Can we actually do something about Deadhard please?

I honestly have no idea how this perk is still in the game. It's literally broken. It extends chases for so long plus you gain so much distance to make it to that next pallet or vault window. It's ridiculous how many second chance perks you honestly gave survivors. I wouldn't be as mad if u had to fulfill requirements to do it but as a exhausted perks dang it's just infuriating when the whole team has it. Sure I get it just remember they have it. They'll still make it to that pallet or window. Why can't killers get a dead hard call it kill hard. Increase your lunge by 40 percent every 35 seconds. Then you'd nerf it into the ground like undying. Jeez man I can't even defend the Dev's sometimes with their balance choices.


  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    He's a survivor main so he doesn't get it. I'm just mad that you literally don't have to do any sort of requirements and just press E to win. If you had to get a safe unhook or something I wouldn't be so mad but jeez. It's borderline broken as is right now.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Thanks for the comment I see my killer people in here. I just hope a Dev sees this and makes it into a perk where you have to meet a requirement. It's just so braindead and dumb. Killers get all their stuff nerfed into the ground like coup de grace. Undying I mean It's ridiculous

  • @RayrafLPP

    "You cant nerf DH without giving it a buff to compesate"

    LOL yes you can! this kind of mentality is why the game is in the mess that it's in. Case in point Old moris, 1st gen NOED, old MoM, 1st gen BNPs.....all of them got nerfed without compensation because guess what? they were too damn powerful.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Dead hard barely works, even though you can kind if know when it will work if you've got enough time using it. Buuuut...

    Now that you mention it, I would like a perk that lets a survivor Alpha Counter a killers strike, leading to a 5 sec stun when used with perfect timing.

    But it only works when stationary, and you have to earn it like a token for being in the killer radius for some time or for taking protection hits, etc.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I would say sprintboost is stronger then dead hard. But they said they will change dead hard anyway. (Should be this year i think)

    So when i played against dead hard for over two years and im not complaining you can wait til the change, right?

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The only way to change DH is to add a risk factor to it. I would say lock survivor interactions for however long it takes the killer to recover from a whiff.

    This will make the perk more risky for survivors (as 2nd chance perks should be) and make them have to be smart about when to use it, vs Press E to outplay.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    The only time sprint burst is helpful is when your are in a dead zone and need to get to a pallet but dead hard helps when you are allready at a pallet

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Dude without the Distance DH would literally be a time safe of 2 seconds. And thats only when you dont dont end exhausted on the ground.

    Dh is a strong perk because it isnt used the intended way, and the intended way would be super weak. If you want to balance the game you dont just kill a strong perk, you balance it. And DH without distance would be straight up bad.

    Moris are now useless, NOED isnt because it got a good nerf. You know theres a room between super broken and super weak. And thats where you have to aim for both with buffs and nerfs.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    In my opinion i feel the thing with dead hard is that it doesn't work most of the time if you use it to dodge a hit. So the best optimal move is to use it to gain distance. Before we at all talk about nerfing it we have to fix it to work as it was supposedly intended.

    First fix the perk then nerf it.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Dead Hard is fine. If you don’t drop chases then a survivor can only use it 3 times.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    dead hard is getting changed already in one of the updates there redoing the code for dead hard so it doesn’t lag and it’s less buggy. But if I were to nerf the perk I would make it so after you dead hard you can’t vault or drop pallets for 1.5 seconds

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    hard counters nurse

    every survivor with it is a 3 hit down.

    Unless your ping is terrible.

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    I'm a killer main and DH really isn't that bad. The distance gained really isn't that hard to make up as long as you aren't directly following the survivor, (go around the wall instead of following through the window). If you're chasing a survivor and they're headed towards a pallet or window and they -have- to use DH to get to it before you, then you were going to be close enough to get pallet stunned or hit the window anyways.

    Don't just bee-line after survivors. Predict where they are going and cut them off. It's sooo easy to catch up with survivors unless you're directly following their footsteps.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Whenever someone uses "its easy to bait out" as a counter argument, does not know how to use DH.

