Reverting to old goofy animations would actually make me quit

Because the new animations are the first big step ive seen in really creating a good horror setting. All the maps/reoworks post Dead dog saloon have been great but i feel like the moment is really what ties it together. Its not even that i love THIS movement set its that i hate seeing survivors magically spinning on the ground and all the other 360 era qualities of the previous movement set. A lot of people just want to go back to the original because its more optimal and who even cares about atmosphere its all about BMing the killer. These are the types of people that until NEXT patch that have been catered too on hand and foot when it comes to balancing. If that leaks over to aesthetics too then ######### am i playing for? It would be a clear indication that the game isn't for horror fans its for people with repressed emotions and stan cams on twitter.

....our toxic community is a little more diverse than others due to the accessibility of playing survivor but regardless headassed just the same.

Hopefully they'll just make the current animations even better because if they make my Ash hunch over again i won't cope



  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50

    Oh and the last thing: if there werent any new animations you wouldnt be in the forums.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    I hit the nail on the head huh lol. Yeah im pretty good at that check out this.

    So you're saying, and it is you not me, that you want the animations to be realistic? And that's why you don't like the new animations because they're not realistic. So then you must really hate the own animations and want them to be changed right? Because They're even less realistic. And even if you're blind and say they aren't its still clear they need to be changed into something else right? Because they're not realistic.

    Also there's a reason i never said i wanted the animations to be realistic, i realize you don't actually care and only assumed thats what i wanted because i dislike the goofy glitchy animations of old. And im not really sure how to explain to you why but horror movies and games are the MOST unrealistic genre. How can something so fake scare so many people? Its because its about the VIBE the aesthetics create. Evil dead 2 is comedy drenched in absurdity,its in no way realistic. Its still one of the greatest horror movies of all time.

    What im trying to say is go watch Evil dead 2.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    Sorry but if you dont know what you are talking about you should first find some evidence.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    Also thanks for proving me right then, because indeed they are not realistic, while its totally the intention of the developers to make it look realistic.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Yeah they look they need to find somewhere to puke lol

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I get it. It’s oh so funny to say that. But that doesn’t make it really real you know? It doesn’t look like that at all.

    not saying they look realistic as in really injured btw.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    Fine alright alright they look like they are in the middle of having a heart attack because of the angle and position of the hand / need to vomit.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    Oh really? Because what you just showed me supports what i said 100%. It also supports what you said. Because you're saying the old animations need to be changed because they're not realistic. A dev saying "this is more realistic" is factual AND them saying it was to increase "immersion" is actually what im saying. So......

    And because i know you're going to say "well obviously it has to be realistic to be immersive!" Ill tell you again. Look at any good horror property. Halloween is not realistic. Nmoes, not realistic. Evil dead...its ######### evil dead. Not to get all horror elitist but i don't think this is even a concept exclusive to horror, people get immersed in romances and a action movies which can be just as unrealistic.

    Yes factually the survivors do look more realistic but if you look at what they that wasn't their intention. And this "piece of evidence" btw is all to support YOU telling ME that the new animations are not realistic and therefore should be changed, it can be implied you also want the old animations changed. I get you're trying to attack me but you are literally saying im right for the wrong reason which fine ig as long as we come to the same conclusion

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    That is all just poor visual feedback do to v-sync error. From the killer perspective, I've been having to get CLOSER to survivors currently to get the hit I should have, I was ending up a meter or so short in the last few games, and have to hug survivor butt to get the smack.

    Is there any video evidence showing contrary to what I said? If so I stand to be corrected.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You know what all of those things have in common? Heart attack, having to pop real bad (Obstipation) and direct need to vomit? They are feeling literal pain.

    yes the hand placement is oddly specific, but that’s just the thing if you only have one animation for injured survivors, it will almost never match the actual wound they would have gotten..

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    All im saying is that the old animations look way better than the new animations

    Also you saying: "Also there's a reason i never said i wanted the animations to be realistic, i realize you don't actually care and only assumed thats what i wanted because i dislike the goofy glitchy animations of old. And im not really sure how to explain to you why but horror movies and games are the MOST unrealistic genre. How can something so fake scare so many people? Its because its about the VIBE the aesthetics create. Evil dead 2 is comedy drenched in absurdity,its in no way realistic. Its still one of the greatest horror movies of all time."

