2 killers bug is back :D
Screenshot not mine but it was taken today. God, this game (and this patch) is truly something else huh.
You know what I realized, if there are two killers in a match and one was Trapper, what would the animation look like if another killer stepped in a bear trap? Especially if it was Nurse because she floats.
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They get stretched upwards if they're a shorter killer, lmao
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Finally, the game is balanced.
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I saw a youtube vid of this. The other killers can't step on Trapper's traps.
There's other cool stuff I've seen with this bug though. Spirit can pick up Billy's chainsaw, which is hilarious. She can't use it though, and it actually deactivates her power. Other killers can pick up Huntress's hatchetts and even throw them, but they just drop straight to the floor.
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I found the vid. Feast your eyes on this fair and balanced gameplay:
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This game continues to amaze me XD
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I honestly wouldn't mind it if we got a 2 killers mode with 8 survivors just for the funsies. Like an arcade game mode if that makes sense. I know the queue times do not allow for more game modes to be added, but it would be hilarious lmao.
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I wish they added more modes for the luls sometimes, like no terror radius event modes for the scares
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There would have to be ten gens as well.
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Completely agree! Make double everything lol.
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"Two will get the job done. The survivors will die, one by one" :)
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You could do so much with new game modes for DbD it's not even funny. 2v8, 1v1, flashlight tag, killer gun game (switch to a new killer everytime you hook someone), random perks, turbo mode, sudden death, killer oriented modes like Deathslinger+Huntress shooting range, Blight pinball (smack into as many targets as possible, each successful slam gives you another rush token.)
There's SO MUCH, BHVR are sitting on a ######### goldmine and still have no idea what to do to make this game fun again.
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It should be a permeant game mode, would make for a far scarier experience.
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They should add a option in custom games where you change stuff like how many gens/hooks there are and allow the option to have multiple killers on one team because ngl the multiple killer looks hilarious lol
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A fun bug, for once x)
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How does one do this?
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Are we even surprised?
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What a deadly duo. Doctor exposes everybody’s locations and Deathslinger goes and shoots them. <3
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Finally one of the more fun bugs in the game, surely we could make this an actual new game mode.
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What I would give to experience this first hand, anyone know how it was done previous?
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Spirit/plague or doc/legion could be really nasty
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I've always wanted to play a duo killer game with someone, I'm on Xbox though so I'm not sure if it's possible
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holy ######### i lost it when the Plague was dribbling Claudette like a basketball in a looney tunes show