Why did they stop quoting killers and survivors in the journals?

CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
edited February 2021 in Lore

I'm kinda sad that after the clown, they haven't quoted a single killer (lemme show you what I mean)

''As I journeyed through the foggy veils that demarcate the realms of this place, I saw that, for the first time, I was not alone. Something traversed these forgotten byways, its bright colors still clearly visible, even through the muting effect of the mist that roiled between us.

As we emerged into a new, yet somehow familiar, place, I saw it clearly for the first time: a carney's caravan, pulled by something that appeared to be a horse but was, to my eyes, older and more terrible.

I watched from the trees as a crack appeared at the doorway and a warm, golden light spilled forth into this desolate place. The effect was, I suspect, deliberately inviting, but the figure that emerged was anything but: its costume a hodge-podge of ringmaster, clown and other fairground attire. Its face was a nightmare in greasepaint, a caricature of a smile slashed across its flabby lips. At its waist were a collection of what looked for all the world like fingers. But what creature would be so monstrous as to collect such trophies?

The Clown surveyed its new surrounding and its gaze lit on me. A rictus split its face in two and it nodded at me before returning to the caravan. I suspect that it prefers its victims to be less aware than I, and I thanked the stars for that.''

Unknown (Potentially Benedict Baker)

They had like a mini quote for every killer, but they stopped doing that.

Edit: nvm it's after spirit I think
