Most unhealthy killer for the game?

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

I’m just wondering who people think is the most unhealthy killer for the game at the moment. This could be because they are too easy, too powerful, unfun to fight etc.

In my opinion it is spirit due to her ease of use and intense power along with frustration on the survivor end.



  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm going to say Spirit. I find Hag equally annoying, but that's just because of her typical playstyle. Hag's power isn't as fundamentally flawed as the Sprit's power imo.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Spirit or the Twins honestly. Spirit is quite easy to play, and gives survivors zero info when she's phasing. Must feel fun getting outplayed when you have zero info to work with. And the Twins are just a mess altogether for how bad they are. That's why people camp and slug with them so much, because their power sucks at everything else. Worst killer in the game, and playstyle is not healthy.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Spirit hands down. Freddy is a one second, but at least you can beat a freddy without guessing.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Currently id say Freddy can be even if he isn't actually overpowered (im still on the fence myself) but the fact that people dread him so much is not a good thing for the game.

    Besides that id say Spirit and nurse but more so spirit as other mentioned. Both feel like you will more often lose because the player played well regardless of how well you do which is unfortunate and not great for the health of a game. Both need more counterplay options imo

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited February 2021

    Spirit - I get the arguments about Nurse and while I don't agree with them at all let me put it like this.

    Both are quite strong but in the sense of Nurse you can see what she's doing before she does it. Even if her blinks are spot on and never miss at least you can see it coming and don't feel like you're completely unable to use game knowledge to your advantage because you can at least read her movements.

    With Spirit you legit cannot determine her actions. Not only is she absurdly strong but also unfun to deal with even a decent one because of how much of a guessing game it is. It's pretty much up to the Spirit to make mistakes for the game to be lost. All you can do is guess what she may do without reliable information aside from assuming a Spirit will do X.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    Legion or The Twins.

    Twins are only good at camping and slugging.

    Legion is only good at making people mend constantly.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Clear plague, I mean the poor girl is puking everywhere...jokes aside.

    Spirit needs just a effect like wraith and most invisible killers have but they actively seem to not wanna give It to her and treat It like It is a nurse teleport but in truth It is not. I am 80% sure It is because she is very much "popular" to main. On top of that she has a "Passive" phase as well..But,really I think It is more a problem bubba and billy have as well where you can't really figure out her range cause her weapon is hid up her butt so you get hit by a hit you would think would not go thou.

    also, gonna put a bet If her husk was removed she would win a lot less.

    Freddy is unhealthy because he does not even have to touch you to get his effect off or interact with you. So, most his time is spent setting up pallets and pools and teleporting to gens. I would argue he is one of the more braindead killers do to the fact the game more or less does 90% of the work for you...He is a M1 killer in denial.

    Personally, the huntress...Her humming gets on my nerves and I am 80% sure most pc huntress have a aim bot cause they hit you from the illogical places.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 575

    I want to say Deathslinger due to personal bias and because the ability to zone survivors just by existing thanks to the ability to instantly shoot is quite frankly, stupid and frustrating.

    But it probably should go to Hag, who just picks a few gens to set up a bunch of traps on and doesn't chase. Then when she downs someone she proxy camps via traps while out of range enough to activate Make Your Choice.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Spirit and or Nurse

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Can confirm they are my fav killer but they're garbage or terrible to play against period

  • Sacre
    Sacre Member Posts: 38

    Spirit is just entirely blind guesswork

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Freddy with a slow down build. Most boring games I've ever played. I want to have fun and excitement, get chased, juke the Killer or die trying. Not slog through 30 minutes of trying to repair gens because he decided 3-gen'ing from the start was a good idea. He does nothing and gets passive slowdown effects, which can be worsened with an add-on. At least make him have to interact with the Survivors before getting buffs.

    Spirit needs a bit of balance I think. She's the easiest Killer to kill with for any level of play because there isn't much you can do besides walk away when you hear the turbine. I don't think she's that bad though, any Killer is great when played by a great player. I feel a lot of people want to run everywhere and they don't think about the fact that's partly how she tracks when she's phasing and they need to walk more often.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
  • All of em. Killer should be removed entirely

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Freddy is by far the worst to go against. A decent nurse or spirit is hard and annoying to try to counter but I find even a mediocre Freddy almost impossible if you're solo queue.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Legion, simply because healing against him is absolutely a huge waste of time. The second he sees you, he will not only injure you but he will injure your whole team. The best strategy to go against Legion is to scatter and repair gens alone far away from each other but the truth is nobody follows this tactic, nobody knows how to follow this tactic even if they are aware of it, and there are just far too many situations where Legion will still be able to wound the entire team within seconds.

    In addition to this, all Legion players run Sloppy Butcher and nurse's calling so it only adds more reason not to heal. Bad players waste so much time on healing, only to get injured moments after fully healed. It is so annoying.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Pyramid Head is the stupidest Killer in this game. No cool down dummying long range. Can spam long range without any repercussion. Counters most second chance perks. Can easily still tunnel out of the cage. Can hook without even hooking. Just so much power for a Killer. I'd rather face any other Killer even a top tier PC Nurse than a Pyramid Head.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    PH main here.

