I let a bully squad bleed out instead of hooking them

One turned out to be solo, now I feel bad. But it's very satisfying to bully an entire bully squad then read the hate after getting a taste of their own medicine
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gg ez baby survivors
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You should be careful gloating about this on these forums.
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Not against the rules, if they can bully me then I think it is only fair I can bully back. In my 5k hours of this game no one has ever said bleed out was bannable
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They were trying to make me rage quit not do gens, the classic flashlight spamming and body blocking
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Not gonna lie, I don't really get this. If they weren't doing gens, then why not play normally? You get more points and it's more satisfying as a win. Don't give them the attention lol.
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Although slugging isn't bannable, I'd still be careful. A 4 man bleed out when you can easily hook people could be considered holding the game hostage.
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Where can I find these types of survivors?
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I don’t agree with toxic behavior but by doing this doesn’t this make you just as good or bad n this case as them? You have to rise above the BS my dude. Play normal and say GG. On to the next.
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So they were memeing and not actually progressing the game?
Sounds like it should've been easy to kill them.
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So you’ve played for 5k hours... and still feel the need to gloat about this?
Do you, I guess.
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I say gg every game and every game I get racial slurs and insults back instead of a gg. If you play rank 1 survivor solo the killer always says gg back but if you play rank 1 killer you get more significant more hate than GG's. You can tell that no matter what from this bully squad post game would be toxic so I gave them toxicity back. I don't think being toxic because other people were toxic to you first is being toxic. Its leveling the field.
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It isn't bannable. Delaying the game is basically holding the game hostage. The game will end if the survivor will die within a certain amount of time.
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If there sole intent was to bully you and make you feel bad, then I don't blame you for letting them bleedout.
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Bullying in a game? Oh.
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You realise that they won? All they wanted was to get in your head and you allowed it
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As crappy as it sounds it's not holding the game hostage because they can bleed out and die , I could 4 man slug and go get something to eat in my kitchen and watch them bleed out and it still isn't bannable though it's probably not a smart move unless you're starving because unbreakable and soul guard still exist, but as long as the game can end there's nothing to report , the only way you could report the killer for hostage taking is if they use the twins and have charlotte and victor blocking all 4 survivors in the basement stairs and forcing them to dc to get out of the game
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I beat a record of 7 games equals 7 raging survivors in end game chat in a row today. They called me a lot of things every single time.
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I play for fun, try to play fair, and I don't care about wins or losses so, if people are douchebags, then I'll work to punish them for it. I had a game a while back where the team could have won but for some reason, with 1 gen left, they decided to hide in lockers. This was on Midwich (I think) so the 2 floors really made it a pain to hunt them down. It wasted a ton of time but eventually I found them all and did as you did. Only thing I could do to return the favor lol.
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betting they all popped on unbreakable after that round and gave the next killer hell, all you did was amplify their feeling like killers are ######### and deserve to be bullied, assuming that's what they were actually doing, and perpetuate the meta. gg tho you really showed 'em who's uhh.. boss?
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Way to go pally!
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I try so hard to play by "the survivor rule book" to avoid toxicity but I agree, some people deserve it.
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Please dude, drop all that "survivor rulebook" bullshit lol
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Holy hell dude just play how you want, because everyone else is playing how they want (eg, the survivors you went against clicking flashlights). Survivors and killers don't give a ######### about your fun, so why suddenly start caring about theirs? I never thought I'd see someone with 5K hours mention the """survivor rule book""" even as a joke.
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I’m actually not sure what people are giving you crap for. If they were indeed trying to bully you, once I’ve secured my win I’m gonna make sure I win even if they bleed out.
If I leave them downed, I only gotta worry about unbreakable. But if I pick them up, I gotta worry about them Kobe-ing, deliverance, power struggle, flip flop, not reaching a hook in time, and STILL I have to worry about unbreakable.
If they were truly a bully squad, I would slug them and leave them there to make sure I won while taking the least amount of chances. Them having to wait is just happenstance.
