Do survivor ranks mean something now?

TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

So with the escape emblem broken, its a lot harder to rank up now. Before rank meant almost nothing bc everyone could get to red rank, but now its different. My experience the last days were that rank 5 and 6 survivor are better then before (compared to other rank resets). Bad players had most of the time a bad rank. Ranks matched better the skill of the survivors then before the bug.

What is your experience?


  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,200

    I think a good test would be to fix the desync problem while keeping the emblem bug the way it is and then see what happens.

    It doesn't seem that challenging to get to red ranks (if you're decent enough) but to get to rank 1, will be difficult, as it should be. And yes, I've noticed better red rank players.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    It means even LESS because of it.

  • GravyRobbers85
    GravyRobbers85 Member Posts: 69

    Not at all. There's absolutely no point trying to keep or build rank on the survivors side right now.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Ranks have never meant anything unless you're going for the achievement.

  • I hit rank 1 again and I am terrible so, it doesn't mean that much.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    The rank bug only really affects survivors and I think it definitely means something now. I made a post about this and a lot of people commented on how they were upwards of rank 2 and now can't get past rank 9 and stay in green ranks. The past few days i've been consistently in rank 3 and I have never ever seen anybody past that. It says something to me that the people who were once rank 1 and 2 who were matching with me are actually only green in this new ranking system. It's to the point where I rarely see any red ranks at all anymore.

    Basically anybody who was red rank in the old system could have been anywhere from green to red in this new system and that's disappointing to me.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    It's just, broken. With the 360 being taken away from us (at least on Switch) it's taken a major form of defense away... There's no way that this is right. Do you have any idea how hard it is to rank up? And how the slightest error will derank you? It's laughable. Not only is Unbroken bugged, but if you get caught in a weak loop and get downed you might as well kiss your pip goodbye- especially with these ungodly hit boxes that allowed the killer to tag you about the corner. I get that it was good to "weed out the good the from the bad" but at what point do you call it quits? When you have a level 8 that depiped to a 15 (with the monthly reset) I think it's a major issue. This entire time I've only manage to regain 6 pips, even with runs where Iridescent quality emblems are "earned".

    *SMH* there's no get good about it. The over did it, in my opinion.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    So your major form of defense playing this game was 360s and your struggling to rank up from 15 (emblem bug or not). I think you probably do belong in the 14-16 range.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    You have no idea how I play and my play style. 360 is a great defense against PH and Nurse and it also was great for mind games in chases. I don't tell you bs about you rank so don't tell me bs about mine. I play when I have a chance and I play for fun. I earned every pip and rank, thank you. Maybe YOU play for hours on end or whatever excuse you wanna use, but the thing is? It's a game. My opinion if just a valid as yours. I will not take your snide comments as you have no bases besides a simple statement.

    Good day.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    I get yellows playing like sweaty reds. And reds playing like potato 20s so.... no. They dont mean anything now.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It separates brand new players from others with some time in the game

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    With the bugged Ranking System? Then you must be pretty good. Not gonna lie, I have seen exactly one Rank 1-Survivor since Rank Reset and that was a Hacker.


    The Rank 5 and 6 Survivors are probably better because those are Red Ranks who either deranked to purple or did not manage to Rank up.

    IMO the Ranking System does not mean more now, because when you die, you will have to get 3 Iridescent to rank up in Red Ranks. Can happen, but that is more luck than skill. Benevolence is quite easy to get (two safe Unhooks and heals and you are done). But you also need to have really good Chases and also hope that your teammates are not that efficient on Gens so that you can do Gens yourself to boost Lightbringer.

    And this means basically that you need to escape, otherwise you blackpip or even depip. But escaping is not the hardest thing to do as Survivor.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    Wow that's funny. Are you one of the killers that disconnect from a game after a survivor "loops you too well"??? Lol. Or maybe you slug and tunnel or camp because it's "a liable tactic. " or maybe you're that survivor who follows the killer around with a flashlight, who cares. Stop judging people's game play just because it's not the same way you play. It's pathetic and makes you sound like some sort of elitist, and whether you're ok with it or not, ranking IS broken.

    And I'm not just blowing smoke because I'm a "low ranked survivor" I'm a rank 8.

    Good day to you

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    When I started to play with the new update I was in rank 10.

    My rank went down to 12. Right now my rank is stuck at 14 no matter how good I was or how many times I won.

