New Game Map sucks as survivor role!

I like that its not dark any anymore especially on the bottom floor, but not really alot of utilities to use as survivor. There are alot of dead zones now.
I swear there more pallets than 5 shelter woods on one version of the game now. There’s like 20 pallets all completely safe
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You must have had the worst RnG ever since the game is now safe pallets galore downstairs and have really good pallets upstairs too
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Top floor especially the gen next to center of the map is super dead zoned everytime ive played on the map why was tht a good idea
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Lol there were 3 different sections in the RNG I got. It was literally a square with a breakable wall, and a pallet. As soon as you see a pallet it's "hell yeah!!" Then you realize you trapped yourself and it's oh ######### 😂
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That's the current trend with them - remake maps with lots of dead zones.
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Also the the hitboxes feel ridiculous! Getting hit from far away. It was never like tht prior to the update.
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This has nothing to do with the map rework. Yes it is the updates fault that came along with the map reworks but it isnt the map. Theres going to be a hotfix soon enough but the map probably isnt going to change for a while. Also the hitbox issue or serverlag issue affects the game not a map specifically
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How many god pallets/safe pallets are there now? More than old Ormond (and new Ormond still has its fair share).
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The community thinks the map is pretty survivor sided as shown here:
I agree with the community, its pretty survivor sided imo.
Also some examples if you care:
Also a video example for you:
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There are many strong pallets. My problem is that many rooms are only connected with a breakable wall. So its often a deadend and i cant change the room.
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Not sure why they're ripping on the new hatch crawl animation, it's one of the few animation changes that isn't offensive and makes more sense than the old one.
Good video though, The Game map is an abomination. It's just ultra safe pallet after ultra safe pallet and not being able to hook survivors because doors aren't open is infuriating. I didn't think they could top Hawkins or Midwich and yet here we are. I'm not trying to be mean but someone needs to be held to account now. Whoever is leading map design perhaps should be reassigned because the maps are now getting so bad they're really hurting the overrall experience.
7:12 the fat shame tree outside groaning storehouse that extends the loop - I saw this the other day. Why is it even a thing?
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I'm not taking the bait. It's not called the game for no reason. It plays killers like a old Atari game. Almost every pallet is god-pallet
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Yes. They probably should've added more pallets to The Game Lodge
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Because this hatch animation is so bad, it's just bending the torso downwards and then legs up...and that's the whole animation.
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It's one of the best maps in the entire game now for survivor. It comes close to ormond honestly.
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I find that if I dont break many walls as Killer and eat a few pallets I can ream the survivors easily when theres' 1-2 gens left to be done.
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The good news is that it ends up blocking the killer too lol. Also, doing the gen opened things up a little. It's an interesting concept I guess.
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I never said it was do to the map....i said "prior to the update" lol cmon guy
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Yea but some of those are breakable walls too those area not mention tht there has always been pallets above and below the stairs on the first pic. The 2nd pic at first glance it looks bad but if you closely and are familiar with tht map thats not the case. Where you just spawned, you are above the bathroom and from looking at it the pallets and windows have always spawned there lol it looks the same top to bottom just it has breakable walls now. Literally everything extra you are seeing is breakable walls in tht pic. Honestly survivors shldnt be able to to see breakable walls with windows of op, not like they can interact with them.
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The map is one regular map folded onto itself. Of course it's going to look like a ton of pallets in a small area. Between those pallets there's lots of walls, dead zones and drops.
Post edited by brokedownpalace on1 -
In the 1st pic its looks the same as it always was but with breakable walls.
2nd pic It looks really bad at first but if you look closer it isnt. You spawned right above the bathroom and if youre familiar with the map it literally looks the same as it was previously above and below except it has more breakable windows lol. Those windows and pallets have always spawned there before the update my guy.
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Lmao what, there are pallets everywhere and the majority of them are unmindgamable. It's extremely Survivor-sided.
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I said it didn't have anything to do with the post above. The post is talking about the new map but you started talking about the update lol
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It's one of the most survivor sided maps in the game right now are you crazy or what? It's like god pallet after god pallet.
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"There are alot of dead zones now."
My guy, I don't know what planet you're living on, but I'd love to give it a visit.