Question for Pig mains

Yes, I'm referring to all 3 of you, with the except of one particular streamer because I already know the answer from him (spoiler: it's because he's a bad person).

Why do you all tunnel people with active head traps on?

Now, I'm not talking about being chased twice in a match tunneling. Nor am I referring to accidental tunneling where you've got so much momentum that you've lost track of who's just been hooked and who hasn't. I mean hardcore, will ignore other survivors bodyblocking you, level of tunneling. I mean going for nobody but you until you're dead level of tunneling. So, in other words, actual tunneling.

Like, from the perspective of a non-Pig main, it makes sense to chase other people, doesn't it? The people without active head traps will be the people repairing the generators, so why wouldn't you chase them down? Even if you just slug the person with a headtrap, you'd still get more value by chasing someone hat-less than one with a party hat, wouldn't it? You'd remove 2 people from generators temporarily instead of just 1.

And don't get me started on why they just re-hook you afterwards. Like, what's the point of the head trap if you're just going to ignore everyone else and only hook one survivor? The traps are there to help create pressure and slow down the game, so why are you killing the one person with them on?

It genuinely baffles me so if any Pig mains, or Pig players in general, can answer that question, I'd be very thankful.




  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I love Pig got into her heavy last few month an I don't understand this. You want the survivors with the hats running around trying to get it off. That's where her pressure comes from and the reason I bring extra traps and/or extra boxes. Sure it can be taken off first try but thats rare and wont happen all four/five traps. Gives plenty of time to get your hooks up which brings me to my second point. She is the only killer I currently run Dying Light on. I have seen that if I trap the obsession it counters the 33% and as I have said the traps allow you to build up hooks.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    This as well but this should be obvious just light unhooking in front of the killer.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about dropping a current chase when you're halfway across the map just to come back and go for mr Party Hat.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I know what your talking about though I seen it plenty of times playing survivor and I have been just as confused as you.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    People do it to be mean. With pig there's near zero chance to get away if pig decides to tunnel you you with a trap on.

    It's the same deal witj bubba who has the same power in facecamping. Pig draws people who want to do some extreme hard tunneling because RBTs make it near foolproof.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Pig main here and I don't tunnel, not with or without party hat

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769
    edited February 2021

    ok so why do i never get you guys in my lobbies and instead i get [REDACTED] the twat who decides tunneling is the only option as Pig lmao?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Did they bring a key?

    I'll occasionally tunnel as a desperation play. AKA all 4 of you are still alive, there's 1 gen left, and I no longer have a defendable 3 gen.

    Outside of that... I have no idea why someone would actively tunnel.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I did not bring an item into the match, I did not tbag, I wasn't the first found. I didn't last the longest in a chase, nor did I last the shortest. I wasn't out of position, either. There were 4 generators remaining.

    That went down to 1 after they decided to tunnel me, as I was the only person with a happy beep beep remaining on my head.

    This happens every time I face a Pig and I honestly don't get it.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I hate anonymity, it makes me wonder who you're talking about

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Oh if I could tell you I would cause he's one of the most toxic entitled people I know lmao.

    Depending on your view though, unfortunately (or thankfully) the naming and shaming policy ensures that I can't unless I want to be banned.

  • I know what you are talking about, Pig can tunnel like Bubba can camp.

    However it's not common for me at all. It happens once in like a ton of pig games, most pigs are generally fine honestly.

    Instead of leatherface, where it's like almost or near half of them are face campers.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Former pig main here. To get heads to explode.

    I don’t tunnel them forever but usually enough to chase them away from any nearby boxes or if they try to locker DS me I’ll let the timer run down.

    Only reason to play pig is for head pops so you might as well encourage it

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I know it's not killer specific but it just seems to be every single Pig player I come across happens to also tunnel hard enough to get railed by a train lol.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182


    From what I have managed to understand from others is normally there are people who do it to be mean. Looking at it from other perspective from what I have heard and observed.

    It's usually dependant on the progress of the overall match. If it seems like the overall pressure is low, or the gens are being completely quickly then causing more damage to one survivor, or potentially removing one survivor from the game, can be a lot more impactful.

    Now, this is obviously not talking about the people who use this method from the beginning and constantly, but just from what I have seen.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Pig is my secondary main behind Spirit and I don’t do that. As Pig, I know the people that don’t have a hat on are able to progress the game so there’s no reason for me to go after the guy with the trap on unless he’s the only survivor that I actually see.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Out of curiosity though, if the generators are speeding by and with one survivor already not doing those generators, would it not therefore make more sense to take a second and possibly third survivor off of those generators, allowing you to swing pressure substantially more, than allowing the three others to roam free and finish the final couple quickly?

