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Please get rid of dying state survivors ability to see other survivors auras.

TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

You know the drill. Last 2 survivors left, what does the killer do? Slug one over and over, while they hover over them as bait. I’ll do my best to try and get them back on their feet and away from the killer, but sometimes the killer is so damn stubborn for their 4K, it’s impossible to help that survivor without it being suicide.

But every now and again what does that damn slug do sometimes? Crawls in your direction so the killer can follow them. It’s infuriating. Please get rid of the aura reading in dying state. It’s abused just often enough to be a big problem.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    So....make old Knockout basekit?

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    ...It's...part of the game? The best option in that scenario is to leave them to die and avoid them like a disease. Try looking for hatch if it's visible or wait by a gate.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Nah, I had a match where a Killer did that. So, I looked for the hatch and when I found it, I signaled the hatch to my slugged buddy and then took the Killer on a tour of the map. I 'gave up' only when I could see that slug buddy was at the hatch - barely any health left - and immediately suicided. Not the best outcome, but a satisfying one.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Yeah, I gotta agree with some of the other posters. This sounds like something that would just punish solos even harder while a good SWF can just call it out.

  • Clünge
    Clünge Member Posts: 155


    You can move stealthily far quicker than they can crawl

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I think the reason this feature is exists is so that, when you're downed and have nothing to do, you can see what's going on and also have hope that someone's trying to save you. It makes you feel like you're still part of the game. I think taking that away would give people a much worse experience.

  • Dacrenon
    Dacrenon Member Posts: 207

    The few times I've had a killer clearly trying to get me to lead them to the other survivor while slugged, I've lead them purposefully in the other direction.

    Either I bleed out, or they pick me up and hook me, but not every solo player is out for themself.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Please get rid of the killer's ability to see generator auras. All they do is just patrol the generators and it's OP!!!!

    See how that sounds?

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    No unfortunately you definitely need it so you can have an idea where survivors are during the game, maybe they can make it last for like twenty seconds and then run out, or if the survivor starts following you run away you sound like you're afraid to move during end game but most killers are definitely obsessed with 4ks ain't nothing worse then a killer purposely allowing the survivor to get on his feet just for the survivor to rat you out I thought this game was to have fun almost like a game of hide and seek its no fun playing when the people that get caught just tell where your are seems like people are taking this game way to personal

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    If you just camp the downed in a last 2 survivor case you are playing killer wrong, there's very little chance for the other survivor to show up unless you rune something that give you stealth.

    It feels like your suggestion to remove aura reading just steam from a bad experience where you were hidding in a corner waiting for your teamate to die, and got salty over the fact that said teamate put you on the spot. If anything the game should give MORE team related info to survivors to help reduce the gap between solos and SWF.

    I find also pretty funny to see you blame the killer for being "stuborn about their 4K" when you are on the other side being extremely "stuborn about your very slim chance to find a hatch or get a solo door".

    So yeah... maybe, I dunno, stop hiding when you are in the last duo, and try to "play the game" by getting your teamate up, it will give you both more points in the end than just hiding in a spot and wasting everyones time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    "I’ll do my best to try and get them back on their feet and away from the killer"

    This is the mistake you make. You can be 95% sure the killer will be around the slug. Just don't come anywhere near them. You can walk away faster then they can crawl so as long as your not right there it shouldn't be a problem that they crawl in your direction.

    I feel that not having aura reading will hurt way more regular survivor then it will punish troll survivors

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    This is what I do too. It just sucks when others be A holes and crawl towards other survivors instead while the killer is hovering over them.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I understand your frustration and I play both sides. I've had that happen to me before as survivor and even the opposite as killer where the downed survivor will crawl away from the last survivor, but I don't think getting rid of it is the answer. I don't know what is if there even is one.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited February 2021

    Good friggin grief.

    I’m so tired of people like you on these forums speculating that I’m some immersed blendette, AND also seemingly dismissed what I wrote in my post.

    What part of “do my best to get them back on their feet” is beyond your comprehension of understanding?!

    Seeing as you struggle with comprehension, I’ll elaborate and make it CRYSTAL CLEAR.

    • i’ll create some sort of noise notification WELL away from where the killer and slug is such as fast locker entry, dropping a pallet, or intentionally blowing a gen skill check.
    • then try to circle around as far away as possible from the DIRECT pathing between where I caused the distraction and where the slug is.
    • If I can’t get the killer to leave the slug, I’ll try and crank out gens.

