The mentality behind slugging at 4-5 gens
It's not an unreasonable one for the killer, assuming they're not Nurse or Spirit. The killer never knows how strong the survivor team is gonna be, especially since there's no SWF indicator, until the game is pretty much already lost for them. So many times, they decide to not slug everyone early on while they have the chance, and then come to regret it when they get a 0k or a 1k.
There's perks that avoid this too: Unbreakable and Soul Guard.
So the killer usually plays it safe and slugs everyone while they can, because survivors can get so carried by gen speed and map RNG that giving an inch allows the survivors to take a mile. It's a band-aid fix to bad balance, slugging is. That's why questioning killer's skill just because they're losing is hardly a fair argument, because they "could have slugged at any point, ya know."
And unless the killer's game plan/build was to slug from the start, it's the survivors' fault that they all got slugged.
I don't have a hotfix for this issue, but I do know that the less killers feel safe in playing nice, the more they're gonna be doing this when survivors give them the opportunity.
Slug away I say! If you're going down near each other it's your fault. Nobody should expect the killer to handicap if the survivors lost the match in early game. Just go next.
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I don't think it matters at all really. The only time slugging should be complained about is if the killer purposefully bleeds out survivors. Other than that I don't really care. If you slug when it doesn't make sense than it's better for me. If you slug when it makes sense then we'll it makes sense. If the entire team gets slugged? That's on the team. If you're bored on the ground, you'd be bored on a hook anyways.
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Survivors die finishing gens, dead hard instead of dropping pallets and wait until the absolute last second to save teammates.
Killer downs a Survivor and see another target. Why not go for more?
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Yeah in a scenario where the survivors are all together why the hell not but if they just slug and search the map that's a bit different at 4 gens.
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This is kinda like camping hook when they're swarming it, but have the audacity to call you a camper endgame. It's like, yeah, I mhm gonna camp. Do you just want me to run away and let you get the unhook
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Slugging is high risk / high reward.
You are taking 25% of the team out of objective play, but forfeiting a potential hook state if they get picked up or have a self-recovery perk.
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Thus why I take my no-slug build!
Killers who slug are just stupid, I have waited a full slug time in the ground where everyone is down. If I leave I get a penalty, F you Behaviour.
To all the sluggers out here: Learn to fking play lmao
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You realize that the perks aren't always available? And EVEN IF you have them from Bill or the shrine, it doesn't guarantee that they're in your blood web?
While all the tactics you've mentioned (and that have been noted here I will add) are more than valid and more than true, the for mentioned still stands. Perks don't always save you.
I'm not against slugging, I will add. In the right situation I think it is a VERY valid tool. What my issue is is when they hunt you down and bleed you out (I think someone mentioned this?) Or the use a slugged surv as "bait"- I've seen plenty of games where it's the case. A smart move, yes, but it can lead to multiple bodies that will turn sour if not handled with a delicate touch.
I think the issue is more that multiple games in a session may be resulted in you being slugged in some way? At least, for me, that is the issue. Now and again slugging, tunneling and camping are solid tactics and CAN be used as solid game play. BUT when faced with this 9/10 games, it gets old. Frustrating. And, quite frankly, it ruins the whole experience ESPECIALLY when ( from what I see, more often than not) I will get slugged because another survivor has brought the killer to me. If the ment to or no, I don't know nor do I care, ######### happens, it's a game, but it does get tiring.
If you're for it, I say why not play in the yellow and green ranks as a survivor for a while and see what those who are talking about are really having the issue with. Why not see what we're taking about and the abuse of the game mechanics from our POV over multiple games? And if you're fine with these then you do you. It's not about getting good, do don't "git gud" me, I have solid gameplay and tactics that worked fine before 4.5.0 came in and screwed sevs ✌🏻
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I have gotten so many people angry so me because I lose my slugs entirely. I leave them there then someone else intervenes, so I get two slugs. Then it snowballs and by the time I hook the 3rd survivor I've lost the first two and can't find them anywhere.
I always feel so badly when they hit full bleed out.
The other day though I had to deliberately make someone bleed out. I picked one up on haddonfield. Immediately two body block me. I hit them both but I don't have time to get the hook anymore.
Drop the person, kill and hook the two body blockers and just wait. There was nothing else I could do. If I picked her up she would have struggled free basically instantly.
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Stop whining just play to win..if you can't don't blame killer
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Its not a "mentality". It's a strategy, If you prepared your killer with a slug build, you start doing it from the start. There nothing personal on it and it's a valid way of playing. And it's not like is not counterable or anything.
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I don't intentionally slug at that point as in I don't go out my way to do it. That having been said if I down someone and I see multiple survivors charging at me to stop the hook, flashlight etc of course I'm gonna go for them
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I mean if I have an instant down bubba saw, and my infectious goes off and you look like your a target...I am going to go for you.
If I mess up and slug poorly that early when I shouldn't and someone gets you up because I am bad and went too far or overcommit, then you get picked up and avoid a hook state.
Those are the only two ways that is going to go really; and I don't see why you would complain about either of them?
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Completely on the survivors when this happens at any stage of a match. Killer can only 1v1 which means teammates are either bunched together or actively ignoring your status in favor of gens.
Slugging is the most powerful form of gen defense because it addresses gen progression on the whole and provides time for regression where as perk focus can be limited or countered.
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I suppose it depends what you consider a win. slugging a full team at 4 or 5 gens might get you iri gatekeeper, but the rest of the emblems are going to be garbage. not to mention mediocre BP at best.
the problem as I see it is that it's very short sighted to use such tactics. Sure, you will win against most teams, but you are extending the grind of unlocking all perks because you aren't maxing out your BP, and you are preventing yourself from ranking up. On top of that you are inviting salty post game messages because it's not fun to go against as a survivor, and you are creating a need for even more "balancing" from the devs to make the game fun for survivors as well as killers.
