Can anyone confirm this is "Legal"?

So im sick of fake full screen, aka borderless one as you get better performance in exclusive fullscreen mode in any game.
I googled abit and found solution to how to make real fullscreen in DBD, i know that changing user ini should not be a problem, but i just want to confirm that this is not bannable or so.
Here are steps i took:
Open the file GameUserSettings.ini
Look for these settings and edit the value to 0:
FullscreenMode=0 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=0
To change the resolution, edit these settings as you wish:
ResolutionSizeX=1920 ResolutionSizeY=1080 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1920 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1080
add "-fullscreen" parameter to the launch options in Steam.
As far as i know easy anti cheat doesnt check game files that are outside of root folder, also those values change if i change them in game via sliders etc, so how should that be bannable?
Also what do you mean by " Dbd team wont be able to help me" on false registered ban? So if easy anticheat decides something u wont care to look into it and lift false bans?0 -
Wait, this makes me wonder, you got option in engine to set exclusive full screen mode, after all this is 2018, why did you guys not implement it in game it self as an option? im pretty sure 90% players would prefer it.
And you already have it there, just little change to settings meny in game and you got your self option that should always help with better peformance, lesser imput lag etc, there are no drawbacks. So why is it not in game? Im confused.3 -
DBD team cant help you with EAC ban becouse they dont own it it a steam program
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Something to put in the suggestion/feedback forum, I agree it should be an in game setting.
Like peanuts said though it's a risk changing it as EAC may not scan it right now but if they do decide to in the future you risk a ban.3 -
**If You are deemed to have misused Dead by Daylight based on the automated-decision making, You will be flagged and reported to Behaviour Digital, who is the Customer operating the Game in question. It is up to Behaviour Digital to determine what consequences are implemented for the identified misuse of the Game. If Behaviour Digital decides to sanction You based on the information we have provided, You have the opportunity to appeal the automated-decisions by contacting our helpdesk at, at which point an expert will review the data and revisit the decision. **
So, no its not true that Behaviour cannot do anything regarding automated bans via easy anti cheat
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You wont be actively hunted down for that.
HOWEVER, if EAC detects that for some kind of reason and banns your account, then the devs wont do anything about it.
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Im contacting EAC support directly regardin this, after i take screenshots il have proof that they wont ban for such nonsence and im also waiting for DBD official support that i hope will have more info on how would this work, in order to protect my self from one day being banned for no reason, i got to show them what they officialy stated to me.
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Btw as i started using fullscreen, its so easy to see how much better performance wise game runs now, its super smooth, as it always is with exclusive full screen. So yea i dont want to just drop it, at least if i rly dont have to.
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Hey, can you provide the contact email address of EAC? I want to ask them something aswell regarding a program0
When I used to play on PC, I had changed some values in GameUserSetttings.ini for a better game performance. I never got interfered with, but a lot later the devs did clear up that they won't take any responsibility for that. I'm pretty sure that a lot of players, especially with a low performance pc, have changed the values to adjust the performance and probably never got banned for it. At least, I didn't. I played DBD for 1k hours.
Post edited by Khalednazari on3 -
@AnotherRandy from there chose Dead by Daylight game, and find option to contact them, u make ticket and wait for response.
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Modifying the game config typically doesn't trigger any anti-cheat, and usually requires direct intervention on behalf of the developers to disable any options that can have an impact on gameplay to gain an advantage.
I've modified graphics configs for virtually every game I've played in the last 10 years. If an option is capable of giving an advantage, its ability to be altered or have an effect is disabled, even if it shows up in the config file. (Ex: It took them a year, but they eventually disabled sv_cheats in Vindictus, and DbD doesn't allow you to disable the god-awful chase music, which hurts killers more than anything. TERA was unable to be modified to make use of quad core CPUs. Most games you can use SweetFX on with no repercussion.)
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Stiletto said:
So im sick of fake full screen, aka borderless one as you get better performance in exclusive fullscreen mode in any game.
I googled abit and found solution to how to make real fullscreen in DBD, i know that changing user ini should not be a problem, but i just want to confirm that this is not bannable or so.
Here are steps i took::\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Open the file GameUserSettings.ini
Look for these settings and edit the value to 0:
FullscreenMode=0 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=0
To change the resolution, edit these settings as you wish:
ResolutionSizeX=1920 ResolutionSizeY=1080 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1920 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1080
add "-fullscreen" parameter to the launch options in Steam.
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@Stiletto said:
@AnotherRandy from there chose Dead by Daylight game, and find option to contact them, u make ticket and wait for response.Thanks for the link, did you got a confirmation that they received your message or something? Cuz I didn't got any responses so far
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Yes i got confirmation, but not via mail. However i did not got response so far, well some support centers are known for being really slow.
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Stiletto said:
Yes i got confirmation, but not via mail. However i did not got response so far, well some support centers are known for being really slow.
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To be honest, dbd devs are worse, they dont care if you automaticly get flagged and will ban you for changing your resolution or making game run in fullscreen is absurd......