It feels disingenuous to say "we hear you loud and clear" after ignoring most PTB Feedback until now

So the forum has been updated with a message stating the devs have heard loud and clear the overwhelmingly negative feedback from the community. Now it's certainly good they are letting us know that are working on it. That sort of communication has been missing for a long time now.

However I wanted to express my feeling that saying they're listening feels disingenuous at this stage. It feels less like "we're listening" and more like "it'd look really bad if we ignored this much negative feedback". The UI was on the PTB for a long amount of time in which the exact same negative feedback was given, it just wasn't as overwhelming because it wasn't on live and people believed things were subject to change. However the devs didn't take any of this into account. They did something like this with hillbilly before. Implemented a change nobody had been asking for and the vast majority disliked, ignored majority of feedback from the ptb, then only changed it after an amount of criticism so expansive it couldn't be ignored.

"We hear you loud and clear" at this point of what has happened feels almost like a sort of admission that they weren't listening before. I just don't understand the system of feedback. It feels like the only way for them to ever listen is for everyone to shout until something happens. We try and try and try to provide constructive and in depth feedback over changes but none of it ever seems to matter. The only time something gets changed is when it would make them look bad for not changing it. I don't know if this post was a vent or a rant or me asking the devs to listen to us more in the future.

I'm not a game developer, I have some experience in menu programming and that is all. I don't intend to tell BHVR how to do their jobs but I can't imagine a cycle of 1 step forwards 2 steps back with both the game and the community will promote the longevity of this game. There's so much potential but it just gets squandered by stuff like this. Listen to us, listen to the community at least a little bit. And if you decide not to, I'd prefer you just drop the whole façade. What's the point of a PTB if nothing we say about it gets changed, what's the point of feedback forums if they're ignored until reputation is at stake. Alrighty, rant over.

Take care all.
