How to Counter Leatherface

I know everyone says he’s the weakest killer but he is legitimately one of the killers I always lose against. I’ve heard of the strategies of hug the walls and corners, windows,trees, etc when he revs up his chainsaw but it seems like most leatherfaces don’t have an issue with that anymore. I tried that multiple times and I’m still always downed by his chainsaw. I never seem to get away from him and it’s getting to the point where if I see a Leatherface on the field I just want to give up and DC. I’m a purple rank and I would say I’m at least ok player but anytime he’s on the field not only do I get wrecked but all of my team as well. How do we counter him? Any tips?


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Bubba got a pretty hefty buff a while back and now he's a very, very strong killer. And the best part - there's no good counterplay if the Bubba has Bamboozle.

    I'm not kidding, playing windows is the only proper counter to Bubba, although a really good Bubba can play around windows, so even then it's not the greatest. Without being able to vault a window multiple times, though, all you can do is instantly drop pallets. And a good Bubba knows how to time his chainsaw to force you to instantly drop the pallet without even a single loop.

    Basically, the counterplay to a good Bubba is to do everything in your power to not go down, because once you do you've left a giant deadzone for the next chase.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    That sounds like a whole lot of just give up. Cause he has hit me through windows, went through pallets with ease and everything.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    Bubba is fairly easily to play against assuming the person playing him isn't the 1% that is a literal Bubba in the flesh.

    Here's a few tips I can give ya:

    • Vaults: Vaults are easily your best friend when playing against a Bubba. Unless he has Bamboozle, he is practically forced to give you an M1 instead of a chainsaw attack due to delay in revving, assuming you don't mess up your routing.
    • Pallets: This is by far my favorite tip to give when going against a Bubba. 80% of the time, Bubbas will respect pallets when revving because they don't want to get stunned out of it. It's better to take the risk & run another loop than to drop it early out of fear & end up in a deadzone.
    • Awareness: Just like Hillbilly, don't get caught in the open. If you see a gen in the cornfield & a gen inside a jungle gym, priotize the gen in the jungle gym instead. Make sure you always have something around you, because being caught with your pants down will end up being your demise.
    • Collision: Bubbas are very prone to tantrums. Baiting them into objects as well as hugging corners are things you must learn to do when playing against him, especially if you're in a deadzone.
    • Sprint Burst!!: Tired of playing against Bubba so often? Sprint Burst is literally made for killers like him & you're almost guaranteed to get away every single time. Perfect for doing that gen in the cornfield.
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Always try and evaluate how many charges he has during the chase. If let's say he breaks a pallet and charges up the chainsaw again within the next 4 seconds then he's still at 2 charges allowing you to greed the next pallet unless he's running recharge addons such as the Primer Bulb or Spark Plug.

    Also count the number of chainsaw swings he gets during his attack (you can sometimes do that whilst working on a gen if you see a teammate get chased). If you can count more than 10 swings then he is running chilli addons which are quite popular as they make the charge timing easier and increase the effective chainsaw range by adding more swings.

    If he's running chilli addons you can't greed pallets unless he's really at maybe 1 charge so just drop the pallet if you think he's at full charges and hope your team does gens quickly.

    Other than that -and that's Bubba's real cryptonite in chases- try and find 2 strong windows that you can chain together. Even with Bamboozle Leatherface becomes a No-power M1 killer the second you chain multiple windows.

    I made a red rank Bamboozle Leatherface rage quit the other day as I found 2 good windows that I kept chaining together making even Bamboozle completely worthless.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    His chainsaw has a longer hitbox than you would expect. That's why you don't mess around with a Bubba unless you can very clearly see they don't really know what they are doing. Run early, maybe try to get to a long-ish loop and play it, and after that it's pretty much downhill because he will be right behind you for the rest of the chase

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Leatherface is one of those killers who is a glass cannon.

    Incredibly strong in one area (CQB chase) but lacking in everything else (mobility).

