Question for Killers - How much is too much?

I play Killer & Survivor 50/50, i'm rank 1 in both and have been for quite some time so i'd like to think I have an unbiased opinion when it comes to nerfs and i'll be the first to agree that Undying/Pop didn't need to be nerfed.
But with that said, how much is too much? It seems like every single patch I see countless posts begging for survivor nerfs.. and then when you finally get what you want, you immediately start asking for another nerf?
In most recent events.. Infinites got nerfed? wasn't enough. Toolboxes + all Addons got nerfed? wasn't enough. Gen speeds got nerfed? wasn't enough. Hook saboing got nerfed? wasn't enough. More maps got reworked? wasn't enough. Keys are being reworked? wasn't enough. Decisive just got nerfed and Object has been confirmed for a nerf at a later date? Still not enough..
Now I see people demanding a Dead Hard nerf when anyone who uses it knows you end up dead on the ground 7/10 times.
I mean hell.. Just last week I saw someone asking for a Spine Chill nerf because it wasn't fair to stealth killers.
Will you truly ever be satisfied? or is it human nature to just constantly want more and more after you get your way once?
"then when you finally get what you want, you immediately start asking for another nerf?"
Yup, that's what people do here. Complaining is easier than getting good.
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I don't understand it honestly.. I see it all over the gaming community. Back in the day before social media was as big as it was; you couldn't complain.. you couldn't beg for things nerfed. You were stuck with what you got and it was up to you to figure out a way to increase your skill level to overcome it.
Nowadays, everyone just wants easy mode.
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Correction. Keys, DS and OoO have yet to be changes. OoO wasen't even confirmed it just a concept
Also worth mentioning that the little list you made is in the span of 3 years or something.
That said. When the above are actually changed I think most grand issues would be fixed.
But people won't stop asking for nerfs. Earlier this week there was a guy complaining that killers could deny his spine chill by moonwalking and that they were op for being able to move faster.
It's a gamer problem not a killer problem
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That wasn't over the span of 3 years.. I've only been playing since Sept 2019 and all of this has happened since then.
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Since DS and OoO are getting changed, it’s just DH and maybe SB and Adrenaline that need to change imo. DH most of all. At least adrenaline kind of has NOED for a killer equivalent.
After that you just need some map fixes. Less breakable walls or make the walls more spaced out rather than 2 or 3 on the same god loop. Also get rid of the camp one side maps.
Oh and keys as well.
Dont pretend the same doesnt happen to killers though. Nurse then spirit then billy then pyramid, now freddy, and next deathslinger and people still want another nerf pass on nurse, spirit and pyramid head. Hell I’ve seen survivors say Mid tier killers need a nerf too.
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There's some good balancing going on, but the real issue is they are trying to keep SWF and Solo Queue reasonably balanced, and that will never happen unless they make certain Perks basekit. Stuff like Kindred and other aura reads that SWF get for free, but Solo has to waste a Perk slot(s) on.
Once you do that, Killers need buffed because giving that much information to Survivors will be horrible for the health of the game. Quite frankly, I think it would be impossible to do because it would change the dynamic entirely too much.
Right now, from a Solo only Survivor's perspective, the game is probably the most balanced it's been since I started playing in the summer of 2017. Survivor feels like it's in a good spot, and Killer also does as well. The only issue I'm seeing, and it's gotten better since the hotfix, is some latency. They really need to focus on Server health and speed.
Looking at it with all the benefits and buffs you get playing SWF, well it's still unbalanced in the Survivor's favor. I truly think there should be some sort of penalty that's SWF only just because of the freebies they get by putting on a headset and talking to people. Either that or Killer should get some bonuses depending on how large the SWF party is in their match. There has to be some form of compensation on either side to balance out the match when SWF in it.
Post edited by Mringasa on5 -
There is a topic where survivor demand to nerf Pop goes weasel. And it just got nerfed 4 months ago.
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... okay my bad 2,5 years. Point still stands
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So, because one thing gets nerfed, it means the other unbalanced things aren't an issue anymore? Pyramid Head got a nerf awhile back. Does that mean Freddy shouldn't get one? Nurse was nerfed, so Spirit shouldn't be adjusted? This is an ever evolving multiplayer game. There will always be changes.
What, you think because infinites were 'fixed,' (even though they were reintroduced with breakable walls recreating them), other issues shouldn't be resolved?
