Hits Won't be Fixed for 2 Patches???



  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    That is the sign of many states lifting lockdown restrictions and people being able to go out and do things other than sitting at home playing video games.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2021

    That doesn't explain the jump in 2019 which was the actual peak for this game.

    That also doesn't explain why other games on steam haven't seen the same drop.

    People will play video games if the product is good.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited February 2021

    It's not like we have to wait for two mid-chapter patches. Both of the patches will most certainly be rolled out by the end of the month.

  • And your whining proves you're a biased survivor main.

    I never said the hits at the moment are good, clearly they are an issue and need to be addressed. My point is how when wonky hits hurt survivors its a priority that has to be addressed within weeks, whereas when wonky hits affect killers its put on the backburner for 2+ years. It's a joke.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I already completely destroyed your argument on this earlier and you ignored that. The difference is aim dressing is a minor inconvenience, the current state of hits for survivors is virtually unplayable. It would be like if you were completely unable to hit a survivor no matter what. You cant avoid hits

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    Ikr. They mentioned hit registration as priority issue.

    And they are leaving it till 2nd hotfix. So disappointed...

  • ManInaPickle
    ManInaPickle Member Posts: 36

    Basically blame consoles and their patch approval process.

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    The game is not dying, yet.

    You did all the possible mistakes, so your numbers are decreasing, whats new?

    A lot of us already looking for a new main game. One day we will find one, and you will be in trouble.

    And you will just standing there, in the middle of the ruins of your "pretty good job", with hands on the hips, shaking your head and say

    • Well guys, sorry, but its not worth it anymore.

    But there will be noone to listen you, except a negligible few that never mattered.

    And yes, you can finally sit back and enjoy your deserved place in the forgotten games between F13 and Deathgarden.

    Because thats what you want, right?

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Went to ######### right at the twins release. Go figure. What a waste.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2021

    Nobody said this update affects killers. LITERALLY NOBODY SAID THAT!



    You think maybe just maybe....the devs prioritize one side over the other? it's not as if there's YEARS of evidence proving this.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • lmao you didnt destroy anything get over yourself. Losing a hit can massively change the outcome of a trial especially if it happens multiple times.

    Your post just proves my point lmfao "oh it affects killers? meh minor inconvenience". THATS LITERALLY MY POINT!

    And no I played survivor and it was far from unplayable. Some funny looking hits for sure but not unplayable. What an exaggeration. You forget that on the killers side everything appears normal so no killers arent suddenly having the easiest games ever. If a survivor drops a pallet or vaults a window on the killers side they still cant be hit

  • It's always fluctuate about that amount- but sure run around screaming the end is coming the end is coming while throwing your cardboard sign around- but in the real world people understand what actual cause and effect is.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2021

    Whiffing a hit as killer is a minor inconvenience. Maybe you're setting yourself up for some devastating whiffs or whiffing 3000x the amount of everyone else, but it's not that big of a deal, barely an inconvenience. So when you say you've played survivor in the current update and are comparing the two things as like, you're either a liar or you tried one match and didn't get chased. It's game breaking. Survivor queues are about 20% of what they were, and killer queues have skyrocketed. Whatdayathink that could possibly be caused by? My entire swf refuses to play the game until its fixed. I'm a bit heartier and stick it out on both sides, I'm telling you and the community agrees, the hits are ######### ridiculous and bhvr won't be getting any money from me (I promise you I'm a 1% contributor money wise to this game, because it's the only game I play and I love it and money's not a huge object on this scale) until they fix this bs.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited February 2021

    Unbroken emblem is actually bugged. It’s not a visual bug. Why are they saying it’s a visual bug??

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    do you need to trash every forum people in here ? why you so entitled killer main, you can't even play survivor yet you trash talk survivor in each argument.

    I'll make it clear for you since you clearly have poor reading comprehension



    okay i'll make it clear for you since you clearly have poor brain comprehension



    got it ? even most killer main agrees this #########

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    this litterally has the dip when most companies stopped allowing people to work from home or retail giving unpaid, unpenalized time off thus more and more people went back to school, work, holidays it fits but not the narrative you're trying to say.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    on survivor's screen they are bs hits, on killer screens they are not. ALSO Killers missing so many hits they should have had but on survivor screens the hits weren't there. this is not a hitbox issue but a desync issue and it's showing how many people don't understand that is how it is happening. EITHER WAY IT NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH.

