Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Hatch needs reworked

Why am I getting punished for doing good and losing a double pip because some survivor got lucky that they found hatch before I did. Whats the point of this.


  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Member Posts: 451

    So slug like the rest of the killers who care about getting the 4K...

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    What's the point in double pipping or trying to get a 4k that desperately. I like to just let the game play out if they get the hatch then that's fine. It's shouldn't need reworked just because you don't get a double pip. This is literally the issue with this game is the pip system, everyone just sweats and stuff and takes it way too seriously than they should instead of just trying to play the game out and then if someone does get hatch then move on to the next game and the last survivor might not get hatch. I like having a challenge as Killer at the end with the last survivor.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I can’t personally relate because I’m happy as long as a just get 4 bbq stacks and especially with the new animation I am more than willing to smack or carry someone to the hatch just to watch them crawl in lol

    a few weeks ago I had a solid comeback against a group that tbagged and blinded me every chance they had at a pallet then 2 of them managed to key out. Sure it’s lame but it’s just a game and they were trying to have some fun just like me even if bm’ing isn’t my style it doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to or are scumbags if it’s how they get their kicks.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    The hatch is a weird beast.

    On one hand it's needed to give the last survivor a reason to continue playing and not just afk in a corner, on the other hand it also more or less forces the killer to slug the 3rd survivor to get a chance to catch that 4th, wich feels bad both for the slug, the last survivor AND the killer.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I play both sides, as annoying as it is, it does keep the game interesting for the last survivor. A reason to stay in the game even if you are being outplayed. Perhaps the survivor should have to crack a code to unlock it when there are a few gens left.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
    edited February 2021

    It depends how long you want the game to last.

    When I really want a 4k, then you slug the 3rd suvivor until you know where the 4th is. However, this usually extends the game by 5 minutes depending on how aggressive that 4th survivor is (if they are at all). At worst case they NEVER show up and let their friend bleed out. I've seen them completely ignore the body even when I was on the other side of the map.

    So, keep the hatch I guess (KEY still needs rework) but survivors need to realize that it can lead to some extended games, especially if you are the poor sap on the floor.

    The other problem is that when 2 are left, more often than not one of the survivors will choose to sell out their teammate and just start looking for and camp hatch. They ignore what's happening and just wait for the death.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    That's actually a good idea. Maybe a way to make the hatch less obnoxious would be to have it take a moment to open? Like, 5 seconds just enough to avoid the very bullshit (and sadly common case) where you are runing after a healthy survivor and know you have zero chance to hit him twice before you stumble on the hatch.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited February 2021

    The hatch should not spawn when 0 gens are done. The hatch spawning overly punish killers for doing well (especially spawning opening). Hatch should never automatically open imo but each map always spawn 1 key in a chest to even it out.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,436

    Alternatively, why should the last survivor get punished for their teammates failures? It's completely possible that every gen that got done in a match was done by one survivor, why shouldn't they get the escape when their teammates were bad?

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    The hatch is necessary because 1 Survivor alone cannot possibly hope to clear the gens.

    That said, the hatch is ruined by Keys.

    Keys need to be removed from the game. Not nerfed. REMOVED.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Thats definetly possible but honestly most of the time I've found the worst survivor being the last one left who goes for hatch since they just let their teammates die in order for hatch to open. I like the idea of a key spawning in a chest and the survivor has to find it so that its not a guaranteed exit like it is now.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2021

    As killer I tend to just hook the 3rd survivor and try to find the hatch before the 4th does. I don't feel like wasting time looking for the 4th then I have to locate the 3rd again. The only thing about the hatch that piss's me off is when a survivor is getting his ass handed to him all game. He hides until all his friends are dead, jumps into the hatch and talks smack because he escaped. Do you think you achieved something? You only got away because you hid until your team died instead of doing the objective. You probably didn't even pip. Escape does not exactly mean a win.

  • Netherstorm
    Netherstorm Member Posts: 42

    I don't get why people complain about keys. They almost never get used successfully. On the new dev stream, they said people who bring keys into the game almost never actually find a hatch and use the key on it.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I think that keys should have like a minigame to open hatch. I dont think there should be a noise notification if you fail but something similar to opening a chest while your doing it. Even something simple like the key being on a ring of 5 and only one opens the hatch, kinda like the way reverse bear traps work except trying each key takes like 4-5 seconds so sometimes it'll take 20-25 seconds to open hatch.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    They also said hardly anyone uses OoO. Does that mean it shouldn't be reworked? Even though in SWFs only 1 person has to bring it and the entire group knows where the killer is.

    They also said Nurse has the lowest pick rate. Should we buff the strongest killer in the game?

  • Pop_Goes_The_Gen
    Pop_Goes_The_Gen Member Posts: 39

    But why should I need to. Also I've tried this and it just doesn't work. Since I have to go look for the last survivor the one slugged can either get picked back up by their teamate or hell they'll just use unbreakable

  • Pop_Goes_The_Gen
    Pop_Goes_The_Gen Member Posts: 39

    Its not a challenge tho if Its all RNG. Also I like pipping since im somewhat competitive. Not everyone wants to only play this casual. Also Im losing out on bloodpoints if I used something like a survivor pudding or BPS. I just don't get why I need to be the one to take a hit if I was the one who did good

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Hatch is like 1 random survivor getting killed for no reason if they open gates with all of them alive.