    I played with survivors with rank 13 and 17 including killers and they were very good.

    Some played like new players, I'm afraid they were new or their rank changed as well.

    The matchmaking is very fast now as a survivor and I think there is some improvement,

    This time it really felt like I was playing with people with a skill similar to mine.

  • RowdyRutabaga
    RowdyRutabaga Member Posts: 7

    Your idiotic comment tells me that you don’t even play survivor. You sound like a bitter killer who has been bested multiple times by people pulling the 360 on you. You probably camp and tunnel too because you can’t get kills without that. You are probably like the guy yesterday who dc’d when run one full loop (not by me). You are on here talking ######### about other people because you are just pathetic. And I’m willing to bet your rank ain’t that great either. And even if it is, that’s no reason to be a dick to strangers just because you’re safe behind your computer screen in your mother’s basement. See, I can make ignorant comments about strangers too! If you’re not going to actually contribute to the conversation, go troll some other post.

  • ScottRozzy
    ScottRozzy Member Posts: 53

    Sorry, No it affects everyone but the only people that are bothered want the achievement like me :) i was so close and then the bug happened. If you have maintained rank 3 then good on you and i hope you feel proud. Ranks still dont mean you are god like at the game but just playing in a way that recognises alot done in a game. i was playing with a rank 1 who literally just farmed unsafe hooks without BT to STAT PAD and maintain his rank 1. After the game he got slaughtered by everyone even the killer. You say that the people you met in red ranks before were actually purple to green??? THATS LIKE SOMEONE GETTING BITTEN BY A ZOMBIE AND YOU THEN SAYING HE WAS INFECTED ALL ALONG :L

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It means a little more, I'm still staying at rank 1 or rank 2 with 1 pip to rank 1. But once again most players get Iri altruism, this is the easiest section to get up and you will still see bad players in red ranks that focus more on saves then gens or chases, it's a shame that emblem isn't bugged for experimentation lol. Have noticed games with multiple rank 5s tend to do gens faster, crap at chases but pretty quick on gens so I assume they would be red ranks normally. Still though chase shows skill nothing else, if a killer doesn't slug and goes for 12 hooks it's a close game with bad loopers providing they do gens (only objective btw) but alot of players dont do them efficiently at all tbh

  • RowdyRutabaga
    RowdyRutabaga Member Posts: 7

    Now that I’m not addressing a troll, I will contribute to the conversation. I don’t know that rank means anything. I have played against 4-8 and run loops around them like it’s nothing, but then get killed by a very skilled killer who is rank 17. And I’ve been stuck at 14-15 for a while. The highest I’ve been is a 10 as a survivor before the bugs. As a killer I’m an 18 and I have slaughtered red and purple ranks but been bested by 12-15. My point is that rank doesn’t mean much. Skill, however, that matters more. And with this reset and subsequent bugs, rank means even less. But that’s just me.

  • ScottRozzy
    ScottRozzy Member Posts: 53

    I feel like this post is an enabler for the people who are in red ranks to boast and say theres nothing wrong. They could just make more ranks. Maybe increase in by 10 so the guys who are still in red (not all) who come on here to boast and indirectly call everyone else bad can be happy and still climb. I was red and now im 8-9. I can get 30,000+ in a game and still de-pip in green ranks because 1 or 2 medals are grey'd out. This was never intentional and i really dont like it. It's asif the game has just said NO your trash even tho more often that not i out perform purple and sometimes red ranks :L. I have even played games with my girlfriend sat next to me also playing, i got 10,000 more points than her overall and she pipped and i didn't. The difference was my evader medal didnt count that was supposed to be IRI

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I went from rank 12 survivor to 15 and now the games are harder as I keep getting teamed up with rank 20's and we're getting rinsed by 14-17 killers. As for killer though, I've gone from 13-17 and now its far to easy against 19 and 20's. Rank resets are annoying.

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244
    edited February 2021

    Tbh it FEELS better, as far as I can tell. I only started playing again yesterday for a few hours. I was rank 5 on surv after rank reset and managed to go back to nearly rank 3. Out of all my matches I only had two with 1 person each match who would only crouch around, doing nothing. All my other teams were literally AMAZING. The broken hitboxes aside it was a much better solo experience than usually (probably jinxed it with that post nao LMAO)

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I myself haven't dropped to purple yet, but I can't seem to get past rank 3. Before the most recent patch, I never dropped past rank 2 once I hit rank 1 after rank reset, but I don't think I've seen the number 1 or 2 on any player other than a killer lately LOL

    If this was a shadow change to ranking up, I don't mind it. As someone who usually plays in red rank, it was very surprising to me how many players were also red ranked but very low skilled. And not that I'm talking down on them, I just think it would have been better for everyone involved if they were matched along with people who were a little more equivalent to their actual skill, you know?

