyers this game will begin to bleed players after a point it's begun doing it already on it's own without any competition. Imagine a short man with a short stick ... I think he'd wanna do what was within his power to keep his woman from looking at or getting a taste of better men doncha think? Once those killers get a taste of a better man they ain't comin back. A Way to be Dead and Evil Dead are two games coming out that could be the better man. Or total chuds.

  • Wheatbread28
    Wheatbread28 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2021


    Post edited by Wheatbread28 on
  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    If we all stop playing they might actually care.

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294

    Then why bother commenting on a VIDEO GAME that you don't "even play"? This kind of pathetic negativity is confusing to me. These forums are typically for people that play DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. LOFL, it's SO sad.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Ok lets talk about nobody. Nobody asked for a new ui. Do you deny that people wanted to buff solo survivor informationwise? I see them ask for a totem counter quite often. How do you display more information while not changing the ui in any way, can you explain?

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429
    edited February 2021

    There's already a plenty of posts asking for a health chapter, like, completely focused on that and not more characters that just break the game (lets not even think about another binding of kin 2 or worse) Mid chapters as health stuff just wont cut it, at the rate they do it and the amount of bad bugs it brings everytime, its more like a disease patch to the game, it gets even more broken.

    Instead of being so stubborn it'd be great if they listened for once and broke their routine, it would certainly improve something if only they truly focused on that and only that, but hey guys, new rift! Amirite?

    EDIT: Typo.

    Post edited by Enlyne on
  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Honestly,. I usually think people are overreacting when they call a patch "unplayable" but that is exactly what this patch is.

    Cheap looking, badly designed HUD and animations, perks not working, hitboxes broken, pip/depip system broken.

    This is the worst patch they have pushed out so far.

  • oldtimerza
    oldtimerza Member Posts: 5


    Jesus the person obviously enjoys the game, but has lost interest in it because of the current slew of broken updates.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    If they were to work overtime for a good six months of trying to improve all the issues the game is currently plagued with, they could potentially fix a lot of things but since the good old potato coding always causes new game breaking issues we would still have to deal with that. I just wish they would spend more time and resources into fixing the game, instead of adding a completely new UI that nobody asked for.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    when the devs succeed in making a patch worse then Binding of Kin then you know something's wrong

  • Hyp3R
    Hyp3R Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2021

    The worst thing about hitboxes is that it's probably not hitboxes per se, but a massive animation/movement desync between killers and survivors. So from a killer's perspective everything looks pretty normal and killer mains are confused why people are complaining so much. But from a survivor perspective... oh boy. Multiplayer server/client development was never easy, but BHVR is just on a next level of cluelessness.

  • Hyp3R
    Hyp3R Member Posts: 14

    Yep, as I said. This is a common problem in multiplayer game development, but holy #########, it's been 4 years since the game came out, and this is not rocket science to figure out.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I saw a david vault the big drop down chute on gideon's and as soon as he hit the floor the killer swung from the vault at the top of the drop and it somehow still hits him and he goes down, the killer vaults the drop down and literally has to look for him because he was already on the ground when he got hit, of course he ended up DCing after that but I honestly can't say I blame him being there to witness the bullshittery

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    How does this play in as far as pallet "vacuums" seem to go? πŸ€” I've been noticing a lot of killers teleporting to the opposite side of the pallet when getting stunned- the other night I perfectly pallet stunned a Wraith (or would have, pre-patch) who was swinging at me from inside shack. Instead of avoiding the hit and trapping him in shack, I got hit, he got stunned, and he wasn't in shack, he was suddenly on the same side of the pallet that I was! It happened to my boyfriend when he was playing as killer, too, and FTR, we both have good internet.

    I've seen it happen to other survivors, too.