    PoTD isn't very long range without add-ons, covering slightly more distance than the lunge attack, given that it slows PH down before and after he uses it, and it locks him in place while it's in use.

    In addition, PoTD projects where it's going with a red pattern on the ground, and is easy to dodge even at close range. If you manage to hit a survivor with PoTD while they aren't locked in an animation, well, that's a BA move right there. Or the survivor was being an idiot.

    PH can't see where his cage is, and the most reliable tip for finding it is "Its really far away." I myself rarely use it for anything other than stalling. Plus, you need to go through his trails without crouching to even be eligible for the cage.

    Also, you really shouldn't need any second chance perks to win. A second chance is meant to be used for when you screw up, not to be used willy-nilly like you don't know how to play the game.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 445
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    While I don’t like the fact that pyramid head counters second chances by existing he’s actually pretty balanced imo

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    No matter how good a slinger is. a good survivor team will Run through him reguardless. He has 0 map pressure And is 110%

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    That is very true. He was designed to be chase heavy and lack pressure

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 137

    Hag hands down, especially the ones who run mint rag and rusty shackles.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I personally disagree but that’s fair those addons are nutty

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Alot of people ######### bout slinger. but like.. just rush gens and he can't do much besides stalling time to hook and get pop / ruin off =D

  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172

    Doc can repeatedly shock the hook and it will be literally impossible for anyone to unhook unless they have desperate measures, they get stunned just before unhooking. He can't get more downs doing this but he is the outright best at confirming a single facecamp kill

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Second chance perks are needed like BT & Unbreakable. It's not for winning it's literally the only chance a survivor has if they want to last the game more than 5 minutes...

  • GravyRobbers85
    GravyRobbers85 Member Posts: 69

    Pyramid Head was the unhealthiest addition to this game

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Nea always taking my ability to see

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Legion. His gameplay is absolutely awful to play against as survivor because it involved more stand in one place holding a button down. He isn't stellar at downing people and the counter is no more engaging than "Just do gens because if you're injured he is an m1 killer" AKA just pump and dump the game asap.

    On the Legion's side, he has to self-stun for something like 4 seconds? which means using his power in a solo chase is just as inefficient as actually hitting the survivor twice. If survivors spread out then you're actually toothless, and again, you're an m1 killer if people play injured much like plague.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    The spirit, Freddy, Oni and the twins.

    Personally I feel hopeless against them.

    Very good perks, speed ability and easy map pressure.

  • dodgeduckdipdive
    dodgeduckdipdive Member Posts: 14

    Doc / Freddy are by far the most "anti-fun" IMO

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    The Neaity has spoken!

    Thanks for the 😂. I needed it.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618
    edited February 2021

    even the best nurse can be destroyed when you are very good survivor, especially if she plays without cooldown addons

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Not really tbh. The best nurse will hit like 90% of blinks and that will mean like 20 second chases. Plus her insane mobility and snowball it’s not very hard

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited February 2021

    Spirit. I don't think she's necessarily easy, because higher ranked survivors can outplay mediocre spirits, but once you become a good spirit (or if you're a mediocre survivor like me), there is less counterplay than to nurse. Nurse gives you information that you can act upon, but spirit denies that information, which is why she feels "cheap" when you get hit out of nowhere. 

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    Nurse and for a simple reason : She is the most glaring case of BVH design style when it comes to kiler, the stronger their skill is, the most obnoxious it is to use.

    There's a reason why she is the least used killer in the game, she is EXTREMELY anoying to play as. There's NOTHING worst than having to deal with that constant blinding and head bobing every time you finish some TPs, and having the bling guess how far your tp will go, hopping you will end up on the right side of a wall is just the worst.

    On the suvivor side it's not much better since when mastered, the nurse will be painfully punishing and without much counter play (there's still some, way less than for spirit, but still some).

    I can't see where is the fun when playing a game when the biggest "difficulty" comes from an UI constantly slapping you on the nuts and spiting in your eyes while you are trying to use it.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Deathslinger. You don't even have to play DBD to play him well; just play Battlefield with a single-shot rifle. As long as you get a basic understanding of the tiles, you're good to go.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    None, haven't seen a killer yet that can't be beat. Plenty of survivors that hand the match over though.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 445

    Campathon Cannibal

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    Leatherface. He's frustrating and oppressive for new players to cope with. Yet he's not usually considered viable at red ranks and gets turned out by competent swf. He shouldn't be able to munch on newbs so badly yet ultimately kinda suck and possibly be needing buffs. It feels dirty to consider that! but I've seen good killers getting just mopped by veteran survivors so they prefer not to play him at high ranks. He could probably do with some tweaking to be more viable over all and less of a puppy kicker.

  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Member Posts: 453

    Leatherface. Dude has probably made so many new players uninstall.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,164
    edited February 2021

    Spirit and Freddy are the top two.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    Spirit and twins