Killer Mains Must be Loving the New Update

I play killer as well but not as much as survivor. Are killer mains enjoying the update? Cause survivors sure arent. Every match I’m in the killer wipes the floor with survivors and can usually do it while hopping on one foot and blind due to the hit boxes. I mean it’s gotta be like shooting fish in a barrel for Killer mains.
Kinda but not exactly, playing killer feels completely normal, I just play blight who can manage to wipe the floor with people 3 times before they hit the ground
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Sure, there's plenty of killers enjoying the easy hits. There's many killers out there who don't - they don't want their job to be easy street then anyone could do it.
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I guess I’m being kinda snarky here but every killer I’ve encountered isn’t even pulling punches or showing a bit of pity. They don’t have to but darn. Since this update I’ve at least tried to let one survivor live. It just feels like unnecessary try harding when they honestly don’t have to due to the update giving them a free pass. I’ve even had killers recently keep hitting me on the hook cause I dared to try sometimes even if it’s pointless during the update. Idk it almost feels like the broken hit boxes have brought out the worst and toxic killers.
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You say that in the same update that has given "The Game" up to a literally 24 pallet spawns per(The average # of pallets per game from what I know is 8-12).
Also playing a killer who has to manage their power is disorenting but is outright nightmarish if you also are using Devour Hope/Whispers making it so you also have to look at the bottom right corner constantly.
This is making you literally having to look around the screen in circles just to try to get all the info you'd need which is eye-straining to say the least.
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I’ve played the game map a lot since the update, and while it gives survivors a slightly better chance, due to it being a small map and the large hit boxes, neither me or any of my teammates have gotten away, much less even finished the gens. The closest I ever got to my team and I winning a match on the game map was when we managed to get the gens down to one.
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Killers are sick of survivors tbagging on the the other side of magic bus invisible wall and abusing fat shame spots
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Fat shame spots are everywhere, including for survivors. I’ve encountered them all over the swamp map.
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BWAHAHA you're [BAD WORD] spot on right there
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You mean the bus that had its maps disabled immediately after it was found? Seems like a bit of a weird thing to be upset about considering the desync is still prevalent.
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I don't feel any difference in hit boxes.
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It's a desynch issue with the servers. What looks like a BS hit on the survivor's side looks perfectly normal on the killer's. They're not suddenly getting hits across the map.
In fact, sometimes it's the opposite. Sometimes you'll swing at the survivor's back and somehow whiff because both your sides told a different story, and the server chose them. To the killer, it looks BS, but the survivor probably believes they juked a hit, making noticing it much more difficult.
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We can't disable hitboxes now, can we? Besides grim pantry is still in game
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Wondering what the death rate has been at these past few days.
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It doesn't matter what role I'm playing to determine that this update was a mess. Do you think that the free hits are worth the rest of the update to most people? Probably not.
Infact, it's made my experience as killer even worse. Why you may ask?
- Hitboxes aren't just broken on survivor because my weapon has went right through them like they were a ghost multiple times.
- I'm not used to the UI on killer so sometimes I won't notice if somebody that was slugged got picked up, etc.
- Wood simulator on The Game.
- There is a whole lot more DC's from survivors because of the broken hitboxes.
- Longer queue times as killer due to a lot of survivor players taking a break from DBD (not surprised).
- Etc.
There might be a few good things that came from this update, but I can assure that's as good as it gets. I want to work for my wins as killer & not have unfair chases as survivor.
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Guess that's one for the killers - and disabling the maps was the right thing.
When survivors were getting stuck in droves on maps with the hill ramp they left that in for weeks.
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What would make you think Killer mains would enjoy the update more than survivors?
If anything the update has been worst for the killers than survivors, the UI changes makes having a clear view of the game while chasing someone way harder, and the showcaed OoO and DS nerf still aren't a thing, and let's not even talk about keys.
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You're either the luckiest person alive or just extremely oblivious because they are god awful right now.
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Well yes actually.
The hits may look the same for killer but survivors cannot manage distance correctly if their hitbox is not in the correct position. It still nets easier for killer when survivor players cannot control their mechanics.
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I keep hearing about these broke hit boxes and wondering when do "I" get to have one. :) I've been playing a Tier-1 Myers and have NEVER whiffed as much as I have in the last several days since the update. Did all the Killers but Myers get a broken hit box that is bigger, while mine is even smaller than before? :)
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I played three games today on Killer and not once did I feel a weird hitbox. I had the same near-misses I always do, and missed several attacks due to Dead Hard.
People on the forums are acting like M1 has become some kind of localized polearm or hand grenade.
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Nope, because every single trial is 3-minute gens unless I'm running an s-tier killer with some of the nice trimmings. It was kinda fun at first, but the event kind of made even solo's genrush.
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I had a guy get salty on me just an hour ago because I stretched out a game on Hawkins for their benefit. He said, "imagine taking 30 minutes to 4K on Hawkins with a Scratch Mirror Myers." I was like, well I was trying to do you a solid after your first person disconnected and then the next suicided on the hook. No gratitude. In fact, I'm having problems getting to complete a game (now that I think of it). I had one team, the ENTIRE team, disconnect right after one person took a single hit from me on Lerys. I'd LOVE to get me some of those fast paced, rough games. What region are you in MadLordJack? Can I get in your que?
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Most of the broken hit boxes are coming from killers like Freddy, Doctor, Ghostface, and Leatherface and Clown. Probably more honestly.