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2021

    You entitled killer mains are so funny :D

    Dead Hard is the most counterable perk in the whole f***ing game ( on the killerside). I don´t even use it because i think it´s completely underpowered.

    1. Most of the time it doesen´ work. So yippie you get like a 30% chance that your perk will work, otherwise there are only 3 perks left
    2. If you can´t counter it by pretending a hit, you might overthink your strategy or your rank.

    There are so many owerpowered perks on the killer side + you get a buff after another for your crybaby killers literally every update, still you feel missjudged like kid who rans to Mama BHVR. And we don´t even need to talk about the complete broken Addons you have, which are literally uncounterable.

    You can see it right now, no one wants to play Survivor because it´s broken at the moment. But you entitled Killer mains want the game just like it is right now, so you get your 4k every round.

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2021


  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yeah me too, DH can be baited, can be countered with Exhaustion addons, cant be used against insta-downs, its pretty much useless outside of very especific loops and timings but 4 people with Sprint burst using it with brains can prolong chases by a LOT (by brains Im not talking about those who wait until you are close and sprint so you swing at the air, Im talking about the ones who actually manage to disengage you before you even get to chase them by running and going LoS in a maze).

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Why are you using it out in the open?

    Exhaustion addons are being removed from the game

    Insta downs are rare

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @RayrafLPP Lol I know how to use it, you shouldn't assume things out of really discredits your opinion in my book. The first time they use DH might fool you, any time after that and its totally on the right hands it's definitely a really strong perk but it's not some uncounterable god tier perk.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Being able to catch Survivors out of position is a skill on itself.

    Insta downs are rare but there are there, if you really have that much problem with DH play a Killer with inbuilt exposed status or one hit downs.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’d actually like for it to be changed so that it’s NOT an exhaustion perk anymore, and it were given the Decisive Strike treatment. I.e. it can only be used once, and once only before it’s disabled.

    Maybe it could have 1 token?

    Maybe it could just have a 60 second window after an unhook as an additional help against tunnelling?

    As a cheeky update to No Mither, perhaps THAT gets amalgamated with existing Dead Hard? You can have your Dead Hard that incurs an exhaustion timer, but at the caveats that No Mither already has.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Dead hard is op and needs to be nerfed Exhausted on the ground comments are one of the most stupid thing i heared

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    @SenzuDuck Dead Hard is strong but not broken. I agree with you. SB is more useful since you get the same distance with no real way to stop it. DH takes a bit more skill and sometimes luck since the servers can just screw you for no reason. You can bait it out as killer. I do it a lot. I just wiggle my character quickly and that usually makes them DH XD. Or just quick hit them when up their ass since its so quick, it's almost impossible to time DH that way.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, why is hex ruin in the game? It literally rewards you for doing what you're already supposed to do. Or noed? give instadowns and 4k's to people who simply didnt deserve that. Or Bloodwarden? Literally blocks survivors from escaping. Or Pop? Literally regresses a generator 20 full seconds regardless of how strategically the gens are, which can make some games impossible to finish(especially games where the killer is forcing a 3 gen with pop). Or how about deathslinger, huntress, spirit and Demogorgon literally being able to remove any distance made by the survivor? Or clown, massively reducing distances without needing anything?

    If killers have access to decreasing distance, survivors should be able to counter that by increasing distance. Exhaustion perks are created to increase distance, 99/100 times, Dead Hard doesnt really increase your distance that much unless you have a very lucky pallet, in which case, lucky you, but that resource is permanently gone now.

    You can bait dead hards, you literally do not need any perks to fully negate dead hard, most killers have something inside their basekit that makes dead hard practically useless anyway.

    If anyone here complains about "second chances", well, the only way removing "second chances" from the game works is by removing a ton of killer addons and perks. Do you want Demo's dash to be shorter? Do you want Spirit to be unable to phase for longer than 3 seconds? Do you want Huntress to be able to throw hatchets over walls? Do you want deathslinger to reel in survivors? Do you want Doctor's shock to prevent survivors from vaulting? Do you want Hag to be able to teleport to her traps? Then you agree that either 1 of the 2 is necessary: Either survivors need a way out, or generator times need to be halved against these killers.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Survivors have plenty of good perks, significantly more than killers in fact. That doesn't mean they should have a perk that lets them extend a loop for free.

