What's your top 5 favorite killers to play?

Mine is Hag/spirit/ghostface/huntress/pig in that order.

#1 Hag, I love to predict survivor paths and punishing them, I love every aspect of her, except that she's one of the best campers, that's why I don't place a trap on the feet of a hooked survivor.

#2 Spirit, she's really unfun to go against, but I feel like I outplay my opponent on the most part, since I don't enjoy running stridor. Against an iron will player it is a genuine challenge and she feels extremely rewarding. Also her aesthetic is visually pleading.

#3 Ghostface, I enjoy the stealth mechanic a lot. I rarely stalk, but I feel like his stalk is secondary, surprising people with his ability is his most powerful tool. Also oneshotting an exposed survivor is always satisfying.

#4 Huntress, I play a lot of fps games, so I can play huntress and deathslinger exceptionally well, but I love huntress's thematic so much. Her lullaby is stuck in my head, and I keep humming it when I play huntress, helps me get in the role of the killer.

#5 Piggy, there's nothing more satisfying than a bear snap on the killer side. The unique lunge is also pleasing, and her crouch ability even tho is kinda useless, feels extremely fun especially when you land a hit. Forgot to mention that I'm a Saw fanboi? Because I am

What's yours? Let me know below


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    1. Deathslinger

    2. Demo

    3. Pyramid Head

    4. Twins

    5. Blight

    Not in any order.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    1. Legion
    2. Myers
    3. Doctor
    4. Freddy
    5. Bubba

    The last three can go in any order, it depends on how I'm feeling.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited February 2021

    I'm pretty torn honestly since I got back into the game

    1. Pyramid Head- he just has basically everything I want in a killer. A mori, a solution to ds, interesting traps, and a solid range attack that can really mess up survivors

    2. Myers- his stalking is pretty fun and I like surprising survivors with tombstones

    3. Clown- I like his music, laugh, and his ability is pretty interesting (although I dont like his new bottle)

    4. Bubba- chainsaws are fun

    5. Im still trying to figure out (feel free to offer suggestions. Im on console) i know its not blight or nurse or pig though

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685
    1. Chest Defender Bubba
    2. Basement Bubba
    3. Insidious Basement Bubba (sneaky version of Bubba number 2)
    4. Face Bubba (a bit like Basement Bubba but he is claustrophobic)
    5. Blight
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    My favourites often differ, with me preferring to switch up the killers I play often than sticking with a certain few.

    Right now, however, my list is like this.

    1st Hillbilly: Recently I've gotten back into him, and he definitely still seems strong. The only thing he's lost is his ability to spam his chainsaw, but otherwise he seems like a killer I enjoy playing and is rewarding for playing well.

    2nd Clown: I loved him before his rework, and I love him even more now. He's stronger than many may think, and if you know how to play him you can have extremely short chases. Not to the standards of Spirit or Nurse, but I'd put him up there as one of the best for chases.

    3rd Bubba: Another chainsaw based killer I've started playing recently, Bubba is extremely fun for me to play. I can consistently win without slowdown perks, which feels great as it allows for more freedom with him.

    4th Pyramid Head: To me, Pyramid Head is the best killer with a range attack due to its ability to go through walls, and that's what makes me love him. Additionally, the fact that you don't need to slug allows fast paced action throughout the match for both sides.

    5th Legion: Although I don't play him often, he's my go to killer if I'm feeling stressed due to his simplicity. Just throw on a slowdown build, a mending add on or two and you're ready to go. If I'm ever in that mood I usually don't care about fun for the other side, hence why I don't play him often.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019



    i only play them

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    1. Legion - There's just something about repeatedly stabbing survivors that's just a lot of fun. Plus, his ability to injure people makes him a psuedo one-shot killer, which is great. Chases never feel too long.

    2. Spirit - Jumpscaring people with her phasing will never get old.

    3. Blight - This speedy boi has shown me that I have a love for pin ball I never knew.

    4. Pyramid Head - He's just pure awesome. His chase music combined with his power just gives this feeling of being an unstoppable force of punishment. Plus... Silent Hill.

    5. Bubba - I used to main him when I first started playing. He'll always hold a special place in my heart, and after his rework, he's never felt better.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    1. Plague
    2. Clown
    3. Deathslinger
    4. Hillbilly
    5. Trapper
  • FastestVirginia
    FastestVirginia Member Posts: 68

    1 Nurse

    2 Spirit

    3 Pyramid Head

    4 Pig

    5 Demogorgon

  • Daddy_Doctor
    Daddy_Doctor Member Posts: 158






  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375


    Ghost Face



    Spirit for bad days! 😉

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581
    1. Freddy
    2. Spirit
    3. Wraith
    4. Oni
    5. Huntress

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    1. Huntress: Once you master the hatchets then there aren't many matches you won't win.

    2. Freddy: Gen control with PGTW, discordance, tinker, and whichever perk you desire can be op af

    3. Pyramid Head: I just love Silent Hill and grinded out soon as he was released, very solid killer once you get punishment of the damned mastered

    4. Myers: Sometimes difficult to play if off to a slow start but has huge snowball potential to turn the tables quick

    5. Leatherface: Same as Myers honestly you can really change the game drastically once you start mowing people down with your saw it just starts snowballing from there.

    First three I prefer most to use but Myers and Leatherface still have a special place in my heart though lol

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    I'm a Mikey main for killer so he is whom I play 95% of the time. But I do enjoy Clown, Plague, Doctor, and Oni if I have dailies for them.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332






  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627
    1. Blight
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Oni
    4. Clown
    5. Deathslinger
  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    1. Trapper.
    2. Myers.
    3. Ghostface.
    4. Legion.
    5. Deathslinger.
  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    1- Clown - he is my spirit animal

    2- Legion - just for invisible head bunny suit. RIP cosmetic glitch

    3- Doc - Scream for me my prey!

    4 - Huntress - But only if i can run iri head/belt with undying hope, and oppression with a mori just for kicks /s

    5- Nea

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    #1: Demogorgon. He actually has some pretty strong map pressure with his portals, and his shred is immensely satisfying to land hits with. I also honestly love how he screams after every hit, it really makes me feel powerful. I also take a lot of pride in doing well as Demogorgon because I feel like I'm showcasing how Demogorgon can actually be really strong despite how weak everyone seems to think he is.

    #2: Blight. I've trashed on this killer for having a power with a fairly high skill cap with not an amazing payoff, but at the end of the day his power is actually really fun to use. His power can be all but useless at some loops, but it's fun to at least to try and find some good angles to bounce off. Wasn't a huge fun when he released, but he's been growing on me lately.

    #3: Legion. Great at keeping survivors injured and/or wasting their time, which means I don't have to lean on slowdown perks as much. I will always run Blood Echo on him because I think he uses it the best and benefits from it the most. Yeah when people are already injured, you're just a M1 killer, but I always feel like I can take some pride it downing survivors with just mind games at that point.

    #4: The Doctor. For one thing, his addons are a lot of fun with a lot of unique effects. His Static Blast is pretty great for intel and his Static Shock is pretty good for anti-looping. The static shock is especially good at the less safe loops, where even if a survivor drops the pallet before they get shocked, you can still get a hit in because they can't vault back.

    #5: Freddy. Honestly, the main reason I like this killer so much is because he's easy to play. Sometimes I want to experiment with killers I'm not great with and I get my ass kicked completely as a result. Freddy is a very good killer to fall back on if I want to offset some of the salt from getting absolutely demolished because I haven't played Hillbilly in months but the people I went against play against him constantly and know exactly how to play around him