Why the hits are bogus right now

Now I am not a coder and I know nothing of what exactly is busted, but I now see what is off with the hits with this update. It’s not the hit boxes (never was) and it’s not latency. This much has been cleared, but the reason for it is because from the survivor’s perspective, the killer is not in the right location, rather the killer is shown where they were nearly a full second in the past. I know this because of both playing killer and it being perfectly fine as well as when I threw a pallet long before the killer got there, it stunned them.
I have a personal theory about it being the code itself. I have a feeling that the code is running down far too many if/then statements or something similar, where it's basically reading a laundry list of "If it's this, then do this, but if not, go to the next step". The result is a severe delay in what the game is showing you happening and the input time of the event.
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It’s gotten to the point where I’m even the weakest killers are dominating all their matches. I gotta say it’s a great time to be a killer. Just sucks for everyone else.
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We've all taken to call it hitbox as a generic catch all for getting screwed over by a bs killer hit.
Whatever you want to call it - you cannot play a versus game if you can't be sure where your opponent is.
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Here's something even more bogus that leaves me in disgust - I pallet slam a Billy, he M1s me anyway (of course thanks to...'hitbox') then gets pallet vacuumed to my side of the pallet, he has Enduring and before I can even react he M1s me again.
I cannot go on like this anymore.
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Server desync
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What is this something they cannot correct in a day?
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Not if its caused by the client sending data to the server.
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"Its not Latency" " rather the killer is shown where they were nearly a full second in the past" That is the definition of latency. Please go pull up a dictionary.
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Its caused by ######### wifi connections from people who cant pay $20 for 100 ft of ethernet cable. it could also be the way their servers are set up such as servers not having enough bandwith to all run at once or the servers being in a bad location, or god forbid BHVR couldnt afford qaulity ethernet cables with their auric cell money.
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We've always had people on wifi connections though - after the update things are noticeably worse.
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From footage taken and synced from both POVs you can see it very much is a latency issue. my guess is its something on BHVR's end. but mc donald wifi killers arent a myth, i get them from time to time. worse is the survivor who cant die because they have moon walked out the map before disconnecting 3 minutes later
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Server Desync. Nothing to do with connection.
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That's what I was thinking.
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Spirit says hi.
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because this game is trash?