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774
    edited February 2021

    This focussing on a trapped surv as you describe is not how I play my Piggy, and should cost them the match. The headgear, especially when active, ensures that surv is in all likelyhood not doing gens, not healing themselves or others, not saving, not doing totems, etc. That pressure is priceless and is even better should that surv not get the trap off first try, which sadly seems to happen often.

    Now if I'm in chase and stumble across a surv searching a box they might get a drive-by smack down, but I will resume the chase I was on. Usually I'll ignore a surv with an activated trap running around and look for another, or if late game slug them, but still keep moving.

    With all her limitations and mostly poopy add-ons Piggy just doesn't have time to tunnel like that.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    “Why aren’t you playing pig optimally” is almost like asking “why are you playing pig in the first place”

    Shes got dumpster tier stealth, dumpster tier anti loop, and the traps can be removed first attempt. I pretty much stopped maining her the second ghostface came out.

    You basically need double purples for traps to do anything other than be mediocre stall.

    So why not try and get some head pops?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Another Pig main here (so there're 4 of us)

    I don't play like that but I have seen it from the survivors perspective

    Those who do it are players that like @SilentPill said want to get head pops... Or players whom don't know how to play Pig (sorry but that needed to be said)

    I've gotten around 50 (+/-) head pops... some of which I wasn't trying for... and others where I put RNG in my favor (or tried to)

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    This i can only answer for myself, and the reason is most likely you're a red rank surv while I'm at best a 13-14ish killer, and the lovely matchmaking has yet to toss us in together.

    Also I'm East Coast US, if that matters.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385
    edited February 2021

    Why would anyone spend what is basically a "long chase time" to get a survivor killed after finding him in the very rare "managed got down him once, trap him, and the trap got activated but not yet removed or deactivated" stage?


    Why would ANYONE try to make the best of a pretty rare situation tied to an otherwise very mediocre part of the kit of a very mediocre killer?!

    It's a sadly a mystery that we'll probably never be able to solve.

    Edit: I used to be Pig Main, because I love the idea of a stealthy killer, but as many of us, I just hard swapped to the superior in any way Ghost Face. Nowadays, the only thing that makes the pig worth playing is to get thos headpop, and unless you are willing to totally throw the match, headpops are extremely hard to intentionally get.

    Here's a pro tip for you survivor, if you see that the pig is trying to get your head pop, just rush to the boxes and ignore her, she'll have to stop you from using thos boxes, which means downing you, which mean no headpoping.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I think the east coast us part is what does it cause unfortuantely the game puts me with grey ranks all the time at red rank lmao.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Yeah I honestly can't find the answer because putting yourself in that "pretty rare situation" is throwing the game and making it unfun for as many people involved as there can be lol.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    USUALLY it is correct to prioritize going after someone without a Trap, and if I spot two Healthy Survivors one Trapped and one not, I will almost certainly go for the non-Trapped one. Hardcore tunneling Trapped Survivors is a waste of a Trap, regardless of whether you intend to have the Trap kill them or not.

    That being said, sometimes it makes sense to swing by boxes on my way to a gen and scare them away if I see them (or down them if they are already injured). Sometimes BBQ will highlight a trapped Survivor who I think is headed toward a particular box, and I will try to cut them off for the same reason. If I think pushing away or downing someone with a Trap will be the difference between them dying to the Trap and not, I WILL go for it unless doing so will cost me the game. And obviously if you're not respecting the Trap, there is no reason to ignore you because the Trap is not doing its job.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    Nah, it's not unfun, it's actually the funniest thing ever when you manage to have it happen, but as I said, it's a very rare case.

    Should you hardcore focuse someone, following them around, waiting for the trap to activate, then chasing them to prevent them to use the boxes? Absolutely not.

    But is chasing someone with an ACTIVATED TRAP (the point that weirdly enough most people seems to have missed on that thread) on the head if you happen to stumble upon them?


    Is it unfair and uncounterable, Absolutly not, as I said, you just need to get to the box, and force the killer to down you rather than letting your head pop.

    Your reasoning is the same than the one most bad survivor like to use to justify them missusing the "tunneling" word: If a target is more vulnerable (like an unhook happen, you get on the spot and only find the freshly unhooked still wounder, going for it is the right move, it's not tunneling its literally just going after the easiest target.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yes this does need to be discussed because it's not even the "morality" of tunnelling that gets to me in this case just how completely dumb it is. If you're playing against a pig and she's not the brightest cog in the RBT, it's a pretty safe bet that she'll drop chases with untrapped survivors to go after trapped ones, and drop chases with inactive trapped ones for active trapped ones. So you can use this against them.