In other cases, I would take more of a chance by hooking them because it’s so unfun for them and me to leave them on the floor. But if they were indeed bullying, I’ll do what I need to make sure I don’t get bullied, even if they have lie on the floor and I have to wait for 4 minutes.
I think the OP was just trying to protect himself, not be toxic, and just so happens the bully squad got served and he came to share that karmic justice was served after all and we can all bask in the glory.
Thats how I interpreted it anyway.
Also, he felt bad the one solo queue guy had to be wrapped up in all this. I don’t think he was trying to be toxic.
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So they weren't doing gens? So they basically said "as long as you play the game you'll eventually kill us all" but instead you decided to slug them all to death.
So your basically telling every survivor that tries to not do gens and have some fun that they will get this treatment. Guess you really want to get gen rushed.
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bullying as a killer never feels as satisfying as bullying as a survivor, because when you take out swf out of the equation you just end up feeling like an ass at the end. as a survivor bullying feels good because the killer is supposed to be the power role and when you have 16 second chance perks between all of you and the power of coms, you really feel powerful when you bully a killer.
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This is bullying? Maybe for a new killer, but sounds like wasted item, time and free hits to me.
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You can't bully killers and dbd. No such thing as a Bully Squad nowadays.
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Make them suffer like they made you suffer.
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Leaving people to bleed out is against the rules. If there is a viable hook near by and you've outwaited DS, allowing them to bleed out is literally "taking the game hostage" which is ban-able.
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nobody asked
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You’re stooping to their level so yes it is toxic. What they did was toxic and what you did was toxic.
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Hostage doesn't have to be indefinite.
While the likelihood of a long term ban being very slim, doing anything that puts you in sole control of the timeframe of the game. I've seen people receive warnings and a friend whom used to main GF get a 24hr mm ban for slugging at 5 gens and tbagging until bleed out.
And YES "holding the game hostage" was sighted as the rule broken.
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As long it's not survivor bashing killers it's good as far as I know around here.
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He made it obvious. As is the OP...
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I wouldn't consider taking the game hostage honestly. The game is still progressing, although very slowly. Taking the game hostage is refusing to do objectives like not doing gens. Letting them bleed out still accomplishes your goal of killing survivors. I personally don't agree with doing it myself but its not a banable offense.
In short, yeah you can let people bleed out but its not very classy imo.
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No, it is considered taking the game hostage. Especially if you make it obvious that you're 4 man slugging just to grief. Like the aforementioned GF tbagging slugs at 5 gens... Or making an official thread to gloat about doing it.
It's not a matter of who thinks what is considered what. These are facts.
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lol yeah it's pretty funny
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Factually he is still accomplishing his goal. He isn't preventing the game from progressing (although very slow progress). Taking a game hostage is preventing a game from progressing which he isn't doing.
It is totally something I dont think is cool to do but he is still accomplishing his goal regardless of how likable it is. You could argue its potentially toxic but thats about it.
A better equivalent would be carrying survivors and refusing to hook (assuming they don't struggle of course)
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It's not because the Survivors will die from blood loss. It's kinda the point.
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This really shouldn't be a thing.
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Yeah a killer gloating about a small victory over a few swf trolls on a dbd board is probably as dangerous as somebody wearing a red hat at an antifa rally
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There are lots of ways to do it under the radar if you want to be scummy, but if there are hooks nearby, everybody has been down longer than 60 seconds (ds) and you're obviously prolonging the game for no reason other than griefing. It's considered holding the game hostage.
A former friend if mine was banned for 24hrs with "holding the game hostage" as the listed rule broken and said that clipped video evidence showed him obviously provoking and using the bleed out timer in an attempt to get other players to dc.
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It’s also gloating about griefing without any proof that the survivors were griefing to begin with.
All I was saying is that the OP should be careful.
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we all should know by now that behavior is not unusual, even if it isn't too common sometimes for some lucky folks. I mean you have to be able to tolerate a fair amount of BM in order to continue playing this game lol. somebody mostly playing with friends may not notice it often from other survivors, but that might increase the odds they'll receive it from the killer instead of other survivors.