with the upcoming DS nerf, how do you think it will affect survivors behavior/build?

Do you think survivors will just run around when they get unhooked trying to bait the killer into chasing them?
Will they do objectives and deactivate the perk and complain about tunnel and make forums posts about it? (this is not a insult or complain, i am pretty sure it will be a thing)
remove it entirely from their builds?
How do you think this change will affect the game?
People will still bring it.
It'll just be used less offensively. Bad Survivors who relied on it as a bailout perk will drop in Rank and Survivors who legitimately got tunneled will see no difference.
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Which leads into a increased used of DS, because it still helps against tunneling.
I personally what will change is that we just won't see less agressive behaviour done by DS users. The perk will still be fine to punish tunneling, but more passive. My assumption is that those agressive players will jump to something else like more Headon, Flashlights etc.
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Exactly to what I think.
Most survivor use DS mainly to do Gen safely, for tunneling is just in case.
Since tunneling isnt often. DS cant make Survivor do Gen safety mean it lost 80% its use. Cause the use rate will dropped down.
Since dropped down, no Obsession game will increase
No Obsession lead to increase tunneling.
Increase tunneling lead to more DS
Infinite cycle
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I'm so glad it's getting nerfed. Strongest perk for way too long.
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It was already nerfed before. It will still be strong but fair and needed.
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It won't affect me cuz I never use DS.
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I disagree. I think it'll be used more offensively. Good survivors will use it to chase the killer instead of the other way around.
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Noone is going to bring it including me anymore
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They should add in if a survivor is in a locker for x amount of time it turns off so survivors can’t try and bait it
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Then they get slugged and lose it.
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Build nothing but their behavior will massive change they will be more cautious before magnetic onto a gen or they to group heal ever since the proposed nerf I've been picking up people they jump instantly to a gen to see how many people like to just so a gen rather than heal it's a good amount
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Most will still use it to make sure there is an obsession but less offensive use of DS is likely
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Survivors will still use it (me included) because it prevents naughty killer behavior. I've used it a half-dozen times in the past week and every time I've used it would still be applicable after the 'nerf'.
What will change is that sweaty SWFs will only bring 1 DS instead of 4 because they can no longer bomb hooks with DS/BT (which, coincidentally, is something I've also seen a half-dozen times in the past week. My fault I guess for being a dirty tunneller.) I'm also looking forward to not seeing survivors doing gens in my face with Deliverance/DS/UB. I don't think it's an OP build I just think it's an intentionally annoying playstyle.
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A lot of survivors will stop running DS because they can no longer abuse it. Some will continue trying to abuse it only to realise they are now playing into the killers hands. The rest will continue to run it because they were running it to punish tunneling, not to get free game progress and map pressure.
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Will it really stop tunneling?
What's stopping a killer from slugging someone for its duration even after the nerfs lol
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Now survivors can actually use the "Don't Tunnel" excuse when it does happen.
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nothing, but now survivors won't work on gens in your face or BT/unhook/DS anymore
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I highly doubt the DS nerf will change the meta. It will still be brought to trials
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it's still gonna be brought and it's going to be used even more aggressively due to how they changed it and killer mains are still going to ######### about it (because the aggressive part is the part they hate).
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I don't think it will affect the percentages of people who run it one bit.
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Nothing is going to change. The meta will still be DS/UB/DH/BT. The only difference is killers will now complain about some other aspect of those four perks.
As long as Camping, Tunneling and Slugging remain powerful strategies three of those perks will always be meta and DH will always be meta because every other Exhaustion perk is niche.
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I have been seeing people running It a lot less since the nerf was imply to be coming...So,I think It had more effect then most assumed.
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Honestly i prefered the old DS compare to this one juggling survivor was an option or you could use endurance.
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Getting nerfed before doesn't mean it isn't still the strongest survivor perk. 2 things can be true at once.
Also, as a killer main for a long time, i'd argue that old DS was less annoying in a lot of ways, because at least you could juggle survivors to avoid it, or you could run enduring to reduce the stun.
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They are gutting this perk so hard, they should just make it basekit at this point. Not worth wasting a perk slot on it anymore after the nerf.
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It will probably start being used as a trolling/body blocking/hit taking perk. Players will probably start chasing killers around so they can activate it and waste their time. It will be interesting running around with a survivor hugging you to try and make you down them. They will also some how be more salty about being slugged over it.
Still needs some more changes in my limited opnion. DS should be disabled during a collapse/exit gate state and/or if you are the last survivor. Lost a survivor to trap door on a 3K bc they were appreantly being "tunneled" when they were the only one left on the map.
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You will mostly eat ds now if you tunnel. I see it as fair.
