Ok, I lied

I said I was done playing till this is fixed.
New plan:
Make survivors suffer by playing killer instead. Sucks to be you guys. Mori city here I come!
oh no plz
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Oh yeah, I cant wait for the survivor main to start playing killer and realize that... sh!t, it's pretty hard and survivors are dicks.
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"The task ahead is terrible, and weakness cannot be tolerated"
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I’ve played enough killer to know that it’s pretty easy until you are playing red ranks.
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Treatening with mori's just isn't the same anymore man
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Okay, well the event has made even casuals and solo's slam gens for points so good luck I guess.
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It is easy at red ranks too, killer is a joke most the time as long as you have two brain cells to run together. Unless you're playing against a comp swf team that wants to bully, but even with the right killer and perks they too fall.
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I mean... let's be honest, anything outside of redrank is just a clown fiesta that you could win without even trying or any perks, on both sides.
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Two more MORI’s!!!
They thought I would show mercy...
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lol this is true red ranks survivor are nothing unless sweaty swf with OoO. this one is the worst. i dont care if i need to camp to kill if u get OoO
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i like this idea!
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hahahah fax <3
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Cant wait for 4 man escape against you all the time since you are so emotional. To play killer efficiently you need a cool head.
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Yeah!! Let's make BHVR fix the game by being dicks to other players and ruining their experience so they can complain about what I've been complaining about except this time I'm the problem!!
I'm so smart!!!
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Honestly, as a solo OoO was unusable. Lucky for killer mains and solos like myself will actually get uses out of the perk. It was a very unbalanced in a swf, the new OoO actually seems fun.
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So true, moris are just an stylish way to kill survivors now. I wish keys and the hatch had the same treatment someday.
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actually for me playing killer is more enjoyable, but the queue time is longer than survivor. Solo survivor makes the worst experience
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I still think that even with minimal experience as I have, killer is way easier than survivor. I haven’t taken any killer to red ranks yet, but as a red rank survivor main, all my knowledge of what killers do to beat me transfers over. So far I average 3-4 kills with a double-pip, and I don’t use cheap tactics or tunnel. I occasionally slug someone to slow survivor progress, but that is legitimate, not like I slug the whole team or anything. I can see how your average killer would be as dumb as your average survivor, all I play is solo queue, and believe me, there are a lot of them. What I find so far is that maybe one out of ten teams actually does gens. The rest of the teams have 1-2 decent survivors trying to do objectives, and then 2 idiots that don’t do anything. It really is easy to beat survivors when they are this dumb.
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I’ve had a couple, but in 50 matches, only 1-2 four man escapes for a relatively new killer isn’t bad. I’m already learning so much about the cheap add-ins that killer’s get to use all the time.
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You don’t think this was part of their mastermind plan to get more people playing killer?
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Because there clearly aren't enough people playing killer, hence why my survivor queues have been instant all week.
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Mine fluctuate depending on the time of day. Evenings take forever to get a match. 5-7 minutes. Late at night 11-3 they are pretty much instant. Kind of opposite of what everyone else describes. But there has been a major killer shortage for a long time, everyone knows that.
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i mean moris arent nearly as strong anymore. They're good for saving your hooks for later use, and can deny one ds per surv, but not nearly as brutal
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If a survivor main has played even a few matches solo they are well aware of just how many survivors are complete jerks.
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But there has been a major killer shortage for a long time, everyone knows that.
Correct, up until about a week ago when the patch dropped and so did the survivor population because the gameplay experience is so abysmal.
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Yes... I think we agree. This is all part of a master plot by BHAVIOR to turn all the player base into homicidal maniacs.
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Go for it. I won't be there.
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I'm sure everyone is quaking in their not-so-stylish shoes. Really? How old are you?
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You are playing a video game and using how old are you as an insult. SMH.
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I'm old enough to know empty threats just make us laugh, and that only children bother making them. :)
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You need to quit taking this so seriously. This whole thing is one big joke. Maybe play some less sweaty matches for awhile.
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Nope; I gotta be me. Sweaty all the way. I'll see you in the fog.
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