    Then again, it doesn't seem to matter, as I am still currently red rank and I am getting matched up with lots of yellow rank survivors while still getting red rank killers. (Duo queuing with another red rank- so it isn't as if a red rank is dragging his low rank friend in our match. It's literally just two random yellow ranks thrown in the blender with a red rank killer and a red rank duo SWF LOLLL)

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I'm a rank 3 survivor main even with the bs happening right now. I haven't touched killer in probably 4 months now and that was just once just to see what Billy was like. Without that I haven't touched killer in a year and then some. A 360 is the last hail Mary attempt at survival not a major form of defense. If you're using it as a major form of defense you're probably doing something very wrong.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2021

    I don't see it like that.

    Maybe you should try it.

    And, again, you know nothing about me save for a single comment.

    So, I'll let you in on a secret- I'M HARD OF HEARING. 360, for me, IS my best defense. I can't hear killers' terror radi, only the chase music and before your soap box about spine chill, no. I CHOOSE not to run it

    Before you act all high as mighty why not remember that we're other people too, and that what works for you won't for me and it's not because I'm lesser but because I'm working with different constraints, dude.

    Oh, and one last thing, Reds derank 1 whilst Green and Yellow derank 3-5. You're not so impressive.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    I really don't care about you being hard of hearing in the context of where you belong on the ranking system. All I've said is in terms of RANKING, if it is your best form of defense, you probably do belong in the 14-16 range. That's it. Best form of defense for that person, worst form for that person, doesn't matter. It is just not optimal for it to be a major form of defense.

    Also, being hard of hearing doesn't equate to 360 being your major defense. It's probably worse for you cuz you don't have the added time to set it up optimally so you're more likely to run somewhere useless even if in the best case you dodge a hit. Worst case you get hit and you waste most of your sprint burst. U should try to stop using it as a major form of defense and use it as your last line where you absolutely have nothing left.

    Also, I fell from rank 1 to 3. Well from 1 to 6 and climbed back up to 3. If I really wanted to sweat I probably could get back to rank 1 but that doesn't sound that fun to me.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I mean as long as you can hold a chase for more than a total of 1 minute and do a gen or 2 you will black pip even in this new system. The only time I'll ever de-pip is when we get completely stomped at 4 or 5 gens but that's pretty rare. I don't believe anybody who says they dropped to green ranks but claim it wasn't them and it was solely the game. It sucks anyway because so few red rank survivors exist now I get matched with greens constantly.

  • ScottRozzy
    ScottRozzy Member Posts: 53

    well say if i get max in chase and it gets blacked out then it doesnt count towards anything. i cant go into a game and think i'll just do gens because it doesn't always work out like that. I could climb and play selfish but i just play like i always have done because it's more enjoyable. Nothing has changed apart from the game being more bugged. All im saying is alot of games i generally max out 2 catagories and most of the time at least 1 is blacked out.

    Lets say i never should of been red in the first place, lets say im low purple to high green, thats fine until you see some of the other people with the same or similar rank as me, i have people on my team playing with me that dont know they should mend after legion frenzy and just die outright :/ its mainly the achievement that i wanted and being as close as i was kinda kicked me where it hurts tbh. Now im either hoping that they make it so i dont get blacked out medals and over time i can get back to where i was, or i would even settle for them refining the ranking system so i dont have 2 potatoes on my team. I get the fact that im not the best but me compared to some of the survivors i get matched with skill wise is night and day. If i was to rank myself honestly i would say i belong in about 5-6. I havent even played this game longer than 2 month's but the concept of the game is easy to catch onto. Mechanically the game doesnt require you to be amazing but just a well rounded player.

    If i put myself in your shoes i wouldn't really believe anyone saying they have wrongfully been placed into a lower rank but you have to remember that this game out bugs bethesda and not in the best way. i used to play overwatch and i saw this stuff all of the time

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    This is what I have been dealing with. Everything is a -1. You don't have to believe anyone, but it is happening. If I don't escape, I don't even get an emblem.