    Seriously, even if Dead Hard was only used to dodge hits it wouldn't be fair. It would just be more unreliable.

  • Dead Hard needs to be removed.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    I can only hope the developers have a hearty chuckle at this thread. Survivors are allowed to have nice things too. Seriously, survivors only have 5 or 6 perks worth a damn, and one(ds) is about to be nerfed hard enough that survivors won't use it anymore. If you take away all the survival tools, killers will have to be WHACKED with the nerf bat to keep the game competitive and worth playing. You have to remember that the otherside isn't here as some prop. Killers need tools to kill and end chases, survivors need to have tools to resist those efforts. Preferably, both sides need to exert effort and wield skill in order to do so.

    Just saying nerf anything that gives you a hard time is not a good idea at all.

  • lostboy
    lostboy Member Posts: 89

    I'm glad someone else who is a killer main is on the same wave length. Couldn't agree more - fellow killer main.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,205
    edited February 2021

    I agree with OP post and Loopedbydeadbydaylight. Dead hard is as good as those other perks/add-on that he mentions. I honestly think its 2nd best perk on survivor. I don't think there is another perk that has made me waste more time and has prologues chases more so than dead hard. The amount of times that people have for example taken a hit, opened exit gate in my face and dead hard into an escape. People in end game collapse can unhook with borrow time, dead hard past teammate as teammate bodyblock while approaching an exit gate. People use this for extending loops and joining tile together. Many 50/50's that occur in vantage points for survivor are null by dead hard and the perk itself in general allows you to greed loops with no real risk. The perk is just godlike in every fashion. The good news is that not many survivors are skilled at looping, therefore the fact dead hard gives second chances in looping is irrelevant.

    I am willing to bet that people who are rank 1 survivor mains probably escape 5% more statistic when they use dead hard compare to when not. its that good. I do not think they will ever weaken dead hard though. If i was propose a change to weaken it, I'd say to remove dash component of dead hard and instead make it give endurance effect for 2 seconds than apply exhaustion.

    Sprint burst is only really good in two cases.

    1) you 99% the sprintburst as you enter a chase, this requires a lot of setup and some luck for the killer to chase you. Its only really good for SWF because they can coordinate their exhaustion perk timers to maximize effect of exhaustion, fairely common for OoO user to use it.

    2) your in a dead-zone and extra speed allows you to avoid a hit.

    I haven't seen many survivors really use SB. I'd say Lithe/head on are more common but that is just my experience.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    edited February 2021


    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited February 2021

    Dead hard is annoying yes. But it's just fine it needs no nerf. If it's buggy they should fix it. Just like they should fix nurse. Also noed is ok too as is.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    coup de grace is literary trash, but hey dead hard feels like it doesnt even work with 10 meter lunges

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    No one mentioned the iframes of dead hard? It literally can give invisible frames that makes you invincible when timed right, when the killer was otherwise meant to hit you.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Dead Hard is only a problem because of map design. On survivor-sided maps, DH is very rough to play against.

    I'd rather the devs rework the maps instead of DH. Also, at least DH is broken right now because of dedicated survivors. Back in the day, you could use DH on reaction. Now you have to use the perk preemptively.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    KEKW, are you REALLY comparing a perk that give you an extended lunge maximum 5 time per game to deadhard?

    REALLY now? I know survivors are pretty dishonest but this is getting ridiculous.

    Also, just because you suck at using it properly doesnt mean it's literrally the strongest perk in the game, by far.

    On topic, one sneaky change that came with the last patch (and I hope it's not a bug) is that you can't now deadhard trough the killer, it makes it way, WAY less obnoxious and cheesy. Still cancerous, but not as much.

  • Then you perhaps add requirements to it, like tokens on unhooks. Just an example but something needs to be done because distance on demand in every chase is busted and really not fun to play against