Why does it seem like they're trying to make killers op

I just faced a spirit and I couldn't hear any audible cue of her location, invincible Freddy, a hag with almost no heartbeat, now killers have longer lunges, and numerous amounts of other perks, powers and add ons, while survivors have perks and that's it, alot of people say well its four survivors, well that's four survivors with four different play styles most survivors play like if you die in the game you die in real life or you play with entitled survivors that feel like they shouldn't have went down first or to quick or whatever the case and dc I've lost so many games by people rage quitting or the killer just tunneling, can survivors get more running speed at least or unbreakable pallets unless the killer has blood lust because we all know killers need extra movement speed lol


  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yes, the pallets where added to the game to compensate for the change. And while the game has more pallets than any other map, it has also less vaults than any other map. And vaults are eternal. But once pallets are gone, they are gone. Pallet-dependend maps grow more killer sided with ever pallet that drops.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    Killers are only strong if you're a bad survivor. This includes both mechanically bad and also a lack of understanding of how the survivors are a team. If you make decisions that are better for you over the team, you will lose more often than win. If you make decisions that are better for the team, you will win more than lose.

    You will win at least half of your games if you just do gens and hide. You don't even need to be good at chases.

    How I know that you're a bad survivor is because you complain about tunneling. Tunneling cannot be done without losing the game for it. If most of your games killers are tunneling, you are playing at a low level because the killers aren't playing to win the game. Most people also complain about tunneling when the reality is that they just have bad team mates that sandbag them.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Yeah the game pallets is definitely wrong. As is the breakable walls.

    Autohaven though after rework was awful for both pallets and tiles.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    [Insert one of the numerous nice bait images from this forum I keep forgetting to save]

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2021

    Play killer sometimes and you'll realize that survivors are actually OP. I play both. Yeah there are some killers like Spirit and Freddy that seem a bit broken (especially Freddy's lunge), but if you know what you're doing with survivor, there is no one single killer in this game that is OP. It only takes brain, unless you aren't facing a God Nurse... in this case there isn't much you can actually achieve.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Why did I giggle so loud at this?

    I love how transparent you are xD

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288
  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Wow, so much bullshit in a single sentence

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Asking the forum for tips about gameplay has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Its clear from your response that you don't get it.

    Look up fetish I don't think you understand what that means either.

    The killer is not god, they are the antagonist, if the antagonist is weak then there is no challenge, is my point.

    The fact that the antagonist is also a person and its PVP muddies the water a lil bit, but killers should be a threat or there is no real gameplay. Survivors aren't on equal footing and shouldn't be, but the survivor team can win if they coordinate well, that's the point.

    Weak killers that can be beaten easily one on one by survivors undermine the very theme of the game. Survival horror!

    If you want bland by the numbers gameplay then asymetric horror survival isn't for you.

    I've been very clear in making this point, if you can't grasp it then there is nothing more I can do, but hey that's the internet for you. Think what you like. But the game suffers everytime the killer role gets watered down.

    Why do you think the last questionare was about is the game scary, when was the last time you felt like you wanted to flee from the killer, rather than have them chase you so you could waste their time?

    That's not survival horror that's M1 simulator with Scooby Doo esq. loop scenes.

    I'm all for puting the tension back into the survivor role its makes it vastly more fun to play otherwises its really bland.

    Why you keep bringthing this back to some motivation on my part to play killer and dominate others I have no idea. You are assuming motivation becasue you appear to lack any objective rebuttal.

    Here I'll engage in some assumed motivation for you, if you get off on dominating killers by outlooping them as survivoir and draw your motivation for the game from that, then maybe you should talk to someone about your personal inadequacy issues and try and find some success in real life. Then you could enjoy the game as a survival horror rather than a need to outpreform someone online. Do you suffer from impotence maybe?

    (That last section is just snide but I wanted to demonstrate your argument style in a form you might understand, its all assumed hyperoble and is nothing but wasted argument, this is an example of poor debate, try and learn from it).

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    It only sounds OP at low ranks, where it's more in the favor of killers. Remember that as survivor rank up, they begin to understand the value of teamwork, and put their four heads into one for synergy. Remember, it's a 4 v. 1, and while spirit excels in 1 v. 1, she's hopeless in a 4 v. 1 with efficient survivors.

    Survivors get more perks than the killer. Not only do survivors get 16 per match, they have more to choose from. Really, get out of low ranks and see how it becomes a much more balanced playing field. 

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869


  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Yeah you're right but it's hard to level you with these tank resets every month I was at a rank 4 tank reset level ten this game is actually giving me a headache fun to play though irritating nonetheless

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    It seems like the same every time you get down to three or two gens killer knows all the locations to the gens, I don't think its that hard for a killer to look around to find gens like survivors do especially with bbq I've played the same type of game multiple times today very irritating

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    The killer starts off knowing where every gen is. They're highlighted in red. Do you ever play killer?