  • Hyp3R
    Hyp3R Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2021

    Yeah, it makes sense. I don't know how their netcode is structured or made, but I worked on some multiplayer networking stuff in the past. Pallet vacuums are a side effect of desync. There could be ######### ton of reasons why desync exists, so it's hard to exactly pinpoint where the problem really is, especially without knowing their code. But I'd guess that the server doesn't receive (or handle) incoming position packets properly/fast enough (or send them back to the game clients). That makes clients (or server) have incorrect or outdated position data of everyone else, and that's desync. It's a very complicated topic that can't really be properly discussed while not having access to dbd's codebase. Yet, I think it should be fairly trivial to fix while being a big software company like BHVR. Something went wrong in the management, and I'd guess their code is a big spaghetti mess by now.

    PS: Desync can't be removed FULLY, as there is something that is called "ping", which makes it impossible to have no desync at all, but most games handle it just fine on the server-side, and dbd is one of those games that always gets it wrong.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    lol I would totally have closed the game too and called it a day until the next login 50k. At least survivor queues were fast for me last night. I guess I don't need to wonder why lmao

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Bro same, ever since the patch any time for a multiplayer game I had has been getting invested into 100% Orange Juice lol.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    There's been no increase in info except for hook counters, which are useless. In fact, they took away info; the HUD used to show when someone was picked up, being carried, or being healed off the ground. Now it doesn't. Further, it's now too difficult to see borrowed time, the hook timer, bleedout, madness levels, Freddy's timer, Pig's timer, Victor's claw icons, and likely others that i haven't seen yet. It's as if they didn't even look at the new HUD before releasing it.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i think the hook counter is helpfull. I play solo, and there are times when i dont keep up who has been hooked how often (usually if the killer camps and the rest decide to hooktrade in circles). To be fair, i never noticed you could see someone ws being healed in the old hud. How was it shown? I am colorblind, if it was just a colorcode, it was useless to me.

    do you think the new hud is the endresult, or just some basic groundworks to expand further information on?

    And you didnt answer my question. You insisted noone asked for a new ui, and i asked how they display new information (which people asked for) without changing the old one. Because that answers the question about the hud.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Yeah, this patch is a travesty, and any self respecting company that broke the game this much would revert it back to an old patch. Then they would work on the new content and release it in an actualy playable state. But BHVR is waaaaaay too stubborn for that.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Bhvr has no respect. and they lost it with me as it stands. Like i get the new patch and all that needs to be worked on, But don't Release it in a state of broken mess when they never TEST THE DAMN UPDATES AT ######### ALL

  • pyramidheadsbf
    pyramidheadsbf Member Posts: 29

    yeah, it's a huge shame that this game has gotten worse since i started playing in early 2020. this game still has a ######### ton of potential, it's a pretty popular game. if issues like this persist, people are going to stop playing/not even decide to play it; turning away potential new customers. i really really wish BHVR would invest some time into fixing these issues.

    an example of my issues w the game: my PC has above recommended/minimum specs for DBD, yet it runs terribly. overheating issues (DBD only, no other game has this issue), FPS drops/stutters, endless crashes, etc etc.

    it's really annoying. i can run Fallout 4 at VERY HIGH settings, with literally no issues. i understand that they're 2 entirely different games, but surely Fallout 4 is more demanding?

    anyway, yeah, just wanted to get that out, glad that there's a thread where we can all just rant. i love this game and it really does hurt to see the devs prioritize DLC's over optimization and stabilization...

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    i have a tower set up... and goddamn, i get lag spikes randomly throughout the matches when i play, it's the saddest part that bhvr won't take the time to admit that they're stubborn and would want the whole community's opinion in the First place, (In a positive way of not attacking or naming and shaming devs..)

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294

    No Freddy, you don't, that's the point, LOFL. And the fact that you came back to a forum about a game that you "don't even play" says it all. You don't need to play, so find another hobby or game that you do play. This is a DBD forum for people who play DBD. I knew with all the actual "snowflakes" like yourself in these forums I would get some negative feedback. So thank you. That's like me going into a MADDEN forum and saying "football sucks, am I right?". It's as I stated, pathetic.

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    Honestly though....im playing it on ps5 and it was silky smooth at first...but now it is as rubber bandy and terrible as it used to be....the very 1st patch they did...it made ps5 feel like ps4 again...

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    that's....terrible also a waste of money if it's just gunna act like ps4 again. but terrible reguardless. I hope they truly fix this game for the better