    Best example I saw was a Laurie on death hook who had literally seconds left before brain went boom, and managed to get the killer's attention (who was chasing me, untrapped) and loop her for about two minutes before being downed and sacrificed.

    Dear pigs, I know this killer is ofc completely op and broken but you don't have to hard counter yourselves in this way to compensate.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    GF/Pig Main. Don't boop my snoot.

    Starting your post the way you did... just is way too salty lol. There are a lot of pig players. And we play pig knowing she is massively inconsistent and bottom tier. Your comment about the streamer... weird. Word of advice... check your attitude before posting on public forums. It doesn't translate well.

    I'll go ahead and say a lot of times I leave people with the hat running around... but I will also tunnel you. I will get you immediately on second hook, and slug you every time you are in my pathing or use you late game to keep people off gens or coming back for you. If survivors are "body blocking me"... I get annoyed. And I will hit them and continue to come for you cause clearly they will keep wasting their time (to heal and to save you). Much better for me

    A bad pig will KILL a hat wearer... a good pig will use you for mind games or stall power. It's all we have. Given most get their trap off by second attempt.

    I can get you to second hook, slug you, chase everyone else, and control the game just fine. I don't do it all the time, but sometimes against a really good team who THROW THEIR GAME to protect others... is when it needs to be done.

    You may not like my answer, and I don't care either way because it won't change how I play. 7/10 times you will get a fair game given I am not being trolling... but other times I just want to play a different way. One you may HATE but one that is totally legitimate.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I doubt any of us 3 Pig mains do that. I would expect a 'main' to know better. Or rather, 'did' in my case, as I've been DbD-free for 3 weeks. But I digress.

    Let me rephrase it. If you're routinely hardcore tunneling activated traps, then you're a Pig main in the same fashion as a facecamping Bubba is a Bubba main. You're not trying to play the character optimally. You just found a flawed game mechanic that allows you to annoy people, which is likely what you're after. Totally allowed play if you choose so. The difference is in the motive.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I’d like to know too. Jk, actually most Pigs I encounter don’t do this. It was just the one that I met today that tunneled me off hook even though no one has a RBT on them and I do and there was no good reason to. I just concluded they probably weren’t very good at the game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Bro please give me your Pig players all of mine juat keep tunneling 😭😭

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    If I'm being perfectly honest, if I cared about what other people thought of my attitude half of my comments on these forums wouldn't exist. However, I don't, and subsequently can conduct myself in whatever way I see fit.

  • Donkerydoo
    Donkerydoo Member Posts: 2

    Perhaps you should take your own advice and check your attitude before posting something online.. you clearly missed a JOKE, because you put your own emotions into what he said in text, you know.. cuz text.. doesnt, have any emotions?... except for the ones you put into it when you read it. As for pig players that go for people with traps on, I think its Unfair and Unfun to play against but thats just MY opinion If you disagree I dont care my opinion cant be changed.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Oh my all I can say is that as most my fellow pig mains have said I do not play this way or fathom why on earth you would.

    Do you know if your trap was the last one she had? That is the only thing I could think of that might of caused it but even that doesn't make sense to me.

    I wish I had answers for youas a pig main it makes me very sad when I read these types of posts.

    Please accept apologies and my boop I'll understand if you say no tho



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    It wasn't even the last trap I was the 3rd one downed and trapped 😓😫

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I don't tunnel as Pig, or anyone honestly. Unfortunately there are alot of Pigs that do. I've never understood it either.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    I love seeing survivors trying to leave through the exit gate with an active trap on their head.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I "guess" I'm a Pig main now -- I play a large number of killers, but Piggie is who I gravitate to, and who I play by far the most as, so I assume I'm qualified to answer, lol.

    I go out of my way to NOT go after the person with the trap on their head. If you have a trap that's active -- or even an inactive one -- and you're searching boxes, then you're not working on generators, and since I'm a Pig, I need that slowdown. Chasing after a trapped survivor is a waste of my time, which is why I try to avoid it, since the other survivors will be cranking out gens while I'm on a fool's errand if I do.