  • Boot
    Boot Member Posts: 17

    I wish I could say I'm surprised but having game ruining bugs fixed or god forbid dealt with before release would be the real surprise.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    That it comes in the second hotfix does not mean it's not a priority

    If it takes 2 weeks to fix the hitboxes but they can fix some other stuff in the first week why would they postpone those fixes for no apparent reason

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    I find it ironic that they plan to fix the areas the killer can't reach you on certain maps before they fix the killer hitting you from about 4 or 5 meters away and literally through some solid objects like giant rocks or around tables/crates. Now you know how killers felt like on the more ordinary patch cycles. LUL. This sure fixed the 20 minute survivor queue and nobody having any fun being killer problem lul

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    WHAT? 2 patches to fix this huge problem?

    Sorry, but this is unacceptable. This should be fixed in 2-3 days max!

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563
    edited February 2021

    The hurtbox issues are affecting both sides. The difference is it's more beneficial to killer granted I've been hit by pallets that in no way should have hit me, but it's worse playing as a survivor because your job is to not get hit for as long as possible.

  • xdarksyde
    xdarksyde Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2021

    Hit boxes have been booty since starbreeze and behavior parted ways. The real hit box quality control was at least the ones from the start of the game. I love the new ai and I don't care much about the run animation... It is not so bad... But the only game I play where hit boxes are bad is this game... Your servers are bad... Your hit boxes are bad. Fix em.. or you may end up like death garden and the 2 to 4 players you have left in that...

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    This is BHVR we're talking about, they don't give a flying turkey about testing updates before they drop them.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    It's not even "broken"; It's just low. He is perfectly fun and playable as is and therefore the benefit of fixing this is comparatively small. They've also stated they need to remake all of his animations to fix it, which makes sense, so the effort involved is high. High effort for comparatively low benefit translates into lower priority, especially compared to all of the other work this game needs.

    Survivors do also need to chill about the new animations, though. You still absolutely can 360 and moonwalk with the new animations. It's just not quite the same as before and a bit harder to do. I played for a few hours last night, which was the first time I'd played more than a match here or there on this patch. The animations were generally well done, the new HUD is a big improvement over what we had previously (the buttery smooth skill checks, UI scaling options, and additional information far outweigh anything stylistic, and I don't think it looks that bad either - there is room for improvement, though), movement was still 95% as easy as before (the only thing that bugged me was actually having to fully stop before being able to gesture - this actually got a teammate of mine killed at one point), and I also only took a couple of BS-feeling hits as survivor (which is normal for DBD).

    The fact that this has lead to such an outcry just makes me feel like the community is crying wolf and in doing so lessening the impact of their feedback on other aspects of the game and adding unnecessary toxicity to the forums. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796
    edited February 2021

    Why is peak players more important than average players? Average player counts are much more stable. Regardless, player counts were were at 23k average / 39k peak a year ago, 19k average / 37k peak two years ago, 17k average / 33k peak three years ago, and 11k average / 23k peak four years ago. We're at 35k average / 52k peak now. Sound the alarm, the game is dying because we have lower peak players post-Twins than during the summer, the Blight launch, and the Halloween event.

    It is also just flat out incorrect to say that the game is losing about 1k peak players per day since the patch dropped. The patch dropped on 2/9. Here are the peak player totals rounded to the nearest thousand for each day since then from the same site you got your graph from:

    2/9: 48k

    2/10: 51k

    2/11: 52k

    2/12: 50k

    2/13: 52k

    2/14: 50k

    2/15: 50k

    DBD is doing fine. There was a bit of a dip after the Halloween event through to the Twins, and understandably so, but the average player isn't going to care enough about new animations and a new HUD to leave the game. Hell, the average player probably doesn't push the locomotion system to its limit in the first place and also probably isn't as attached to the old HUD; I bet they aren't too bothered by this patch.

    Steam ratings are 81.5% positive now, which is higher than I've seen them since I started playing ~3 years ago.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    This year we had the Silent Hill DLC at the same time as the 4th year anniversary for the start of the summer. That meant insane BPs for everyone and a lot of new players who were just tuning in for Silent Hill, and you can see the hump on the graph from that. Player counts dropped a little bit going into the late summer when the event ended and Silent Hill was no longer a novelty. With the successful Blight launch into the Halloween event and the typical October boost to horror games, player counts ticked up again. In November there was the end of the Halloween event, but no new DLC and no event for the end of the month. Understandably this lowered player peaks. Then the Blight DLC was rushed and unsuccessful, so we didn't see the typical big bump up around DLC time. One bad DLC is not enough to say the game is not doing well.