    Basically means you actually shouldnt have cared that much about the old animations and that only the bugs of them shouldve been fixed, and also darling, if this update was released without the new animations, we wouldve never seen you in the forum complaining about the old animations, your just here to piss off people that are complaining, because this is the second time you've created a fuss about the old animations after the PTB, and you have no other discussions before that about such thing.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    What you're saying has nothing to do with what im saying. The game being broken and aesthetic design are separate topics it feels kind of silly to say Instead of fixing the problems they should just do nothing.

    Also hate to break it to you but its not evem true. I mean it is true hitboxes are broken just like they were a month ago. As a survivor im hit through vaults no matter what if its a drop, and really no matter what if they swing at me on a vault, but as a killer my weapon will phase through PC players. And its not just visually ive seen hits phase through PC teammates too. I have noticed no difference since this update as a survivor and haven't played enough killer to tell yet but this is just everyday xbox ######### so far

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    This is the second time you created a complaint about the old animations after the PTB, none before that, basically meaning you're just here to make people angry and acting as bait, if there was no new update for the animations you wouldnt have created these 2 threads, you are just here to devide more people, also no one asked for survivor locomotion changes because there was nothing wrong with them except for a few bugs, so if you are here telling me that you wanted changes to the locomotion, you shouldve asked for them before the PTB, its just pure coincedence that behaviour was so stubborn and deciding what we should like that they implemented them.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50

    Also you saying

    "Also there's a reason i never said i wanted the animations to be realistic, i realize you don't actually care and only assumed thats what i wanted because i dislike the goofy glitchy animations of old. And im not really sure how to explain to you why but horror movies and games are the MOST unrealistic genre. How can something so fake scare so many people? Its because its about the VIBE the aesthetics create. Evil dead 2 is comedy drenched in absurdity,its in no way realistic. Its still one of the greatest horror movies of all time."

    Is quite funny, because it basically means that the old movement wouldve been good if the bugs were fixed.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    Boy YOU the one angry at the changes not me did you forget 😂

    You also the only one mad, even the devs aren't mad they dgaf they got a bag. Like seriously how did anything i say about the GAME and HORROR make YOU mad. YOU aint even a part of the conversation homie you good chill out lol

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50

    Im saying you're acting like a white knight for changes that nobody asked for.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    Ok kind of skimmed over this because its still not what im talking about. If i started dressing in a suit and randomly attacking people on the street it wouldn't mean i don't need to wear a suit it means i need to stop attacking people. You apparently have no issues with the movement just that you aren't doing good in games

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50

    Your not talking, your attacking people with valid critiques, and if you can overreact in your title so can I

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    Not only did i not attack anyone, neither of you have even disagreed with me. Nurse basically admitted shes salty rn because of bad games. Simpabono immediately attacked me and the new animation for not being "realistic" which by extension attacks the old animations which was the entire point of the my post. I even specifically mention not being totally in love with the new animations and was more concerned about the direction of the games aesthetic

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50

    You're concerned about the games aesthetics? There was nothing wrong with the first animations except for some bugs? This game has been failing upwards for the last 3 months and you still believe that the first direction they took was the best direction? Implementing 2 things nobody cared about at all? Also if you are refering to me as "Simpabono" you should take a look at yourself, your promoting changes that nobody asked for, enabling their behaviour of doing stuff which everyone dislikes. If you are concerned about the direction of the games aesthetics at this very moment I believe you are actually promoting them not listening to critiques and making the game worse, in fact you right now have raised the bar, you are acting like them while at the same time being a customer yourself.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    But alright, dont listen to me, but dont complain when they implement something you dont like yourself and them not listening to you in the future because of your "white-knight" attitude now, not a lot of people like this change except for some people that blow it up with clickbait titles.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Imi all they have to do to "fix" the animations is to give them the old idle animation or give the survivors their idle stance from the lobby. Having all of them stand like David ready to ######### a dudes face up when they aren't moving is what kills it for me lol

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    They absolutely don’t have to revert but they do have to smooth out the current movements/animations. A little love on the new changes will only make it better. It’s unfortunate that there have been desync issues and bugs that made the update even more unpleasant for people unwelcoming to change. Minor tweaks and polishing to 4.5 will eventually lead to finesse.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Have you considered you're just wrong? You know, since pretty much everyone else thinks it looks like that.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    Cool story op.