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Not really. The new UI is horrible for killers. Also, the new survivor animations look quite bad from the killer's perspective.
That said, I will say survivors got the short end of the stick with this update. But that's what happens when the devs push bad changes through.
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Here's the thing that most survivor main have a very, VERY hard time to get :
The hitboxes are fine. They DID NOT change with the patch.
The problem isn't the hitbox the be ping between killer and survivors that is extremely desynced.
They dont want to believe that on the killer side, all thos "bullshit hitbox hits" they keep complaning about are in fact perfectly legit hit that the killer made, but they were delayed on their screen because of some majorly ######### up backend stuff.
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That would make sense. Hopefully the DEV will get that handled. Or perhaps it would be better if the game also sorted people by their Ping. :)
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It literally looks the same on Killer side. Nothing has changed, besides The Game getting 6 new god pallets.
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People might over-exaggerate it a bit on the forums but it's definitely happening. I've noticed that my queue times as killer are longer & I can bet it's because of survivors leaving due to the hitboxes.
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As a killer main I don't enjoy the gameplay now after the update.
The survivor animations look like I am chasing a headless chicken jelly.
Hitboxes work against me. I've tried to get those 10 miles away hit, but instead they manage to drop a pallet 10 miles away and stun me.
Really, decided not to force myself into playing this game even though there is an event in progress. I am gonna wait for the fix, and launch the game just to collect those 50,000 BP
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Please school yourself on the difference between hitboxes and desync. This isn't a hitbox issue.
On the killers screen, the hits largely look fine.
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I've been enjoying the new Clown, also love that all the killers now have extendo arms with this update. Totally love getting hit from about five meters away
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I mean, I am not saying hitboxes are great right now. I've had my share of vaulting a window on my Meg, taking four steps away from the window as I fully clear it, and then going down.
I'm just saying I have not noticed a difference this week.
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Not to mention killers would complain that survivors were exploiting the hill if they got stuck because survivors would do gens freely. Meanwhile if survivors got stuck it was free hooks for the killers.
How is the hitbox issue not also exploiting by that logic?
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Not to mention either me or one of my teammates are spawning near the killer. I just had a match where I spawned near a killer and take two steps and was immediately hit and downed before I knew where I even was. It’s like they decided to take a hammer to this game and just pound away and hope it still works in the end.
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I'm on Aussie servers and I'm sick of killer right now. My ques are taking 10 minutes, my opponents are all sweaty AF because the casual players left, and my survivor cues are instant, which is just salt in the wound to any Oceania killer mains out there.
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Idk what you are talking about, when I swf with a few of my friends we escape almost every match.
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Honestly, I have seen so many Safe pallets I feel my name should be Ashe Katchem.
The hitboxes are a 50/50..Sometimes I hit the survivors sometimes they teleport thou me like they where never there.
However, I am on xbox I have yet to have people stun me from 100 feet away or hiting people from another reality.
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Bruh wym, you think the hitboxes are better for killer or something? You don't even play killer, stop talking like you do. Disgusting.
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Bruh, I do play killer. I play both. Stop talking like you even asked me if I did or not.
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Nah the UI is even worse for Killers because of the first person camera. At least Survivors got individual hook counters.
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Killers are affected too. 😅 Had a tier 3 Myers swing through my character twice.
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Not really. Hit detection is weird on both sides. The survivor animations are a bit awkward to look at, now that I played with game a bit.more. I am a console peasant. I have a PC but my main account is console.
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Most people (including OP) are terribly misinformed about the "Hitbox" issue right now.
It's not hitboxes it is desync. From the Killer player's perspective, them swinging and hitting you looks the same as it did before. From the Survivors' perspective, however, it looks like the killer is lunging much farther and still connecting with hits. A lot of survivors are taking hits they shouldn't not because of the "hitboxes", but because they are unable to accurately judge the distance between them and the killer because that distance is being misrepresented.
So on the Killer side, and from experience, all that is happening this update is that survivors just aren't dropping pallets quickly enough for some reason. From the survivor side, yes, it feels awful.
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I'm ok with that map being disabled as well please
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Ohh if all it took to balance que times is bad hits I should play freddy more thanks
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It made my killer experience worse cause it got easier Idk how y'all play
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Really? I can't get solo teammates to do gens
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If anything this update will definitely encourage more people to play as killer. Survivor lobbies aren't taking as long. So there's that.
I haven't played killer regularly in years, but have gone back now. Not because it's easier, (it always was) but because I still want to play the game and playing as a survivor is a miserable experience right now. We've all had issues that make us want to take a break. But between the hitboxes and de-piping, (at least for me) If not for killer, I would have stopped entirely. It's just not fun.
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Killer queues take forever now. As killer main I would prefer this desync issue was solved as soon as possible.
Haven't played as survivor yet, but from killer's perspective hits feel normal. I've seen videos about hitbox bullshit since 4.5.0 update. That probably explains why survivors running straight lines without trying to juke most of the times. They just don't realise that killers on screen are closer than they appear. Hit range probably match with red stain currently.
Also I often get on a other side of pallet after stun. It's a good opportunity to take enduring, but survivors' position is already awful, so it's better not to make it worse.
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Let's not exaggerate all of sudden. It just went from instant tag to less than a minute tag.
That said, the fact that the change happened, without any new killer released, is pretty... telling.