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Bias on the forums

I hear all the time that forums are survivor/killer sided. Depending who you ask decides the answer.

But i wonder. Considering the game NEEDS a majority of survivor players, there does seem to be an over representation of killer players.

What would cause this?

Is it true that if you are coming here to the forums you are heavily invested in the game?

Is it true that we as (mostly) human beings are a community oriented species?

Do we crave companionship with those who share our interests?

As survivor, can you get in a game and pretty much put on a headset and share your game with others?

As killer can you do the same?

I feel like killer is over represented here mainly because this is the only place for killers to communicate with other killers.

Where else can a killer go to discuss strategies or perk builds with other killers?

Maybe im wrong and that psych class i took 27 years ago means nothing, or maybe im on to something.

Long story short, IF the forums are killer sided, it's because there is no other place for these virtual killers to hang out and socialize.


  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Survivors complain in aftergame chat.

    Killers complain on forums.

    Is a well-known and established fact. You are spot on with the killer communication bit.

    The rest of your concerns are too existential and beyond the scope of this answer. Contact your local philosophy teacher for an answer.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Pretty much agree with this.

    You really cant know if the person is a main of play Both sides.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Today there are only more killer issues because there are more killers in the game each of whom is unique. While all survivors are the same.

    Most killer issues have already been addressed. Survivor vs. Killer mechanics balance issues are a lot closer today than ever. I completely disagree with your thesis that the only reason tehre seem to be more killer posts on this forum is because ther are more problems with killer. I strongly disagree with that. #SurvivorLivesMatter too. Especially since it's killers killing them.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Honestly, it depends on how you look at it. From the way I see it, people speak their mind constantly & make it very clear that both known & new issues on the forums are addressed, so it'll usually vary on how the game is doing.

    An example could be on how survivor hitboxes & animations are being spoken up for right now as a temporary issue, while killers generally being under more pressure is a known issue. The forums is one big echo-chamber, so you're going to see a lot of both, but overall I'd say killers are definitely talked about more because they just have way more stuff to criticize imo (with the biggest thing being gen-speeds).

    I play survivor 90% of the time yet I love to come to the forums to discuss tactics & builds related to killers simply because while survivors usually will have friends & such to do that with, killers don't have teammates & therefore will sometimes resort to either giving or asking advice on the forums to compensate for that.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Survivors playing in duos or higher will likely just fuss to each other and move on. Killers are solo, so they come here to fuss.

    That's it. It really is. It's why many Survivor who dare venture into the unfriendly and unwelcoming forums are solo players as well as the forums could be their place to fuss as well... but they get savagely attacked by the usual Legion of salty killer mains. I play both sides, but the forums at times makes me disgusted with the Killer player base. Actually playing the game usually leaves me grossed out by both sides though...

  • People who are satisfied with the game rarely seek out the developers, people who are unsatisfied will come to the official channels to make complaints.

    Most people here seem to be killers or solo survivors which makes sense. 3-4 man swf teams be laughing right now.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers have a compulsion to always 4K. Killers complain even when they 4K. The game is just fortunate to have an abundance of casual survivors to fill in and satisfy the egos of killers. Most of whom do not come to forums to complain. They either re-queue to lose again (be camped, tunneled, slugged, or killrushed) or they quit. 

    Survivors are more receptive of losing, killers are not.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’d agree that killers do complain when they don’t get a 4K but survivors complain if they don’t escape quite a lot too

    Also what’s the difference between killrushing and tunnelling I thought they were the same?

  • golubushka08
    golubushka08 Member Posts: 78

    Finally someone accepts the forum is full of killers.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Killers objective is to kill survivors. So it would stand to reason that many people do in fact want to get the 4k because that is the sole objective.

    Survivors goal to escape. And we see all the time posts about NOED being OP because it prevented the survivor from doing their objective.

    2 sides of a coin

    The forums are full of both survivor and killer players. My observation was the it 'seemed' like there were more killer posts than survivor posts, which percentage wise doesn't add up.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    100% this. I'm mostly play solo survivor, so here is the only place I can "complain" about issues with my experience, since I don't have a team to vent to.

    A lot of times I talk about a solo survivor problem, killer mains dont add anything of value to the conversation and just add some comment like "survivor ez git gud".

    They only care about themselves since they have this victim complex, like all they go against is 4men swf with meta perks.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    How typical of a comment from you. If there was a bias template, you would be a perfect fit.

    The worst part is, you don't even realise or would never admit how incredibly biased you are. I've seen many extremely biased forum users over the years but you heavily compete for taking the crown.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    If your invested in a game of course you would want to talk about it and with a game as unbalanced as this you want to discuss balance issues. the thing is most players who get onto the forums have played the game for awhile and have seen that the game is survivor sided at least when an swf is involved which is very common.

    New players don't often go onto the forums im not saying they don't but it's not as common as older players using forums, that is why you often see "nerf x" or "x is too strong" where x is something killer related but widely accepted as balanced like bbq and of course it x can be something survivor related but a lot of the time it is an actual issue like DS or OoO.

    Now the outsiders that don't really follow this are forum trolls who try to piss players off and start arguments, new players who don't have a sense of balance, as well as the biased players who don't see what is wrong with the side they play on and only focus on the broken or situationally unfair aspects the other side has. These people can be vets who simply don't have a good grasp on balance but it's not like what a biased player says is OP can't be OP however the subject at hand is either just strong but fair or obviously OP like DS.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    As always, literally not a single sentence in your post is factually correct.