    On the other hand, I, and most people with a pair of eyes, can see that thos animations are pretty bad. They are so stiff that the survivor don't even look like he's running anymore, but instead walking really fast.

    For an animation to work it need to have... weight, and movement. Both things the new animations dont have.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Have you considered everyone says it because it’s so funny and Meme-y, and not because it’s actually true?

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    Especially on the internet you cant say you're wrong because that makes you look weak, sarcasm. if thats the first thing people think off by seeing the animation that should be a clear indicator that the animation doesnt look right.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    They already said they take feedback of the community in consideration. (I also gave appropriate feedback in the official thread for this.. and did not just praise them)

    the new animations may not be perfect now, but neither were the old ones really. But the new ones are probably on a better technical level to actually improve upon and don’t drag old problems with them.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    I wish we could hold a poll and see how many people thought the old animations were a major problem and made the game so unplayable. Other stuff like DS and balancing couldve happened this patch instead of something useless what nobody asked for. What technical problems could animations cause? Only if they were poorly implemented in spaghetti code can they cause bugs for other components.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Yeah sure, the guys that worked on the animations would have instead worked on the DS change XD

    i have seen you using those outdated false arguments a lot. They only want our moneyz and all.

    no one directly asked for new animations, but they are greatly appreciated by many, and in the long run will probably improve not only aesthetics but also performance. I heard console performance increased in this patch, maybe that’s partially because the new animations are implemented for that purpose? And again: they are still working on it. Old animations were not super wrong but they were still outdated.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I don't think they look like that. In fact I think it's rather childish to think that. Them placing their hand over their stomach (which was the same as before by the way) and running at a different angle with more steps and an occasional trip does not at all look like they need to use the restroom. No it's not perfect but I never once thought a silly thing like that.

    I think one person pulled that description out of a hat and everyone stuck with it, just to agree with them. Again it's not a perfect animation. But I never once thought when I was running injured. Oh God my survivor looks like she's about to crap her pants.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    No one disliked the old animations. Just like no one disliked the old generator animations. That's not why they were changed. They were changed to make game look more realistic and immersive. You don't need to hate something for it to be changed. Especially when it comes to esthetics.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    "have seen you using those outdated false arguments a lot. They only want our moneyz and all."

    Its a company, they want money, they get money from customers who spend a fuckton on cosmetics and dlc's, sometimes they use "Whales", and other synical garbage, sometimes they abuse FOMO, making you feel like your gonna miss out on something special. Idk if you noticed hun but you dont know half of the garbage companies do to milk you dry of your money, have you noticed how they are trying to make Charms replace cosmetics last halloween events? Thats because they know that charms mean jack-#########, and then on top of that give exclusive deals on cosmetics that are only available for halloween? Remember the thing I said about fomo? You can call it outdated false arguments or "fake-news" but its prety much real, and still happening. ( a video representing how to catch "Whales")

    Skip the second vid to around 1:17

    Yeah sure, the guys that worked on the animations would have instead worked on the DS change XD

    Fine sweetheart, I ment resources and money, but alright, your right again.

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2021

    "Yeah sure, the guys that worked on the animations would have instead worked on the DS change XD"

    Time and money sweetheart, the guys arent the only one that make it happen.

    "i have seen you using those outdated false arguments a lot. They only want our moneyz and all."

    Boy if only you werent blind to the amount of DLC and ways to monitize the game, battlepasses (rift), auric cells, DLC's. But alright when your right your right. I dont even know how you came up with "They only want our moneyz" you realy think they care for us? The only changes happen when there's a major problem "When ######### hits the fan behaviour has a plan".

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Seriously I don't mind new animations. I didn't mind the old ones too.

    I don't have problem with either of them.