Gens weren't touched, Prove Thy Self was, even though it was a slight adjustment, while Ruin was gutted.
Toolboxes may be controversial, I'll give you that.
Saboing was nerfed, because you can't 99 a hook anymore? Or was it because hooks respawn after a set time? You don't see an issue with that, considering what SWF can bring?
What's wrong with map reworks?
We don't know about keys. What, you think keys should be left alone, while Mori's were adjusted? And you say you play 50/50?
If you don't see the issue with DS as it stands, then I don't know what to tell ya. The core of DS remains the same, it just can't be abused as easily anymore.
OoO is a toxic perk. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. Why you brought it up is beyond me.
From your rant, it seems you want things to stay the same. How can you hope for growth if it's a stale mess that's never fixed? Wanting balance equals greed in your eyes?
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It will probably be enough when the game is balanced
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Killer mains will only rest when survivors cant even sprint anymore. Dead Hard wasnt an issue, but now that DS is getting nerfed they need to complain about something else to feed their victim mentality.
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Infinites got nerfed and replaced with a large amount of pallets being super safe.
Considering, you can finish a gen before the Killer can even walk 2 feet..I would say gen nerf was a failure.
The map reworks so far have been very much survivor sided..As stated before more safe pallet areas.
Keys will not be reworked I will blunt on that one..Unlike moris the useage is more complex..At best we can hope for a Killer who blocks the hatch like a blood warden effect.
As far a Hook breaking, well having people break a hook right in front of your face is cheeso and having people activity body blocking you is clown shoes specially as they break your hook...Note I can still be broken but is not prema gone.
D-strike needed to be gutted because It became basically a free "be a onxoius #########" card without punishment in that version of It.
Object, If they rework it as they say..It would ironically be less a toxic perk for both the killer and the teamates since everyone just stands around when using It and more of a "I know the Killer is using tracking perks" effect..So, kind of a BBQ and chili counter
Dead hard is something I detest..But,only thing I don't like about It is teleporting thou the Killer's hitbox/body...Otherwise I do not hate It that much.
Wanting the nerf spine chill is stupid..Since you can punish people for being chickens when they use It.
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Ruin has only gotten better. Against competent survivors old ruin was useless tbh and was only good against newer players. New ruin is really solid against all players so long as the killer pressures gens like they should be
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The thing is that you make it sound like it's only killers who complain, making you sound pretty biased to me.
The thing is, on both sides people call for nerfs.
Survivors want bbq nerfed, spirit nerfed, Deathslinger nerfed, bubba nerfed, iri hatches nerfed, etc, etc, etc.
So it is always both sides no matter what got nerfed, they always want more nerfed
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The Killers are just cry babies, they want to delete all survivors perks if they can. And devs are listening to the cry baby killers, and this game will die soon. They have just to stop trying to please those killers. But they will this is sad and true. I don't see the fun of this game nerfing the perks. The perks were made for a reason. Killer must put an effort and play better if he/she is unsatisfied after the game.
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Infinites got nerfed and replaced with huge deadzones.
There wasn't a gen nerf, there was toolboxes and prove thyself nerf.
Only map rework that is survivor sided was Gideon.
Keys are being reworked.
When people talk about sabo nerf, they aren't talking about the hooks respawning, they're talking about not being able to 99% them anymore.
D-strike needed a nerf, with that I can agree.
Kindred was already a BBQ counter, and OoO if reworked how they mentioned, is going to improve solo Q, which right now is the most undervalued side of the game.
Dead Hard is fine and so is spine chill.
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There actually was a small nerf to stacking on gens. The slowdown when stacking on gens was increased from 10% to 15%
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I have honestly found armies of safe pallets in a large amount of maps.
Yeah, I recall that...Still did little in the end
I would argue the game is now very much survivor sided and I heard the clowns new version is survivor sided..But,yet to see It.
I really don't know how they can rework keys in a way which would effective solve the problem which is survivors basically hatch hunting one 1 gen left and jumping out without overall reworking hatch. Because, the Key only lets one person out is goofy as hell of a idea and the animation idea only solves one base problem with keys.
Let us be Honest, there is a lot of BBQ and Chili counter. However, knowing a Killer is using tracking perks would be invaluable to solo players.
As stated Dead hard just needs the going thou bodies thing reworked cause that is just goof.
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In which universe gen speed got nerfed?
