How do people still play this game solo?

I got all my survivor and killer rift tasks done so I've just been waiting for Level 2 to be released with just my daily tasks to give me purpose. Maybe I shouldn't do these tasks because they're always on my non-Prestige 3 characters with less than optimum perks.
I've been trying to get Kate to survive to open an exit gate, but the first match had 2 survivors crouching across the map (I saw this from the start with my Bond), allowing the 4th survivor to get to the second hook stage and then left me to die on my second hook so they could get the hatch together because one of them brought a key (I didn't notice this).
Game 2: I brought a key and decided I was going to be selfish and play like those other survivors. Except every time the killer saw me, they stopped everything they were doing and tunneled me to take the key out of the match. And the window hits have never felt worse than they did with this update with this Blight.
I'm trying to find the point in playing this game if all I do is wait for more rift tasks. It just feels like all the good players have left the game, and all we're left with are crappy survivors who don't do crap in this game.
Even with potato teammates if you're a good survivor you can make wins happen. I do it and so can you.
You gotta learn how to carry. I do strictly solo queue and win most my matches.
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Because AU servers have literally gotten so anti-killer that I'm escaping more than I die. Nearly every team I get, as survivor or killer, is the crème de la crème of solo's.
Seriously, my ques are instant and my teammates are fantastic, what more reason do I need? I almost don't want the desync issues fixed because it will return to normal.
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Takes time but make a build that’s optimal for surviving alone self care iron will and calm spirit you can heal without a medkit you won’t make noise hurt and the killer won’t know your on a farther away area by seeing a bird fly or land plus it counters doc a few perks and addons for killers so your hidden and I’d say use technician for the reduced fixing sounds and because it allows you to escape Freddys dream safely
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Those window hits aren't just restricted to Blight. The best hits are when you're already a couple of steps in to running after vaulting
How are you enjoying successful pallet stuns? I don't mean the ones where a stun/hit happens at the same time. I mean the ones where the killer teleports 2 metres to be on your side of the stun, makes the stun animation/sound but can instantly give you a clip round the ears
I agree with Blueberry's comments. Although I lose more than I escape, which is probably why I love the challenge.
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More rewarding to play solo than with SWF IMO.
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Yup pretty much all of this. Swf seems really unfair. This is the way the game was meant to be played.
Challenging and unpredictable yup.
No friends to play with yup.
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By playing killer HAHA
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I like the randomness to an extent and fighting unique killer builds( very rarely)
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Easy, I have no friends who play the game. It sucks when my teammates are worse potatoes than I am, but it's not as often as people like to cry about. Solo queue, in and of itself, isn't the problem, matchmaking and ranking are. I don't have hope it will truly be fixed though. In order to do so, they have to attract a wide range of killer players to play in all ranks, which is difficult to do since not many people want to play the more difficult role.
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because they dont have friends to play the game ( most cases, wich is sad)
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Played solo since day 1 and haven't got an issue with it. I win some I lose some, i help and get helped.
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As long as people are getting unhooked and doing gens, it ain't that bad. Anything beyond that you're right it's awful.
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Dude idk how you can carry lmao. I try but there isn't much you can do with potato teammates so I don't bother anymore. Everyone for themselves
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Or because (my case) most of my friends don't have that much time to play video games since they are working or studying for college. Also, most of them don't own a PC to play this game or just don't give an F about video games at all.
Or they don't enjoy dbd anymore (This is me right now). I haven't opened the game in almost 2 months. I said i'm going to wait til this update to start again, but hey, desync is back so i'll pass again. My girlfriend still plays this game often (a few games every other day) and she calls me everytime from across the room "HEY, let's play dbd", but i know i won't enjoy it and i refuse. I prefer watching someone on twitch playing it rather than me
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i have about 1800 hrs in DBD i would estimate i play like 70 % killer and 30% survivor
but lately to be fair, and i hate to say it, i couldnt play more than couple of matches as survivor, i just couldnt handle how noob my teammates were so it kinda make me uupset and go back to playing killer more.
now hopefully the new MMR is not just fake news, and we get to be put with people similar to our skills, that should fix the solo q problem, but untill then i agree with you its bad, and if i try hard i know i can win almost everygame, as survivor, but why would i try so hard, and whats fun in playing like that, i play killer which i main anyway.
