DEVS please Read!

REL1_C Member Posts: 619
edited February 2021 in Creations

Dear Developers

I want you to design perks which I call "risk" perks, perks that are so powerful but also benefit the killer. Running OP "Meta" perks are fun and all but I want to run perks that have a skill cap. Any beginner survivor can run Adrenaline and gain value but "risk" perks are another story. These perks will be an evolution from meta but like I said, power comes risk. OP perks which will obviously benefit the survivor more but will also benefit the killer, like my perk concept "Wise".

If you do read, please take my idea of "risk" perks and one day maybe add a few 😁

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Kinda like Mettle of Man?

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    Do you have a specific example?

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    Yes, like my perk concept Wise. If the killer is in a chase with you for a maximum of 10 seconds then you and the killer will gain 1% haste, max of 7%. The killer will only gain haste when in a chase with you but the survivors haste stays permanently.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    Now this idea might seem bad but the idea is that the survivor "Looping skills" will be altered because the killer is also faster. This will have a huge skill cap, it might benefit the killer more possible but you will always have 7% haste.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    if both players receive 1% bonus speed then the killer doesn't gain anything, the difference in speed between the players remains the same

    100% / 115% -> 4.0m/s / 4.6m/s

    101% / 116% -> 4.04m/s / 4.64m/s

    That increase would be just a fast forward with extra steps for the first chase and then a perma buff for survivors, also from a technical point of view, hitting a survivor doesn't extend the chase, it starts another so the killer will lose the speed bonus upon hitting the survivor. From my point of view that perk is no risk high reward for survivors.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,453

    But there is no really a risk. In the first chase its harder to escape bc 1% os more speed for the killer then for the survivor, but you can just play safe and drop pallets. And after that you have a huge advantage.

    When the killer has 7% and the chase ends, is he 7% faster in the next chase against this survivor or does he need to start at 0% again?

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 171

    So, if all four survivors are running this, the killer could gain 28% of haste...?

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    No, only 7%. 7% per survivor but it doesn't stack. I probably should of said that lol.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    Yes, the price of a survivor running permanently 5% faster does mean if the killer also runs 5% in the next chase and every chase after that.

    (7% is a bit much, 5% will be more fair).

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619
  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619
    edited February 2021

    If the killer is in a chase with you for a maximum of 14/12/10 seconds then you and the killer will gain 1% haste, max of 7% 5%. The killer will only gain haste when in a chase The survivors haste stays permanently.

    NEW: Each time a killer starts a new chase with you, the killer will lose 1% haste.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619
    edited February 2021

    lol not true, the survivor will have a total of 5% haste permanently when the killer chases you for 50 seconds which I think is an alright time. The killer will also gain 5% when chasing a survivor for 50 seconds but if the killer doesn't commit for at least 10 seconds, the killer will lose 1% haste when out of chase.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125
    edited February 2021

    for the sake of the discussion i'll take the bait this time.

    like i said giving both parties the same speed boost bonus doesn't make it easier for the killer to catch the survivors, it actually makes it harder. For example, lets consider a 40m sprint the math tells us that:

    surv : 100% -> 4.0 m/s means survivor will reach the target in 10s

    killer 115% -> 4.6 m/s means the killer will reach the target in 8.7s

    the survivor loses the race for 1.3s

    with a 5% speed boos for both sides (easier to do the math)

    surv: 105% -> 4.2 m/s will reach the target in 9.52s

    killer: 120% -> 4.8 m/s will reach the target in 8.33s

    the survivor loses the race for 1.19s

    in a real game scenario if you give the same speed boost to both players, the survivor will have a higher chance to reach a pallet or window before getting hit, so your downside is actually an upside for the survivor who runs the perk 😂

    redesign your perk buddy, it's as i said NO risk High reward

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,436

    Actually this is not the case, because the game calculates the movement speed slightly differently I think: (At least from what I heared)

    So it would be something like this:

    4.0 m/s | 100 % * 1.01 = 4.04 m/s | 101 %

    4.6 m/s | 115 % * 1.01 = 4.646 m/s | 116.15 %

    So the Killer would be a tiny bit faster than the Survivor.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    Anyway it's still a work in progress, I'm trying to make a survivor perk which also benefits the killer but a survivor slightly more obviously because it's a survivor perk.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125
    edited February 2021

    redo for the second part:

    surv: 105% -> 4.2 m/s will reach the target in 9.52s

    killer 115% x1.05 -> 4.83 m/s will reach the target in 8.28s

    survivor loses the race for 1.24s

    for this to benefit the killers, the difference should have been greater than 1.3s

    both cases covered, both cases don't benefit the killer for it's supposed advantage

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619
    edited February 2021

    NEW: When healthy, the killer gains 1% haste every 7 seconds while in a chase with you, this can stack up to 2/4/6 times. As soon as your injured, the % is converted to the survivor and the killer haste is removed.

    (If you have only got 1%, you can gain more by healing yourself).

    (This isn't a joke, this is serious)

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    so now the killer can't gain tokens when survivors are injured and the survivors will have a perma boost, making it easier to extend chases when injured, how is that a higher risk than before?

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619
    edited February 2021

    What if I revert it?

    When healthy, the survivor gains 1% haste every 7 seconds while the killer is in chase with you, this can stack up to 2/4/6 times. As soon as your injured, the % is converted to the killer.

    This is more of a risk, if the killer is bad then you gain the benefit but if the killer is good then they get the benefit when they injure you. Imagine a killer going faster when your injured.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    How i think it would work:

    While healthy you gain 1% speed boost every 15s up to 3/4/5%. Lose all stacks when hit by the killer and the killer receives the boost equivalent to half of your tokens while your are injured.

    Causes perma exhaustion while healthy. After gettig hit you get exhausted for 4/3/2s for each token.

    If the killer hits another survivor with this perk he will get half the tokens of the last survivor hit

    If you are good enough to last in a chase without exhaustion perks then you can use them while injured, 10s can be recovered after window/pallet vaults. Also the killer won't receive a boost to make the chase too hard for the survivor.

    Also if thebkiller has 2.5 tokens and hit another surv with a tier 1 perk, he will have 1.5 tokens after hitting him/her