Parkour with Demo

Managed to jump on the top of a tree as Demogorgon on Haddonfield. Tried this a few times since but branches from other trees got in the way, and also one time the tree with the table spawned in a different location, so seems this is very RNG dependant.
Does anyone else know of any random spots you can shred to as Demo? I managed to get on the front seat of a carriage on Dead Dog, not as good as the tree though.
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The Tree-o-gorgon
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Finally a reason to use those Haddonfield offerings on my Demogorgon 🙏
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My thoughts exactly, first fun game I ever had on Haddonfield.
Try it! I used an offering straight after this game but the larger tree must have been in a slightly different position, as its branches got in the way of shredding all the way to the tree next to the table :(
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It's pretty easy to get on top of filler tiles on macmillan, so long as you have a hill nearby. You can also get on a truck on Haddonfield, you do so by shredding from the Myers' house front window, and if the red truck spawns in front, you're in business. Not as fun as spacebilly though, bring my boy back :(
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Haddonfield is always fun. Just saying -_-
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You can sit on window vaults if you can land on them at a specific angle in a certain way. It's very very hard, took me like 100 tries to do it the first time.
It's still not. If you try and enjoy Haddonfield the fun police will show up and arrest you.
Still, this is probably the only thing worth doing on haddonfield. I should just do this next time, looks more fun than trying to actually play on that garbage map.
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On nice, I'll try the window vault. Do you do the shred just from ground level onto the window vault, or from a hill or something?
When you say filler tiles do you just mean the short objects like barrels, etc?
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That is... interesting.
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You can climb on top of the killer shack on Saloon with pretty much any killer.
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Yeah you lunge onto the vault on the hanging platform right? I saw Otz trying to do it at one point
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Yup, that's it.
Upd. Apparently shack roof was locked in 4.5.1 and it's not doable anymore.
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Oh man people are learning demogorgon, sniff i’m so happy
btw you should try ping pong demo, you will not regret it
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Also it is possible to teleport on top of a dropped pallet as hag if you time it properly, which allows you to climb a lot of different loops. It's not too useful, though.
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Tried googling, got some 1994 Indie track. Please explain!
Is it something to do with ping pong'ing between hooks with portals with Make your Choice or something?
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Basically, Demogorgon can bounce off of things if you use his shred from a high place like Hill, 2nd floor of asylum, 2nd floor of Chapel, and much more
this can be used to bounce around stuff like a ping pong ball if you can angle it right
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Ah, I saw a bit of bouncing when I was getting caught between multiple trees on Haddon, I'll try it out on Chapel or Asylum!
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Yup, demo can do alot of stuff with his shred nobody realises
you can shred over vaults and pallets, same with going on top of stuff and of course, ping ponging to become really close the the david dead harding into a corner
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I love shredding upstairs with him, e.g. if someone is looping you up the staircases around the Saloon, ez shred, and everyone will expect it.
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not everyone*
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Why the hell are there benches out side the map... Teasing Billy like that smh
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I did it from the mounds that some levels have.
It's stupid hard though.
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I don't get it, is he good at curving bench loops?
Yeah I imagine its like landing on a knife edge
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Well it also tries to slide you off.
Because the way DBD is coded it does not handle you being on window vaults well at all, you can move to the sides and phase into most of the walls in the game when this happens and get stuck, walls are coded as like 2 solid planes on each side instead of an actual box so you can slide between those planes lol.