So I am mad as hell right now. I died, game decided a death is a disconnect.

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I just had a match where it finished, I was sacrificed, WP killer no problem.... it put me back in the post game score screen after I died and it said my bloodpoints were 0 for some reason....okay #########? I continue to find out that tt gives me a 30 MINUTE DISCONNECT PENALTY.

It took all my blood points and acted like I left a game in progress. I did nothing wrong, I literally was sacrificed fully, went to the score screen; it doesn't even show me as a disconnect it just did everything else like it was one.

Now, to confuse me even further, I have not disconnected from a match in like 2 and 1/2 days. (I'm not gonna lie either, I did because it was haddonfield for the 5th time in a row as an m1 killer and I just decided to call it quits early for the night because I just didn't have it in me for that again) and it was only 5 minutes.

I have always defended the DC penalties, I am generally in favor of them I think they made the game better- but what the hell is this? I'm actually really annoyed right now I only had an hour or two of free time today for the game and instead I am wasting a part of that typing this.