    He has major weaknesses which you must exploit to verse. He is not a weak killer by any means. Before the buff he was legit weak but after the buff he cannot be defeated in close quarters unless you are in a very powerful area with lots of windows -- and those things barely exist in the game anymore. Pre-buff it was a simple matter to loop him, with the buff you will go down fast if you don't keep your distance.

    Unfortunately many survivors don't know this and don't give him a wide berth, so it's very, very easy to lose to him. And since he punishes mistakes fatally you just need to slip up once and you're dead.

    LF is a strong killer. Those who say otherwise are just biased fools who still think he's old Bubba.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    The Bubbas you play against must be crap.

    Bubba is not "easy to play against" unless he's being piloted by a shrub.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Killers aren't invincible & they all have counters. If you take them into consideration with an average Bubba player, then yes he is fairly easy to go against.

    Survivors have resources on the map for a reason & it doesn't make the Bubba "crap" if the survivors take advantage of that.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Here is a match from me vs bubba, not the best play from me but here you can see some of things that works.

    Aslo try not to get out in the open.

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    I love playing Bubba but I gotta admit he is pretty ridiculous during chases. You force pallets and if they don’t drop them, they’re downed.

    hell, the distance you can get with his chainsaw is so long you can outrun sprint burst & the speed boost from hitting a survivor with endurance.

    honestly, the only advice I can offer against a good one is to exploit his lack of true mobility by gen-rushing the hell out of him, even if that may seem “toxic”

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Ermmm did you try to play him? because that is a good way to find out where he is weak.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Bubba before was just a killer used to camp but people thought he was the worst. I thought he was pretty good without the camping involved.

    Now, well... hes now an even stronger camper and you are garunteed to go down in every chase you get into with him. Funny thing is, unless you Sprint Burst as soon as you see him running to you (say you're working on a gen at 95% and he's coming to pop and you want to try finish it so you dont lose 25%), do it early out if fear, lose 25%, if hes too close and it's not finished and you see him reving chainsaw and you Sprint Burst away. HE CAN STILL CATCH YOU. Its happened to me the whole time. They need to tweak him down slightly so every time he revs chainsaw you're not just given the option to drop every pallet with his quick recovery or you go down.

  • Dracxryz
    Dracxryz Member Posts: 9

    Looping windows against Bubba can be much better than pallets but you have to be careful because he still can M1 you. Best thing you can do is playing immersed so he doesn't find you lol

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Thing is the pallet one is also a tip for bubba, don’t respect any pallets, more often then not, doing this will get you the down. Worse is you eat a stun but if that bugs ya run enduring and just no respect

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    He's a regular M1 killer with a chainsaw. Nothing really changes about chase fundamentals.

    Don't greed pallets. Drop them safely, force the break, and path correctly to the next tile.

    He's very weak against windows. It's a free vault every time revs

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Just like Linux, Bubba's greatest weakness is Windows, babe. You want him to be in the uncomfortable position of choosing between M1 and give you distance or risking hitting the window with an M2. Doing so makes him no better than a normal M1 killer.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Never said Bubba is invincible.

    But he is a strong killer and versing him is not easy if the killer knows what he's doing.

    The resources on the map aren't that useful -- palettes aren't that good against Bubba he can easily break them without losing much speed. Windows are what really help against Bubba. If the location isn't full of nice windows the only real way to counter Bubba is to give him a wide berth. The old methods of using obstacles to thwart his chainsaw turns doesn't work anymore.

    All in all its still as always a skill game. The better player has the advantage. But Bubba is not easy unless the Bubba player is bad.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Also when facing Bubba, never group up with teammates. Everyone split up as much as possible.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Bubbas you are facing are weak if windows are free vaults for you. A good Bubba knows when to m1. They can hit you at windows unless you are at the proper distance. If your Bubbas are revving m2 when you are about to vault they are newbs.