Anyways, I'm okay with dead hard nerf, not because they can "avoid a hit", is just the time you lose because of that. At same time I'm okay with iris huntress nerf.
About the OP, Its true that neither killers or surivors get satisfied, but nerfs go to both sides (on my perspective, specially killers at least in the last 2 years).
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It did a bit. Tool boxes were nerfed a bit with gen speeds. Great skill checks were reduced from 2% to 1%. There might've been more but I don't remember if it was within a reasonable time from now.
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I think the problem is the inability to see how perks - in their current state - can be (and are) abused, which makes it exceptionally difficult for the killer to maintain any kind of ground in the game.
DS currently gives a survivor literally 60-seconds of invulnerability. They can sit on a gen and crank it out, thus pushing forward their objectives. They also literally get a free escape if they happen to have been hooked somewhat near the gate and somehow get off... the killer cannot pick them up and they crawl away.
Now compare that with PGTW which got nerfed to 45 seconds. The killer has to scout the map to find a gen worthwhile to use it on to get any use out of it, whilst ignoring other survivors and chases, etc. In a lot of cases it literally comes down to "do I chase this guy I've come across, or go exploring?", and even if they go exploring its likely the gen they'd want to use it on might pop by the time they get there.
How in the world is it fair for a survivor who can heal themselves, or be healed by any of the other three survivors, to walk around with 60s of invulnerability, but the killer only gets 45s to use their perk or give it up?
Now you might argue that, "oh, the killer can use pop multiple times, there's multiple chances"... true, but he's also battling against 16 perks from the survivors. There could be 4x DS for all he knows.
And when you mix those with borrowed time, unbreakable, adrenaline, and OoO on comms (which extends one perk slot to all survivors if they're on comms), you can see how the game becomes survivor sided and the killer literally has to sweat in order to assert some kind of dominance.
The killer is supposed to be a character that's feared, that you run from. But with the current setup, more often than not (at experienced level of play), survivors see the killer as a plaything, because they've got a multitude of perks that'll keep giving them second chances if the killer does manage to get a hit on one.
The game should be about skill and tactics... not about which perk you necessarily brought, or how many crutches you're able to use.
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It really hasn't. You can tell by how solo queue got increasingly worse for red ranks as more and more bad survivors creeped up the ranks overtime thanks to the ruin nerf, since at the very least they can hold m1 now. Then they can't handle red rank killer chases, thus increasing the effectiveness of new ruin. The ruin change did very little back then. All it did was ensure a snowball was already going to snowball. Now years later ruin is too powerful cuz u have teams where survivors just can't loop at all or even do gens effectively. If matchmaking had equal teams the new ruin shouldn't be as effective.
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And ruin got nerfed too, same with pop. If they nerf gen progression/regression in both sides the situation doesn't change at all.
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I'm probably in the minority of killer players. I think most killers on the roster are strong enough. The game is actually pretty balanced when all 5 players are good.
I say this a lot about survivors, but the same goes for killers: most players are pretty bad. At least half the M1 killers I play against don't know which way to force me at a jungle gym. Or they try to moonwalk it even though I can just stand at one end and still react in time to make the window or pallet safely. Really basic stuff that these 500-1000 hr players still don't get.
What I'm trying to say is a lot of the killer players calling for nerf after nerf should focus on their gameplay. They aren't struggling against good players because of perks. It's skill and decision-making. Yes, you can get out perked. I'm not denying that. But too many killers absolutely crutch on Ruin/Pop/Swing Chains etc.
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Sept 2019 - February 2021 is a year and 4 months..... smh
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No I want behavior to stop catering to every single person that chooses to beg for nerfs instead of just learning how to overcome.. When I started DBD, things weren't handed to you.. You had to work for every escape, you had to work for every kill.. now it's just pathetic that everyone wants everything nerfed.
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Lol derp
Get your sleep kids. As i just demonstrated it's not good for your brain if you don't
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Killer is abusing some perks too.
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I mean, god loops were ingame for four years, even though people begged for change. I don't think that's 'catering' to every single person. Considering it takes months, if not years, for ANY changes to come to light, I don't see where you think they're catering, Yes, there's a lot of whining. People want Iron Will to be changed, for goodness sake, but on the other end, other people claim BBQ is OP. That doesn't mean it'll be changed.