    But NONE OF THAT MATTERS if whoever is on the ground is going to be a prick and keep crawling towards me with the killer floating behind their sorry butt. So i’ll move around. And around. And around. Having my bloody time wasted because I could be getting the remaining gens done while they bleed out, but no, they’re either deluded that i can give them some sort of chance despite the killer RIGHT THERE, or they’re just being spiteful and want me dead too because they’re just a scumbag.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m usually not aware of that until I go to attempt the save and see the killer (or hear them), and after one attempt to create a diversion, and sneak back.

    Yes, sure, after that I can sometimes successfully sneak far away again. Sometimes though, the slug has crawled somewhere that’s placed me in a compromised position where there are far too few LoS blockers, and the killer is paying too much attention to the direction the slug is facing, making it incredibly difficult to move away, all the while that slug is crawling closer and closer.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385
    edited February 2021

    Get off your highhorses jimmy you are about to faceplant.

    First of all, I dont know what game you are playing, but NOBODY camps the last slug to catch the last survivor, it's just a VERY bad strategy since at this point everyone knows what the survivor options are : Getting the hatch or Getting the exit (or getting the last gen if it's a 4/5 case). Camping a slug is the best way to make sure that your last survivor will be ready to get out the second that slug dies.

    EVERY killer that isn't a total noob at this point will just start to patrol the map to get a drop on that survivor, since EVEN if the slug get back on its feet, YOU HAVE ALREADY WON, unless you are 4/5 with gens at 75%+, thos two last survivors have not a SINGLE chance to win the game.

    Your whole lil super spy kid list of actions you take to get that hypothetical (and nonexistant) killer off the slugg dont even sound like ANYTHING anyone would (and could) do in a game, but I guess you have that super special perk that let you run across the map faster than a killer without leaving any marks anywhere, right? Because that's the only way pull off that insane plan.

    Do you do the same thing when you need to unhook someone? Do you run at the other side of the map to make noise then teleport back to the hook when the killer in on his way toward the spot you were making noise?

    Edit; Also, just so we are clear, your "suggestion" is a very, VERY shortsighted fix to a problem that only exist in your mind. And said fix will have a side effect you have obviously not given enough thought : It will make the solo experience miserable and increase the divide between solos and SWF. By knowing where the other survivors are, you can meet them halfway which is very important, and NEVER a problem outside of your very hypothetical, niche and again NON EXISTANT case where in the 2/4 you get rated out... SOMEHOW, by a slug that you could outrun while crouched.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    What’s with survivors not wanting killer to be able to do literally anything in this game lol. I’m new and already get flamed and called a camper for defending a hook when all 3 survivors come to rescue, or for killing a survivor when their team is silly enough to unhook them directly in my face without borrowed time or DS. These strange rules killers are pressured into adhering to essentially boil down to “no, you need to let us all escape you’re not supposed to perform your role as a killer.” It’s weird.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    My problem isn’t with the killer in this scenario, my problem is with the survivors sometimes using the aura reading in the dying state to rat out other survivors

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Buffing 4-person slugging just because someone wanted you to pick them up is a terrible idea.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I think you’re misunderstanding.

    I’m not asking for a slugs aura to be removed. I’m asking for the ability for slugs to see team mates auras over an unlimited range to be removed.

    I’m not exactly sure how that buffs slugging for the killer when there would no longer be an exploitable mechanic the killer can use.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I know what you are asking, and the ability for slugs to know where to go is huge when it comes to BMing solo-only destroyers.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    I bamboozle the killer and make it look like I'm crawling to someone in a different direction. It helps to stall. Sometimes the killer will run off that way and the survivor can come get me up

  • Mastermind
    Mastermind Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2021

    The feature should definitely be removed. The downed/hooked survivor has no reason to know the perfect location of everyone. All that's important is that survivors off the hook know where the survivor on the hook is. There's perks that show you the location of other survivors. If you wanna know where they are, use some of those perks.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385
    edited February 2021

    Great comeback, you really teared my point down while making your look absolutely bullet proof there buddy.

    See you on your next post where you'll ask for the exit door to be removed because one guy, once walked toward it at the same time than you and you got caught.

    Shhh, dont poke more hole in his story. He was totaly not hidding in a bush for 5 minutes, he was being Jason Bourne and jumping off a plane as part of his 4/63 step plan.