Unless they were toxic, who cares how they played or what they ran for a build.
There are so many posts on the Dbd forums that are just complaints about a killer's perks or the build a survivor was running. "All four of them had decisive", "Spirit's who run strider are toxic", "The killer had Noed" "They slugged the whole game", "They were survivor with friends".
And? who cares what they did, they are playing the game just like you. Unless they were hacking, tunneling, camping, or sending you hateful messages, who CARES what they did or ran. Complaining about Noed and Decisive is such a stupid concept to me because they're literally some of the strongest perks in the game, OF COURSE they're going to run it, who wouldn't.
Play the game however you want, run any perk you want, play any killer you want, just don't be toxic about it.
It's okay to be upset about it, but you can't just run around calling everything toxic or saying a killer needs a nerf because you can't win against them. Don't be an entitled survivor main, don't be an entitled killer main, just play the game however you want and have fun.
Do people still call builds and killers toxic? I thought the new thing to call them was unfun.
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playing the game is toxic
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They're boring and toxic. That's what they say.
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I mean, if you are using OoO on comms, I see that as fairly rude. It's not intended to be used in that manner; and it completely ruins the game for many killers like Trapper. I blame bhvr however not so much the players.
If you are taking Noed as killer, and basically not even trying to play the game really, and you only really aim for noed kills, I think that is pretty lame.
Generally though, no there is nothing wrong with running whatever a meta is. Some builds are more "serious mode" then others, but I mean you run what you want to run, and expect the otherside to do the same.
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I kinda agree with you on the Noed thing but at the same time I don't like to complain about it because almost every killer I've gotten against this week has run it, it's just expected at this point.
But I don't know what you meant by "OoO on comms".
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To an extent I agree, however if you're running broken crap and pretending you earned anything then please do take a reality check.
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I do agree with you, but if you go against a lot of survivors and killers who run "broken crap" then you too can play just like them and earn the same amount of blood points. Oh and could you give me some examples of "broken crap" I want to able to understand your argument better.
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Toxic? Nah.
Jesus-Christ-dude-learn-to-live-a-little-one-of-these-days? Definitely.
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The #1 rule in all video games is to have fun, but I will always despise people who get enjoyment of wanting to ruin someone's day. Because that's their "fun" apparently..
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I don't care if they run it, so long as they are still playing the game.
I hate getting no points all game and then dying to it first hook because they refuse to play really, and you get no points and like double de pip.
OoO means object of obsession, and it along with most things in the game is not designed to accommodate the fact discord and such exists. So one person takes the perk, and EVERYONE benefits from it without taking it; and it's arguably the strongest perk in the game for survivors so it's a huge problem. That is why it is being reworked.
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Thank you for explaining, I completely agree with you.
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I'll be honest, I find certain builds annoying, like survivors with Deliverance/DS/UB or Deathslinger with M&A (I don't know why that annoys me but it does). There's a difference though between 'something I find personally annoying' and 'something I feel is toxic'.
OoO is the only truly toxic perk out there because of how it's used, and it sucks that it took the devs 4 years to finally do something about it. I don't like going against NOED, but I can live with it same as everyone else.
I'm saying this now because I went against a twitch streamer the other day (I won't name names) who face-camped me as Huntress (!!!!!!!). This was my second time against him and both matches were horrendous (in my first match against him he slugged me for 4 mins until I bled out). His excuse for camping me to death on my first hook was that I was using meta perks and he wasn't. For the record though I feel like BBQ, Nurses, and Iron Maiden are pretty meta for Nurse. My meta perks (DS, DH, and BT - I was only using BT because of a challenge) weren't really relevant because I didn't get to use any of them.
Sorry for the minor rant, but my point is that it's not about perks, it's about playstyle. Except for OoO. F*** that perk.
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I also agree with you, people should always be able to have fun unless it's toxic.
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I'm sorry you had a game like that, that streamer is the one in the wrong, not you. But I do agree with you that the playstyle of other players can too be very toxic.
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Thank you for your input Granda Crack Pipe, I agree.
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In my opinion some builds are inherently toxic. Some people play Freddy with swing chains, paint brush, thantophobia, tinkerer, BBQ, etc just to make the game as unfair as possible in their favor. When you start playing this game and abusing builds to make it as unfair as possible I consider that really toxic. That also goes the other way with survivors, I don't use DS + unbreakable for that reason.
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Thanks, but there's no need to feel sad for me. This twitch streamer called me "Satan the Devil" in his VOD because I healed mid-chase with Inner Strength and then thumped him with Head On. I'm perversely proud of being called that. There's a larger conversation to be had about the fact that he felt I was being toxic despite me using fairly normal perks the way they were intended, but it all gets wrapped up in this delightfully stressful experience we laughingly call DBD.
I'll never like this guy, but I'd play against him again in a heartbeat just to see what majestic tomfoolery we can throw at each other next. I'll hate him for it and he'll hate me for it but it doesn't matter because his hatchetts can't hurt m-aaargharhargh!!
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I agree with all who said that it's the playstyle of both sides that affect the community not perks
I concern myself with happens during the match... Not the perk screen (unless I saw something in the match I found interesting)
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Spirit with 3 slowdown perks, Yakuyoke Amulet, Mother Daughter Sign and Stridor, Oni with IF and Top Knot, Nurse with IF, ruin/Undying and range, 3-4 person SWF teams with all the good perks and map offerrings, team with stacked medkits and second chance perks, etc.
Literally the stuff that's banned in tournaments because it's just so ridiculous, basically.
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I would agree....But then i get the games where people will run 4 ds 3 unbreaks 2 Sgs 2 adrens etc.. and it's starting to become more common and common in my game,
"Oh just don't tunnel 4head and you won't trigger ds" Yeah... if its FOUR actual survivors with a brain and like to hook trade while getting themselves up with UB is severely overkill.. Can't wait till the hard ds nerf..