    You can use the usual chase mechanics but difference is Bubba can instadown you with his m2, and he can do this around obstacles ever since the buff. He also moves really fast now with m2 so he will catch you unless you are in a strong area.

    If you are caught in a bad spot you will go down and that's all she wrote.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    No, OLD BUBBA was one of the weakest killers. New/Current Bubba is a legitimate threat you need to take seriously.

    Best advice? Make friends with windows. Once those are blocked or if he has Bamboozle, then give him the pallet. Don't even bother trying to greed it.

    You need to play very safe with Bubba. If you make a single screw up, you're dead

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Why are people starting to say he's OP lmao. He's literally one of the most counterable killers. Next up is Wraith being OP.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Hm.. I guess every single Bubba I went against in over 1k hours has been bad going by your logic. Crazy.

    The reason why I'm saying Bubba is easy to go against for the most part is because if you use vaults & all the other resources to your advantage, he is practically forced to give you an M1 & turns into a 2-hit regular M1 killer rather than a one-shot killer. Getting M1'd by him is your main goal because you obviously don't want to get chainsawed.

    Yeah, I understand that good Bubbas have seen all of this & will probably play around a lot of it, but these are just general tips.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    You're definitely right, but the quicker you use pallets the quicker you make the entire map a deadzone since Bubba is an absolute unit at destroying them lol. Honestly, I always use this method on every Bubba I go against & if they don't fall for it, then I'll obviously play safer the rest of the match. But if they do fall for it.. I end up having a field day.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Yea I just don’t respect any pallets and once they catch on, thats when i start respecting. Then from there i keep them guessing if I will respect or not.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    This is by far the best tip I can give you, run the short side of the pallet loop when he is chasing you down with the chainsaw. He has to curve more often and also you have more chances to throw down the pallet if he is too close.

    On the long side you have to guess if you can go for another loop and if you didn't get the distance just right you have to wait to throw the pallet on their head which ends up with you getting downed.

    Seriously do this, I get stuns all the time on bubbas now because of it

    Also they may try to mind game which is easy to play around as it is hard to moon walk n ######### as bubba while in chainsaw without hitting a wall

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    If they don't drop them and they run the long way they go down, survivors always assume the long side is the best side to loop on pallets

  • johnnyman
    johnnyman Member Posts: 5

    You want to know how to win Leatherface? Just repair generators.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited February 2021

    I understand; his instadown makes him incredibly simple to play. However, that means he has some simple counters.

    The counter to him is the typical suspect for good looping; always know where you're going next. If you can chain loops together, you're safe. Another important thing is to always keep your distance from him; if you see him coming to your generator, don't stealth, just run to a loop (This is where windows of opportunity becomes a decent perk). Most Bubbas will always go for chainsaws, so finding tight loops with safe windows is key. Getting anything between you and the killer, whether a wall, window, pallet, or just distance, is crucial.

    Another important thing is to always know where he is; because his chainsaw doesn't allow him to cancel easily, and penalizes him for bad judgements, his mindgames are severely limited. Looking behind you becomes especially important here.

    Running tight loops is a bit more risky, but yields a much greater reward. Most bubbas will know the nuances of hitboxes, but eventually they'll get screwed over by janky boxes. Don't try smooth objects like trees, but janky objects with sharp edges and curves. Do this as a last resort, though. If they can curve decently, you're screwed.

    By denying him of his chainsaw, which can be achieved by simple gameplay modifications, he's just an m1 killer who keeps trying to rev-up behind you.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Anytime it seems I face off against LF it’s always an open area map where all the gens are out in the open as well.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Hugging corners only works as a good counter half the time. I’ve seen more Leatherfaces than not easily whipping their chainsaw around multiple sharp turns with zero collision problems. Also hitting over windows with the saw doesn’t seem to be much of a problem for then either. Just saying that there really are no good counters to him unlike Billy whose saw is insanely easy to avoid.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    I transform into a bush. He can't kill me if he never sees me.

    I'm toast if he is using a nvidia filter to brighten the game tho.