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Yes I definitely have kindred and even with that perk teammates play like potatoes and that's what gets me the resources seem very limited, even with jukes to me it seems like you barely get any reward out of it with the killer being so quick, but thanks for the feedback

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Thank you I'm starting to understand a lot more I wish I would've started playing when the game first came out sounded like some good times lol

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    I also don't want a game that's the same every time rage quitting , tunneling, killers with op powers and survivors that can drop pallets and vault windows, that's a survivors claim to fame to hit a window at a precise angle to not get grabbed or a m1 and even with a clean vault still get hit from latency, very fun

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    I think i said tunneling was one issue but we know killers love tunneling great players that might have looped the killer for to long I think you're just a killer main that tunnels lol

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Wow I like that comment couldn't have said that better myself because no ones scared of the killer their scared of being caught its just frustrating at times that no matter what strategy you come in with it's more then likely bound to fail due to other survivors or op killers with a 4.6 running speed to a survivors 4.0 running speed and the killers speed made faster with add ons that's just weird to me

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Lol I find nurse to be one of the easier killers unless you're facing a God nurse like you said, but I think I use my brain very well but being in a 4v1 with players that don't think how you think it's allot harder to survive it's almost like in a movie there's always only one or two survivors because the other survivors aren't to bright, but take away most resources because of other survivors and the killer knowing where you have to be at all times and your objectives they'll probably be no survivors but hey its just a game

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Do I have to that was a stupid response and I thought this forum was to leave your opinion about the game I didn't know we were limited thought

  • Rainn
    Rainn Member Posts: 12

    So some killers are ofc not as easy to get kills with. For instance hard killers like the nurse are difficult to get kills with. However this game is super unbalanced. What I mean is that a killer like hag can put down multiple traps at one given time and instantly teleport to it. We're as the trapper takes much longer to put down a trap and on top of it they can only put down one trap at a time as well as if someone gets caught in a trap they have to book it to the trap that could be across the map and have to search the map for traps. They know this is an issue with a few killers like trapper, clown, pig, huntress, wraith, ect. All of these killers have a sharp draw back when you play them. But instead of reworking them or eliminating them altogether they just nerf tf out of the survivors. Or in the most recent update change movement speed and how your camera functions to prevent you from 360ing or moving the camera faster to view nearby objects. The devs have stated many times they want to make it possible for all killers to get kills. But not all killers are created equal. This game repeatedly has shown me that it is one sided. And the community is filled with toxic salty sour trolls that instead of getting good they cry and the devs just nerf until they are happy. Honestly the only reason this game is doing so well is because its the only game of its kind out there. And anyone who thinks the Friday the 13th game is just as good or similar is kidding themselves. If you were offended by anything I said you are one of those salty trolls I mentioned before. (Never named a side but we all know what side it is)

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    So you're saying theirs almost no way I should come on the game and have fun and survive unless my teammates are good wow ok

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Wow you hit that right on the spot especially it being the only game of it's kind this is the only game I'm finding satisfying when you win but very irritating at some of the mechanics but yeah if their was something similar to dbd I would've left a long time ago thanks for being patient though and helping someone kind of new to the game understand it allot more

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    I know that part I think that's why most killers win games when you know where and what objectives are done at all times I don't think it hurts to bad to slow the killer down for what a few seconds to locate a gen

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Right that's what I was thinking like did this guy even proof read his comment, is he trolling me, is he mad lol, I just wanted feedback I like this game allot and there's allot of people on here that really helped me understand and not give up on a fun game

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Because despite all of the powerful killer chase powers, survivors who are efficient on gens will escape a majority of the time unless the game puts them in a spawn of the map where they have actually nothing to work with.

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Ok well this rank reset is killing me I was at rank 4 playing with some decent players now I'm at rank ten and these survivors are playing like their actual life is on the line

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Eh not really the game is slowly becoming more balanced. Glad they're nerfing OoO and making DS more fair. Honestly though I don't really see that killers are OP and I play solo. Most of the time the mistakes come from my team mates. Maybe you're just not a good looper or bad team mates.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Yes. Same as any other multiplayer game where you are on a team (and literally all team sports as well) if your team is trash, you'll likely lose. Losing isn't fun, so you'll be unhappy. There is no amount of buffs or nerfs to any side that will change that.

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Wow you're trying so hard to make your opinion true in most if not all multiplayer games you all get the same advantages in dbd the killer gets most of the advantages, stop it

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Yeah, the unfortunate thing about rank reset for survivors is that it literally sets back your skill, since survivors are all dependent on each other.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    These long lunges are not intended features, they're bugs. And your teammates DCing has nothing to do with strength of the killer role. It's literally your teammate screwing the rest of you. But remember this about killers, their perks and add-ons: they're supposed to do something for the killer. Machete Man is not strong enough to beat survivors. OP killer powers, perks or add-ons would be things that do too much for their rarity. Most killer add-ons are hot garbage.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    Objectively speaking killers are clearly at a disadvantage. The issue is that the vast majority of survivors, even at red ranks, are not very good at the game, so to them it feels like the killer is over-tuned. If however your team consists of legitimately skilled survivors and you’re facing a legitimately skilled killer, you have a considerable advantage due to how the game is designed to compensate for “potatoes.” Notwithstanding the SWF issue where they literally bypass the intended mechanics of the game with comms. Even a super skilled nurse/spirit is at a huge disadvantage when facing a skilled SWF.

  • Thinking they’re making killers op lmao are you serious?

    the gens have never felt faster in all the time ive played this game and the maps at the moment are abysmal. You spend more time breaking pallets and smashing walls than you do chasing. By the time you’ve opened up the map the gens are done and the survivors are waiting to tbag you at the exit.

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Yeah you're right it seems like the same type of game playing solo you get down to three or two gens and it just all falls apart or most people rage quit on first hook guess I need to find some swf groups lol

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that it's a 1v4 game? You want the killer to be balanced to a single survivor, but that would mean every game would be too easy for survivors and wouldn't be any fun for anyone. The killer should be stronger than any 1 survivor, otherwise we may as well make it 1v1.