In short, yeah you 4k that match, but in the long run you are just ruining everyone's enjoyment of the game, yours included
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Looking at the floor for a full bleedout isnt engaging. You can try to justify it all you want but it's dull from a survivor perspective.
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Failure states aren't supposed to be fun or engaging - they're supposed to encourage you to avoid that state.
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Everyone knows the truth, that slugging/camping/tunneling are viable, legit strategies. Admittedly it isn't fun being on the other end of it, but that still doesn't make it wrong. People will complain about anything the killer does that nullifies their perks and/or beats their strategy to win, and that goes both ways for Killer and Survivor.
The fact of the matter is that this is a multiplayer game, so one side's fun is always going to come at the expense of the other side's, no matter how anyone plays, unless you're the type that for some reason LIKES losing, or, if you just don't care either way (which is the ideal mindset if you want to actually enjoy this game or anything in life long term lol).
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Ha, I love it how people seem to think that you get nice messages when you beat survivors with a 12 hook, no camping, no tunnelling, perfect game. Nope, you still get insulted pretty often, and/or get the validity of your win questioned.
Even if you lose, whilst playing by the survivor rulebook, with a low tier killer, you can still get insulted.
Avoiding salt, or not hurting survivors feelings, is absolutely no reason to not slug.
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Slugging at the beginning of a match is almost a necessity given how fast gens go. You need something to slow the game down in the beginning at high ranks, enter slugging.
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Slugging at 4-5 gens when you know there's a survivor nearby or you want to add pressure to a gen at risk? Go ahead!
Slugging at 4-5 gens when you have no idea where anyone else is and just keep doing so with minimal hooking? The type of people that genuinely do this chronically are these people that would employ the most unscrupulous tactics for a petty win with minimal gain. The 'I would use cheat engine if I could get away with it' sort of people. They'll then defend it by saying 'I can play however I want' but then go on a tantrum when survivors retaliate with any possible exploit/annoyance tactic possible on a SWF.
Small but definitely accurate strawman aside, if you're losing hard every game because you're not slugging at the start, it's likely because you lack game sense and aren't as good at chase as you think you are. But I will concede this, there are situations where you will lose gens quickly regardless of whether you slug or you hook. It's how the game is. However, you are at your strongest when 1 or 2 gens are left, so perhaps upping the ante at THAT stage would be better.
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As the devs have said repeatedly, there's nothing wrong with slugging at any time. It's a different game experience and mixes things up. Personally, I run Flip-Flop and Unbreakable and LOVE slugging killers. (yes, flip-flop sucks but it's fun when it works).
If it happens to me in early game, then I just move onto the next game. I'd rather lose quickly than be in a long drawn out slog.
Letting survivors just bleed out is not cool, though, and I'd say I have never seen this myself in a survivor match. As a Killer, it's happened a few times where the survivor went somewhere and I just couldn't find them. Don't wander off if you want the game to end!
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I pretty much said that lol and I do agree. If you make a mistake then maybe I'll come. Maybe I won't. It depends on if you locker surfed and let me do most of the work or if you actually pulled your weight :)
I think the higher you are the, for lack of better terms, the more fair they are about it. I give everyone a chance. If you're stupid twice it's on you lol.
But as far as perks it still comes down to bloodweb. It's not always a guarantee and I find Bill to be slow and cumbersome. It's personal taste to play him it no.
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On switch you have the option to get the game with dlc included. Also, again, it's all about blood web. Just because you have it doesn't guarantee it's going to come up. My Felix is level 50 prestige 1 and Detective's Hunch still hasn't come up and at 49 spine chill just came up so I only have it as tier 1.
They are nice perks and can get you out of tough situations. I wish there was a better way to guarantee the perks you wanted came across on your web instead of the random incomes (if there IS a way, I would love to know).
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I think if you are slugging at 5 gens while having a Ruin/Undying combo, that just shows how insecure you are in your skill. That's just my opinion.
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Yeah I mean it makes you want to camp and tunnel if you're gonna get accused of it no matter what.
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That perk combo isn't foolproof, especially after the Undying nerf.
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I'm going to say the same thing here that I always say when people cry or whine about any tactic. When I play Killer (I play both roles), I will Herd, Slug, Camp, Tunnel, and Mori if a particular match calls for it. It isn't personal, and one cannot know ahead of time what will be called for until you are in the match. No plan survives contact with the enemy. My job, when playing Killer, is to kill as many Survivors as possible. That's it. I have no other measure of success, period.
What I will say, however, is that what I (as the Killer) do is largely a result of SURVIVOR behavior, not a strategy. If the Survivors are all clustered together or overly altruistic, of course I'm going to slug many of them down. If they give me the opportunity, why wouldn't I do this? When it comes to slugging, Survivors create the situation, not the Killer. Don't offer us a buffet, and we won't pig out. The same is true of Tunneling as a tactic. Most of the time it isn't the result of a Killer's plan (even if I'd love to take credit) but rather the poor play of Survivors who create the situation with unsafe rescues, vanishing like Ninja the second they unhook someone leaving the injured as the only viable target, and/or simply being unwilling to take protection hits and so on. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Killers are not the so-called "power role" and must react to the movements of Survivors. It is the four who call the tune for the one. While Killers can, with great effort and work, take control of the game, they spend most of the time waiting for Survivors to make mistakes. Slugging at 4-5 Generators simply is not possible unless the Survivors allow it, and I do mean "allow" it.