There's, what, 50k player population at peak hours? That's a LOT of opinions and beliefs. The forums are a way to both express and vent those. Sure, some pick up and catch on, others just die away.
Where you around last year, just after the Nurse nerf was announced, when every week there were dozens of threads for any chosen killer that needed to be brought up to the chopping block? Think Deathslinger levels we had a few months back. Pig was cried over. Wraith was moaned about. Hell, my Plague was thought to be 'broken' and 'overpowered.'
My point is, in a multiplayer game where thousands of people congregate, there will always be ideas, good and bad. The forums are just a way to talk about that. Some people take nerfs as a sign that more are coming. Most are bad, but some are good. At least, in the long run. I'm still questioning the devs judgement on a few changes they've made.
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Do you care to explain how?
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No. I don't bother me to write here, because the only kind of players who re being heard of devs, are the killers.
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I mean both sides complain a lot.
For every "Nerf DH" I see, I see an equal post of Nerfing some killer power, or some killer perk. Mostly BBQ, Freddy, and Bubba. NOED is up there a lot too.
Both sides complain a lot, don't act like it's just killers. I can agree that a lot of killer mains tend to have a victim mentality though, but the same can also be said for people who play only Solo Survivor.
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Keys have been slightly nerfed (made them easier to see).
DS was nerfed 2 or was it 3 years ago I forget.
OOO is the only thing that hasn't been nerfed in your list.
So what if the list of nerfs were over a span of 3 years? That doesn't change that the cries for nerf have literally never stopped. That goes for both sides though, not just killers. Survivors are a pretty whiny bunch too. But nowhere as whiny as killers.
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because the only kind of players who re being heard of devs, are the killers.
Things that happened since the Silent Hill Chapter.
In patch 4.1.0, Billy's basekit was nerfed when most people agreed his add-ons only needed changed.
In patch 4.3.0, Pop was nerfed, and Thanataphobia received a Nerf. In that same patch, Survivor only received perk buffs.
Mori's were nerfed substantially, which they deserved.
Within three months of coming out, Undying was nerfed substantially, rightfully so.
Freddy is being nerfed soon enough, again, rightfully so. The Dev's are removing the exhaustion add-ons from Killer's, with Huntress likely being the next one.
You aren't the victim. Nobody is the victim. The Dev's listen to everybody, not just the Killer's, not just the Survivor's. They nerf, and buff everyone. Most of the issues this patch, that directly affect survivors, are unintended. The Desync was not meant as some massive nerf to Survivor. They are going to refine the movement so hopefully, you can actually juke again. As terrible as it is, the new HUD actually offers more information to Survivor.
So what your post is saying "I don't have any proof so I don't want to make a fool of myself." Which you've already kind of done.
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Actual Dstrike has gone thou many changes thou the years..But,before this verson It has had 2 buffs to make up for the nerfs..The verson that was out before this nerf was very close to how It originally was. A free ######### you to the killer But, only with a time limit added.
Dstrike is a perk that really was never well thought out.
I would debate that If we are talking whine survivors and killers have different whine tactics. If we are talking worst of the worst.
Killer straight up just #########. They get the short end and ######### about getting It. The contrast is Killers admit they are butthurt.
Survivors acts smug and like toshit talk killers when they get things nerf calling whiners and what not, But turn into caillou when It is their time for a nerf batting and usually try to deny "Butthurt".
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Honestly i never really have a desire to nerf survivor perks. Sometimes i feel cheated out of a kill or 2 cause of a perk like Borrowed but that doesnt have to call for a nerf right? I think it's an odd way of killers venting frustration about situations where a perk resulted in them feeling 'cheated'
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its easier to blame the game than thinking that they aren't good.
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It will never be enough, the problem is that killer gameplay is unfun and stressful, a small amount of people actually have fun with it.
The past year devs have tried to make it easy for killer to get ez 3-4k thinking it will make the gameplay fun, they are so blind that they keep doing this with as result the gameplay for survivor has also become very unfun. every single thing that is frustrating for killer that gives survivors a benefit is being removed, yet survivors have to keep dealing with most of killers frustrating stuff, at this point perks like spinechill and deadhard feel more frustrating because there is not much else left that can make you frustrated as killer (which is why alot more of those threads pop up).