    Average player counts are more than 50% higher now than they were last year and average player counts are not declining much at all; it's mostly just the peaks that dropped off going into the winter. Here are the average counts for the last year:

    Steam reviews have never been more positive either, which says to me that this forum is every bit as much of a negative echo chamber as it feels like lol

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2021

    Look at other popular multiplayer games during this time CS:GO, R6S, Rust they don't have a dip during November

    Hey guys remember the devs can't work hard because they are confined to their homes during Covid still./s

    The dip has nothing to do with Covid.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you are looking at a scale issue here. when you look at a dip of 10K in one game that has 70K out there, then there is a noticeable difference, even when you look at the same 10K dip at 100K, it's so much less noticeable. also it looks like there was no dip but the line is some what wavy which means there is a loss there, but on the scale of 100K between the lines it's much less noticeable than when the scale is about 10-15K between the lines. I am sure if you drill into and make the scales there you will find similar dips as well.

    now the next thing: there is even one of your game's with a scale of 500K per section! this is why you don't see things as bad. plus these games are much more popular and available around the world where as the majority of dbd players seems to be centered around the STATES with a fair bit around the world but not like these other games you list. AGAIN it is a scale issue that you are dealing with and not seeing the changes because where as in the us they might have lost say 10K people over time the rest of the world gained 12K, thus the line does seem to move up. steam does not provide more than over all numbers and not localization of numbers.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2021

    You didn't answer my question.

    Why didn't they go down if Covid is the sole reason why DBD did.

    If that was the case you would see most games would have similar fall offs, but that isn't true.

    Maybe the game has seen massive dips in quality in the last couple of months causing massive dips in the player base.

    Also you can see the games I mention have grown GROWN!?! in the past months can you explain that, is it Covid?

    Due to the quality of the game DBD is bleeding players when it should have numbers comparable to Rust and RS6

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    if you have a LARGE world wide audience and one area has say a drop of 5-7K and then around the world there is a gain of 7-9K that's a 0-2K INCREASE WORLD WIDE vice a decrease. so YES I did answer it, you obviously didn't read it because it is there. This is why Statistics can be easily manipulated to saw WHAT ever you want it to. when you do not compare same scale, as well as same areas you will find that while one thing could be loosing large numbers and another gaining numbers. Let me make it clear:

    Dead by Daylight has currently a max of 40-50K players, and a mean of about 30K if before the dip it was 50-60K players and a mean of 35-40K and in ONE local area things change (the US) where a good number of people can't play as much, and there is no corresponding balancing numbers outside of the US you see that there is a huge drop.

    HOWEVER if you take a game that is very heavily uniformly world wide at 100K mean that self same 5-10K drop from the US even then is a much less issue and even a non-issue if the rest of the world increases the numbers playing by 7-12K you get an UPTICK world wide. so please lets look at SCALE and localization before talking about numbers when these are not considered it makes for very silly comparisons and incorrect conclusions

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2021

    There is a direct coloration with the game's quality and its audience.

    Stop trying to obfuscate and answer my original question why aren't other games affected by covid and it only affects DBD's playerbase?

    None of the games mentioned have gone below where they were in November (The obvious exception is DBD).

    And I don't need an essay.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    You'd think it was possible to speed up that process somehow, with all consoles together slightly outnumbering PC at this point I believe. I bet the turnaround aggravates the devs too.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so what part of statistics did you not understand? in order to truly use them you must be looking at the SAME scale and SAME areas affected. so if you have one game that has a scale of 10K per area and another that has a scale of 100K per area (on the graph) you will not see the same numbers. and if you do not account for localization of the data you will not be able to look at localization of issues. so if a game is highly localizaed in the united states AND there is something (covid/holiday season etc) that affects the numbers, if you do not look at the corresponding localization area then you will see inconstant results. ALSO for a game where the graphical areas are broken down to 5-10K and one local area (us, gb, mx, or other countries) and no corresponding increase in the other areas you see larger dips than you do when the scale is 100K and you get the same localization dip but also have a corresponding increase in the other areas you can then see an uptick instead of a down tick.

    THERE I removed any specification about WHERE we were talking about, and it still makes sense. you are the one trying to argue that apples are actually oranges when they are not.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2021

    again with obfuscation, when R6S and Rust are directly comparable please tell me why DBD doesn't match other gaming trends then?

    Why didn't any other game lose a THIRD of it's audience in November. This is not a few K here and there this 1/3 of the audience at peak hours.

