I've tried, I just cant anymore...

I keep coming back each day to try to play as survivor and, it's just unbearable. The desync, latency, hit box issue, is unplayable.
My 8 year old is having a blast pulling 4K's as Demogorgon!
"play something else for a week, try civilization"
but seriously at the end of the day you should play what you have fun playing maybe try killer or just play something else until they fix it.
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My advice is to go play something else or enjoy the easy 4ks. I want event items so I’m playing survivor but some matches are unbearable
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I am playing other games.
The point is, I come to DBD for a gaming experience I haven't found anywhere else. I've invested hundreds of hours and money. I would usually play 5+ matches a day. Now I play one and, log off because it's not fun.
My son is enjoying it though and, earning me some big BP's, lol!
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Do you get those a lot? I've looted quite some boxes and don't get that many tbh.
I also quit playing survivor now I have all my survivor challenges done in part 1 of the rift. The stupid hits makes me wanna pull my hair out :/
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I’m not getting many off the blood webs but I’m getting some. Currently have 18 toolboxes and 31 firecrackers
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I get some weird hits, too, but dont you all overreact? I still have no problems as survivor. When i lose, then bc my teammates play bad as usual. But i still have matches where the killer gets demolished.
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I dont think it's a over reaction. The games core mechanics, survivor movement and, syncing have been altered to a degree that is not fun.
I love this game, I keep trying to play every day. All of the fun risky moves that made survivor play style fun, dont seem possible anymore.
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It's bad right now. I'm also taking a break. The nail in the coffin for me is the completely absurd hits I'm getting as survivor. Every. Single. Game. I'm talking 5+ meter hits after a vault. Its simply unacceptable at this point and I've been playing since 2017.
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Okay so here is one of the biggest conundrums though.. a lot of people are having a miserable time with current bugs and trying to get used to significant changes but at the very same time there is a rift that people would love to complete all the way to tier 70 so even though taking a break or playing something else is the best solution you might feel like you won’t be able to make it and power through a grind that winds up being more tedious than fun.
I’ve been having a good time but I would be flat out lying if I haven’t snapped a few times and said eff these changes that I give up accepting the update blah blah but then queue up the next day and have some fun.
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My issue is the HUD.
Played 2 matches this morning, instant survivor q, escaped both times...and then had to turn off DbD because of a raging headache.
This is so disappointing- with the Lunar event and Rift, this is when I want to play and the HUD makes it too painful 😔
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I feel you. I also get some bad headaches from the game, but not from the HUD. In my case it's doctor's obnoxious flashing when you're in tier 2 or 3. Especially tier 3 is really headache inducing. The constant flashing and the face that is appearing in the screen makes it that I can only play one doctor match each day.
After the first one, I just go afk after I get shocked once and let the killer either farm me or kill myself on hook. I can't stand the doctor's tier 2-3.
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I haven't seen doctor too much lately. I like the idea of a sanity killer but often times he feels very oppressive. Combined with BBQ, you better find a locker.
The HUD is an issue but, I'm having problems with the movement and syncing. I like to play risky, Breakout builds and, save survivors. I feel like I can't judge the distance anymore or, make clutch plays.
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The challenge with this game, is it is an "experience" many of us can't find elsewhere. The game is in a ######### place (and I'm being kind) and there is no other game that comes close. I think the Devs know this, so we get half ass game because of it
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Every day we tell frustrated killers to play survivor instead. You know what? Play killer!
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You’re letting your 8 yr old play this?!
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Yeah... guess I'm not the only one who spotted that.
Hopefully his kid sees it as "Big white dog with funny face smack little people"
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Lol No you're not, you are over reacting a bit. Anless hunterss sniped you.
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Wait your allowing a child to paly this?
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Children already play it
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If your not happy with the game the best thing you can do is play something else. The devs will only make real improvements if a massive amount of people are upset or the player basis drops drastically.
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Don't even get me started with hatchet "Beach ball" hit boxes, that's a different can of worms that was made worse with this patch.
Also, no, this is no over reaction. Its every game. Have you not played this game since the patch? Go ahead and loop a killer with a window and tell me theres no hitbox or latency problems going on.
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My 9 yr old girl loves this game. So what, She understands the difference between "Real" and "Fake". She even likes horror movies.
This has had no ill effect on her whatsoever, except perhaps she want grow up to be a snowflake
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Good fan fic
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Do you think girls cant play horror games? Wow!
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sounds like you're burned out of the game. it happens with everyone.
take a week off or so.
it will do wonders
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Why you try to insert yourself into this lol
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A ton of parents let their kids that are under 10 play, usually as killer. Hop on FB to one of the DBD groups and you'll see plenty of parents talking about letting their little kids play as killer, some do it to derank or when they don't feel like playing to grind through rift/BP. It's funny to see parents mocking players getting upset that their kid killed them and at same time being offended at what the players send in angry messages because "they're sending these messages to a child!" 😂
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Well, I guess that explains the whining from survivors in endgame chat. lol
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I think it’s disgusting
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it is a common thing sadly, welcome to parenting 21st century edition
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A friend of mine who's 30 sent a salty message to a Freddy who tunnelled him. After they argued for a bit it turned out the Freddy was 11. He doesn't message people anymore 😂
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8 years old?
You're risking your kid to be exposed to some mighty toxicity playing this game.
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Why though? its a video game get over your self I've had a kid in the room while I was playing and you know what they didn't care because they know its just a video game.
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I can understand that but he can just turn off messages or hide the chat.
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A hidden chat can be revealed again with 1 click.
All that takes is the natural curiosity of a child.
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Ever Been on any cod game? Its a stereotype for a reason. My kid is to young to play really any games but if they can prove they can understand the difference between a game and the real world and don't go stealing my car because they think this is gta 5 im fine with them chasing survivors as killer. Also id have them play on my console with messages turned off. Also on another note im 22 but ive seen 10 year olds that play way better than me. Infact on overwatch theres a top 500 genji thats 12.
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i compare huntress hatchets to a M1A2 Abrams for a damn good reason
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Some people seem to think young kids shouldn't play this game. It's silly, I watched horror movies with murder, T&A, swear words, all of the above as a child and, I turned out just fine. I don't shelter my children and they know the difference between real and fantasy.
They love Stranger Things and if they want to slay survivors as Demogorgon, I'll gladly accept the BP's.
Beware survivors, I'm raising some gamers here, lol!
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Good for you that you turned off console messages, but i recall the comment saying "hidden chat", and that chat only exists on PC.
Half of your comment also isn't related to the issue i brought forth, the community's potential toxicity is unrelated to what's fiction and what's reality.
Don't really know why you bring up skilled kid-gamers, but okay.
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I think OP is saying it is too easy to play killer and he is right. I agree with this. I wouldn't doubt an 8 year could 4K a majority of games, it is that easy to play as killer. You can watch killer streams on twitch and they never lose. Anyone that denies this are out of touch with reality. Killer is too easy. And survivor is a miserable mess.
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He wasnt always able to 4k. He plays Demogorgon pretty exclusively and, he's not the strongest killer. Since the update though... murder fest!
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I May have been wrong XD
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That title is way darker than the post