Devs and the community also doesnt seem to understand that nerfs on killer side mostly has an effect on just 1 out of the 22 killers. however a nerf on survivor side ALWAYS impacts every single survivor. They just have gone way too far from survivor being OP to killer being OP with a current result of both sides being unfun to play...
they are far beyond the balance of 2kills/2escapes, looking at those last statistics litterly NOT A SINGLE killer goes below a 2k on average. NOT A SINGLE ONE! and it just keeps getting worse and worse for survivors. The only reason this game is still alive is because the constant stream of new people they had come in the game. The pool of new people is running out thank god which will soon bring them in a permanent decline. BUT DONT WORRY! They will come up with some dumb #########, like changing the HUD/animations.
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thats just dbd. people call the game unbalanced cuz they only play one side. as someone who plays killer and survivor id say the balance goes like this: SWF>killer>solo queue
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Some of the things you've brought up are things that HAD to be nerfed. Infinites being nerfed should be a given. If those were still in the game where there were giant safe zones that a killer couldnt possibly catch a survivor with half a brain no matter how much time was spent...the game wouldve died a long time ago. Using that as proof of whining killers is silly. Same with hook saboing. Making it impossible to hook survivors due to hooks never respawning is too much. Thats not a "killers are whining" issue. If a killer had the ability to permanently destroy generators so you couldnt possibly fix 5 of em, you'd have a similar problem.
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The map reworks are nessecary for rebalancing tiles so survivors can't just run to tile, drop pallet, run to next tile, and do that until all gens are finished. Old ormond was notorious for chaining safe tiles together and while it wasn't impossible to win on old ormond, it was certainly a pain dealing with survivors employing that tactic since there's no area to outplay them.
DS changes were never a high priority for me, but the changes they showed us should only remove the abuse factor that was an annoyance to deal with. So I'm fine with that.
OoO is pretty much the only perk that I ever felt needed to be changed. It's just not a healthy perk for the game, because the downside is 100% in the control of the survivor and the perk provides constant information about the killer and their current actions. While blindness and undetectable can counter OoO. Blindness is weak itself that it rarely is justified bringing just to deal with OoO and undetectable still is soft countered by OoO as the icon still lets the survivor know which direction you are in.
Keys can be annoying when multiple survivors escape after 3 genning themselves, but again like DS never felt that it was a big enough deal that demanded an immediate change to it. Still devs already said they plan to rework keys and I have no issues if they do.
As far as the current Dead Hard nerf posts are. I just don't see the issue. I played against a group of survivors last night who all had dead hard and still 4K'd them with only 1 or 2 gens finished.
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Well, thank you then for your really insightful comment and helping push the discussion forward. Good job.
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I don't buy that 7/10 Dead Hard doesn't work thing. If Dead Hard was that horrible I wouldn't see it CONSTANTLY when I play Killers.
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the problem is players like us who learned the game don't complain. Its the people who refuse to learn counterplay who b!tch about every little thing. There will never be any way to satisfy these people. Unfortunately until dbd starts caring about their game and their active community, others will continue to hop on any opportunity to say BHVR doesnt know how to balance
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If you're rank 1 in both then you should understand how horribly balanced this game is. The difference between solo and swf play is astronomical. A gen takes 80 seconds to complete solo. How long do you think it should take to find, down, and hook a survivor reasonably assuming 4 good survivors(good map knowledge, good at looping, good at communicating) at the start of the game? Anything in the realm of 50-60 seconds and guess what, you got 1/12 hooks and good survivors just completed(or almost completed) 3/5 gens. That said we are all familiar with leading a killer on a chase for 40 seconds+ only to see zero progress done on gens in solo. The question is, is this just a casual party game where balance doesn't really matter or are they trying to be something competitive. You have two completely different points of view depending on what you respond with. Also to your point about dead hard, no one uses it for the i-frames, it's used for distance to get to a window or pallet.
Also if you trying to justify infinites...again...gens take 80 seconds to complete solo. If killers just have to 'give up' chases and 12 hooks are still a thing then the math doesn't check out, there is literally no way to win/get kills against a good swf assuming you are playing an M1 killer. There is a reason BHVR is so hesitant to release stats/does not give us very specific stats that we would all like to know.
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This game has always been meh with balance, so of course people will complain about stuff that is too strong
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Should we talk about the latest batch of reworked maps, the Undying nerf, the upcoming Freddy nerf, etc.?
No? Not fitting your narrative? Pity.
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Ngl, I just want hitboxes to downgrade from 4.5. It was fine, now it's not