    It's almost like the game is falling apart at the seems and it has nothing to do with outside influences.

    For typing so much you say so little.

    Post edited by Buckoben on
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    really? do you have a way to make the scales equal as well as looking at LOCAL areas (ie countries) and players by country area as well to see where the players are? for instance using localization IF (this is estimations and guess not hard facts but illustrates what you are not understanding) Game A has a total of 70K users and 50K are in one country and 20K over the world. Game B has 70K users and 20K in one country and 50K spread out over the world. Now if the one country shows a drop of 10K in that one country and the gain of players in the other regions of the world are 10% of the numbers you will see 2K gained in Game A, and 5K gained in Game B. thus you see an overall dip of 8K in Game A and an overall dip of 5K in Game B. Now factor in other issues (Game A has a falling out over a bad patch and thus they loose another 5K in the main country. and the 10% gain in other countries drops to 0% for the same reason in the rest world thus there is now a 15K drop overall instead of 8K. this new information then leads to those players trying GAME B, so thus add 15K to GAME B and now you have a 10K increase because of things that happened to GAME A. This is what I am talking about, looking at one graph of one game and speaking to what is going on with that game does work because the scales and over all numbers are being used. how ever when you compare to other games you have to make sure you use the same judgement criteria which can not just be number of players. lots of factors.

    Statistics is a VERY funky and pecular and can be rotated and pivoted around to show what you want unless you make sure to be specific. If you can not understand this then you can not understand how to know what these graphs tell the people that use them. Most people will not understand it and make incorrect opinions and conclusions to the data that is seen.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Glad I dropped this game a week ago. Never touching it again till those hits get fixed but then again what is our feedback for anyway? They get money from streamers buying outfits in the store and COMPLETELY buying out the rift. So much for customer satisfaction

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    If they had gained the 25 thousand instead of lost it in November they would be higher then R6S's peak they are in the same ballpark.

    You still haven't explained the 25k LOSS in NOVEMBER.

    At this point I'm responding to see how long your responses will be as you aren't changing my mind.

    Nothing you have said has convinced me that DBD isn't losing players because of its quality.

  • crow13312013
    crow13312013 Member Posts: 61

    Also had a incident when you playin killer the survivor dissapears & survivor has invisibility

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Do try to learn and understand statistics more and you will understand how you are missing the key part when comparing Apples to Oranges.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    How does a company with 600+ employees working on their only successful game not have the capability of fixing said game in big patches?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    This is disheartening to say the least, but at least the changes are coming at some point.

  • chefy_chef_4
    chefy_chef_4 Member Posts: 1

    I have had enough of people who say “the game is unplayable!” Yes it is. What is really unplayable is when the maps have no collision on loops or the height of a character blocks you from going places and they fix that in what? 6 days?!!!!! That tells me they care and are doing their best for the community. Also your right I don’t need to defend. I WANT TO because in the end they are people who made a mistake when they have done so much good for us. to make us happy. Should they pay in some way for their mistake? 100%. what should they do to pay for it? fix the game and some small rewards for the inconvenience because at the end of the day we’ll be back play the game we love to play. Also as a close statement to anyone who still thinks it’s hit boxes. it’s desync and to anyone who thinks I haven’t played survivor I play both sides also just because they don’t play the other side doesn’t invalidate their opinion. One last thing tho that I think is important who the ######### cares it was going to hit anyway. are you missing some critical info? Yes. Should you take it like a man and just move on to the next game and have some fun? I guess not let’s just ######### about it instead in the forums just to make sure they know the bug is still there.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2021

    Try learning to read statistics as you can't tell me that the game lost 25,000 player on average during peak hours during November.

    You need to stop obfuscating as instead of directly taking on my questions you keep going to stuff that has nothing to do with what I am talking about.

    AGAIN 25,000 players were lost on average during peak hours in November.

    Even in a vacuum it doesn't look good.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Solution: Survivors just shouldn't play until this gets fixed. That's what I'm doing at least.

    I have genuinely no desire to play the game when it's broken for one side. BHVR needs to start learning from these little episodes because it's starting to be a rather frequent thing.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    You must be one of behavior's bean counters that said waiting to release a bugged chapter is bad for business. but guess what, you only see numbers, not the meaning nor the why and these two are what statistics is to explain. I obfuscate nothing, I explained possible meanings and why what you showed can not be directly compared. You just don't want to accept what I say and I won't sway you, but know this you are now being equated with Behavior's accountants the people behind the bugged chapter release!