A Question for Killer Mains and Survivor Mains

DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

Survivors, what is your least favorite and most favorite killer to go up against and why?

Killers, who is your least favorite and most favorite survivor, not just to go up against but generally?

Edit: In case you wanted my opinions, or if not, here you go;


Favorite: Demogorgon, Blight, Hillbilly, Myers

Least Favorite: Legion, Freddy, Legion, Spirit, Nurse, Legion


Favorite: Dwight (of course), Jeff, Adam, Cheryl, Bill

Least Favorite: Meg, Feng, Legion

Post edited by DwightFairfield on


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    As a killer main, my favourite survivors are Claudette and Meg, and my least favourite is Élodie.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    About killers, i don't care as long as i don't have to face the same one several times in a row.

    I don't care about survivors either.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2021

    Favourite to go up against: Is any player that's better than me, the reason why I call them a favourite is because I can often learn a thing or two from them and better myself as a player by learning from them.

    My least favourite player to go up against is any toxic player. Favourite survivor though is Cheryl because she's a cutiepie

    Edit:I'm sorry I completely misread your post my dude😓

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Favorite killer to face is Billy. I loved those close chainsaws.

    Least favorite killer to face is probably Clown. His gas is murder on my eyes.

    Favorite survivor to face is Dwight's. They're adorable.

    Least favorite survivor to face is probably Nea. They're usually obnoxious.

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    As a Killer main Meg's are fun to chase and Dwight's are adorable like others have said. Any Survivor who either acts in a way that improves the game for both sides with interactions (always helps friends out of a pinch, sabotages hooks well, etc) or treats the game as the casual "pvp" situation it should be (not a tryhard, but clearly wants to beat you) is cool in my book though.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    Least favorite killers to play against are Nurse and Spirit. I want to feel like I'm getting outplayed, and those two killers make every interaction incredibly unsatisfying.

    Most favorite killer to play against is Pyramid Head or Billy. Pyramid Head's ranged ability is fun to play against and its hitboxes aren't messed up like Huntress axes, and Billy's outplays feel good to try and go against.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531


    Least Favorite Playing Against: Toss up between Deathslinger, Doctor, Plague, and Spirit. Depends on how I'm feeling.

    Most Favorite Playing Against: Demo, Bubba, Oni. Demo and Oni have fun powers to play against, and aren't annoying. Bubba's are just memey bastards.


    Least Favorite Playing Against: Feng, Steve, Cheryl. Almost everyone who plays as these guys is toxic, also Steve and Feng make really annoying noises when you carry and hook them.

    Most Favorite Playing Against: Jeff, Adam, Ash. Unlike the three I just mentioned, almost everyone who plays as these guys is chill.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    I don't know what it is every time I get a nea with a paid for cosmetic they are the most over confident annoying survivors.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Most favorite killer to versus?

    Billy, as he always has been. I love me a good bullfight boss, and the chases are always properly terrifying.

    Least favorite killer to versus?

    Freddy. As soon as I see the sleep timer, i've already played the entire match, and it was #########' boring.

    Least favorite survivor?

    Claudette. But only when they're of a bloody persuasion-- nobody likes a Blendette, and we all know why.

    Most favorite Survivor?

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    My favorite killer to go against is billy, leatherface, and oni

    My least favorite killers are trapper, legion, and stealth killers.

    Favorite survivors to go against are dwight, ace, and feng.

    Least favorite survivors to go against are p3 claudette, adam, nancy

  • Celebrimbor
    Celebrimbor Member Posts: 52

    Favorite killers: The oni

    Least favorite killers: Ghostface, deathslinger, spirit, huntress

    I dont have favorite survivor they are just skins to me but I play as Bill.

    I like the oni because he looks so damn cool in rage.

    I find GF pretty annoying because his reveal mechanic is so inconsistent. The fact that he can just 99 you for later. No TR most of the time.

    My second annoying killer is the deathslinger since you can never see when he is about to shoot and he can just make you think that he is going to shoot by aiming up and down and get an m1 easily.

    Do I even need to talk about why I dont like spirit?

    Lastly, I dont like huntress as her hatchet hitbox is something else. And personaly, considering its a she, I find her insanely repulsive because of her shouts before every hit lol.