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Not all games are carry-able, some groups are just too dead weight. Many can be though.
The strategy I find works best it to get the killer on you and then waste lots of his time. Obviously a good killer won't fall for this, but many will.
If he won't, then just ignore everything else going on and gen rush. Objective times for each side are ridiculously unbalanced, so you can single handedly knock out 50% of your teams objective in just 2 survivors hook times. That's ignoring chases, saves, slugs, pick up time, hook time, and the myriad of second chance perks all giving you more time.
Honestly if between the 3 other randos they can just do even one gen, you're solid.
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git gud.
Also you are not supposed to be successful 100% of the time. This is true of any online multiplayer game.
When doing "escape with" or "Open exit gate" or "Relic Veneration" quests sometiems I get it in 1 go, sometimes it takes 5 tries. That's how it is. Don't let it get to you.
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I'm a soloist and always have been ever since I started playing this game.
Post edited by GrisouOats on0 -
With low expectations.
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By pressing "Find a match" and not typing paragraphs on the forum.
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This is what I've run into. 4 of my friends won't touch this game again, no matter what. I have one friend that will occasionally play and it's just nice to have another player that you count on doing gens when you're giving the killer a good chase and vice-versa.
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SWF is the better role* fixed it for you
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Yeah, I've been playing for three years and have around as much time as you in this game, and survivor has just been super unenjoyable lately. I don't need to win 100% of the time, but survivors these days are acting more selfish than ever. There is no reason the killer gets a 4k when I got hook saves, cleansed totems and finished 2 of the 4 generators that were completed. Why are survivors acting so scared?
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It's definitely a matchmaking issue for sure when I can run a killer around so they just leave me and go after easier to catch survivors with probably less experience. There's only so much I can do with worthless survivors.
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Super helpful, thanks for sharing.
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I play solo 99% of the time and kindred is a must for me, it helps so much
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It just sucks that basically all my friends hate the game after like maybe 3 months of trying it out after I've been playing for years.
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Without expecting an optimal team. That is how I play. Whatever happens happens. And I don't feel like playing this game with my friends, I prefer the other games where we can relax and explore.
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It's almost worse to have info on other survivors. You get to watch them crouch walk and hide in the basement while you're busy fixing generators and trying to keep the killer busy.
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I had a lot of fun playing this with my noob friends. The problem was that they started playing it by themselves and just got bored of the rinse and repeat mechanic of the game and the bad hit boxes (even before the snafu of this latest update).
0 - really points out how little your teammates do. I just use it to figure out if a killers camping or if someone's going for a save
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I appreciate killers who tunnel bad survivors in solo queue. I wish more of them would do it.
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I don't appreciate camping in any way. Do you realize that if the killer tunnels "bad survivors" it just makes your team weaker as well since there's less people alive?
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For all the people who complain and say Solo is nothing but hell, I assure you it is still possible to play. Is it harder? Yes. Can it still be fun (and can you still win)? Yes. I play most games Solo and I do ok. When it comes down to it I'd rather be with a team of ALL Solos than a damn 2 or 3 Person SWF. That is what is awful for Solo Players, being treated like the Red Shirt.
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You're absolutely right.
Also, the only reason I don't disconnect when getting consistently tunnelled/camped is because of the rift tasks. Once they're all done, I'm not indulging crappy killers who get their kicks by tunneling or survive for players who are crouching all over the map.
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I agree, dont expect the other survivors to be optimal and you won't get frustrated
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Survivors who hide in lockers, crouch around the outskirts of maps, and don’t do gens do not add strength to your team. They don’t unhook you if you need it, they can’t loop or even distract the killer. They miss any skill checks they might encounter. They need to experience the consequences of being that bad. The ones who bring keys and do nothing all game and then leave you when hatch appears are even worse. They throw pallets down like they are going out of style.
Sorry, but these types of survivors need to be tunneled.
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So you have a problem with killers trying to win the game? In that case, you can you not do gens and stop running away?