    Will I go after a trapped person, or after someone on a box? Absolutely, but it HAS to be situational. I've had three or all four people trapped simultaneously and had no other choice but to chase someone with a trap on. I've had someone get unhooked, I've started chasing after the rescuer, and watched as the person who got unhooked runs right to the box directly in front of my new chase to work on their trap -- you can bet I'm lovetapping them and downing them, since they're right there, before I go on with my chase with the other person. If I'm chasing someone and they run past someone working on a box, I'm definitely taking that opportunity to smack them down if I can -- that's on their teammate for bringing me there, and there's no logical reason why I wouldn't disturb those survivors in that case. And if it's the EGC and the gates are open and survivors have active traps, I will look for them, since ignoring them is license for them to simply disarm their trap and get an easy escape. I've had multiple people with active traps on when the last gen popped and I've opened the gates myself as a strategy, since that puts their back against the wall dealing with two separate timers and no way out with that trap on their head.

    But all of those situations are pretty rare. The huge majority of my interactions with survivor as The Pig involves me trapping someone, then letting them go to their own devices. I played a match this morning where I got two head pops without using any add-ons to make it more likely (I ran Combat Straps and Last Will) -- the two survivors who died to the trap did so because their teammates were so focused on slamming out gens, that the first one who died had to go get a rescue across the map of their teammate while they had an active trap because the other two wouldn't get off of gens (it was a Kate who was running Kindred, so the two gen-slammers had no excuse), and the two trapped survivors ended up using time to heal each other. Their two teammates unwillingness to do anything to help them doomed them both (and their whole team, as it turned out). It was a perfect example of how Pig players can get pressure from their traps when they're not interacting at all with the people who are trapped.

    Pig players do not need to go after trapped players, and they certainly don't need to tunnel them, to win. I don't know the percentage that play that way, but I'm not one of them. When I face one as a survivor who does, it's unpleasant, but even when I die as a result, it usually results in a win for the rest of my team, so I take solace in that.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Uh, ew. I didn't have an attitude and your jokes seem pretentious. So no thanks on your advice ;)

    Anyways.. addressing what actually matters in your reply... Oh wait... you didn't really say anything are clearly don't want a conversation. See ya

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    So how about instead of being sensitive... you just actually reply to someone breaking down a response to your question to pig players. Then maybe something positive can come from this exchange. If you want to be weird in the first half, let's go! But at least have something to say about the breakdown or explanation.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    You see, of course I could do that if I cared to have an exchange with someone as condescending as you, but unfortunately I'd rather take no answer than get one from you. Have a good day, and kindly remove yourself from my thread.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2021

    Pig is not OP or broken. In fact, pig is a bottom tier killer. Pig has many things against her...

    1. bad ambush mechanics. Sound triggers too late and the crouch into ambush is ungodly slow without add ons. Then you have your terror radius which takes time to disappear.
    2. RBT are extremely inconsistent. Most players have them off within 2 boxes and you are an M1 killer for the rest of the game. Which is why a lot of pig mains run endfury or other anti-looping builds because gen pressure is tough on this killer.

    Tunneling and slugging is not countering yourself (though I do not think killers should resort to it) and often leads to the 4K with pig. Of course, bad pigs will 3rd hook a hat wearer... but good pigs know when to stop. The only gen pressure we have is the hats. You can absolutely win the game without tunneling/slugging more times than not, but generally most tunneling with good pigs is SURVIVOR induced. It's just funny because it's hard to complain against pig when you have game design like Hag or oppressive zoners like PH and Demo. Because other killers can CONSISTENTLY overpower a survivor team whereas pig is again, dependent on the luck of hats staying on. (in red ranks I can tell you head pops rarely occur against any semi-decent team)

    It's pretty simple. If a killer wants to tunnel/camp just let them. Go power through gens. I can't tell you how many pig killers that aren't too good get the game over within 10 minutes when I and other teammates power gens and not try to save the person being tunneled constantly. Don't troll, body block, or leave objectives.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2021

    Still responding though, so clearly you want something from me. And you have no power in your thread. In fact, you own nothing here <3

    If you can't handle conversations then maybe you just want confirmation bias. That's cute I guess

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Correct, I'm responding for entertainment. And you're also correct, I have no power here, but I can indeed ask nicely.

    If I just wanted confirmation bias then I'd be ignoring every other response here. But I'm not. I'm upvoting them and reading them on the off-chance I actually play Pig in the future. If I just wanted confirmation bias I'd ask my close friends who share the exact same opinion as me, but I didn't- I took the question to a public forum.

    Though this is entertaining, this is the last of my time I'll give you. I have better things to do than respond to someone as oblivious and hypocritical as you.

    Again, have a good day. I hope I never see you in the Fog. :)

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    I thought you were done responding to me three times now. Getting a bit weird. I think it's time to ACTUALLY move on this time :)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Really? If you're going to be condescending you could at least count the full number of farewells.

    Which seems to be just the one, which you just responded to. Before that it was the OP kindly asking you to stop, which you didn't, and before that was a big ol' nothing.