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Solo's might bring more perks like Inner strenght, second wind or bond to be able to get healed without doing the heal action yourself. But other then that not much will change.
It's still has the same power as it use to have. This change just stops the non tunneling killers from having to deal with a 59s ds while that person has spend the last 30 seconds on a gen
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Gen rush, tunneling, camping are the game main problems.
This new DS as basekit would solve the tunneling. It doesnt hurt non tunneler at all, while stop tunneler
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As a solo player who never runs DS I can see my team mates becoming even more useless and touching gens/healing me even less because they dont want to waste their DS.
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Why wouldn't you use ds? It is the only perk in solo q that can help you not being farmed of the hook or just camped and tunneled to death. Whenever I see my teammates being downed immediately after being unhooked and put back on the hook, I always wonder why don't they use it. Some of them even dc after it happens like they didn't expect it lol.
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Because I already have 1 perk slot for kindred, 1 for bond, 1 for iron will and 1 for lithe. Those 4 I always use, DS, not so much. I wont dc if my team mate farms me. However, if it is the start of the match and they could have waited for the killer to be far away but decided to just rush the unhook and not take a hit, if i get hooked again and they try to save me again I will struggle and suicide right in their face. Call it petty but lol
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I dont know but, DS should disable once healed, rather than healing.
Image 2 guys with DS still on, the one get healed still have his DS, the other guy injured with DS disable
This may lead to the case where Survivors refuse to heal each other.
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I understand, I don't blame you. I think you could switch bond for ds tho to have better chances. Kindred gives you a lot of info on teammates already. My current build is iron, ds, kindred and woo.
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Well seeing as how DS is being nerfed to a point where if survivors do want to use it, they got to spend 1 minute deliberately getting chased, otherwise be a useless potato for a solid minute. Tunneling is gonna come out of the woodwork seeing as how the DS is a nerf for survs, buff for killers. So yeah... player base will drop, more unbreakable will be needed and same cycle of (Well now the fixed DS, time Unbreakable did too).
Look I play mainly killer and I can tell you, this DS change is giving killers more benefit than survs. I mean, to know that someone is doing nothing for a full minute or doing something with no DS is just dogshit retarted.
DS needs a good change (a balanced change), no doubt... just not this shittylike change. Its drastically gonna effect the player base.
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I think DS will still remain one of the most used perks as it will strongly hurt tunneling. Some people will trade DS to adrenaline. Generators may slow down slightly but nothing major
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I will no longer use it, and I'll start playing killer more
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Unfortunately I feel like tunnelling will become more popular. Survivors won't run DS as much because it's anti-tunnelling purposes aren't amazing. I'd say probably more BT but I won't bank on it.
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They won't derank though. This game ranks you up for barely interacting with the killer. There is always an upward skew of the bell curve of players. They need to be more harsh with maintaining high ranks.
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Considering everybody will be reset to 20 every month in the near future, I'd say they are on it.
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then don't and see what happens.
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Less people might use it but it will still be a highly used perk.
If nothing else just to ensure someone has an obsession perk. It doesn't happen every time, but there's a reason people try to avoid having games with no obsession afterall.
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The "nerf" was really a buff. Atleast back them, dribbling was an unreliable counter, but a counter. The "nerf" left it without a counter.
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I think there's not much the DS nerf will change. Killers will still slug cuz they don't know if survivors have lost their DS or not but killers will be far more likely to just pick up survivors anyways. At the same time survivors who are used to surviving until all gens are done will probably still run DS cuz it becomes far more powerful.
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To be honest, BT covers most of the situations where DS is applicable. IE, a killer targets the unhooked victim and tunnels. BT gives the unhooked a sprint burst to safety and guarantees a safe unhook unless you're gigapotatobad.
I don't use DS and am climbing comfortably. I think less survivors will use DS and flex into different, more powerful builds.I dread the day, as killer, where I respect DS and everyone else has prove thyself.
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You'll still get DS unbreakable builds, people running into you with DS, people jumping into lockers, the only difference is now the perk can't be abused to get gens done, so a step in the right direction but it isn't perfect yet.
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You have to bring it. Otherwise, if there is no Obsession or at the latest at the point where the Killer sees that you dont have DS, you are out of the game.
If they tunnel you after your first Unhook and dont get stunned, they will tunnel you again, nothing is preventing them. DS is still a mandatory Perk.
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Hopefully it will be the day when everyone learns that dbd has more than 8 perks
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This is true. People who don't bring it in solo q are relying too much on their team which is a recipe for disaster.
You can't expect people to take a hit for you or have bt. It is silly. I don't have a bt so I always take a hit when I unhook if the killer is near and not going anywhere. It benefits the whole team but some people just farm you and dissapear. It is their choice so is yours to come prepared for situations like that.