Found this on Twitter, so I don't know the legitimacy of this. But the guy that posted it said it was.
I believe there is another thread based on this but yeah..good spot. I still don't think it's licensed though. I could be wrong though but the reason I think this way is because of the anniversary event following the next chapter. That's when they would like to introduce a licensed chapter.
It's legit btw. It's DBD twitter's DP now.
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Ngl I'm going to die off laughter if the new chapter has absolutely nothing to do with this and they were just doing this to put us off.
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Who though? Hmmmmmmm.....
Just hope it's someone I've been waiting to see on here.
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There were security camera pics also.
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Honestly that’s not unlikely. This could be them just embracing their buggy game.
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There were pics of security cameras too.
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I wonder what could it mean though? They haven't changed their pf for a new chapter reveal before, have they?
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I wish they put more resources and time into quality and balance updates. I really dont care about new killers.
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Alrighty that's interesting
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There are many people that care about new killers/new chapters though.
Quality and Balance updates shouldn’t come too short, and I really hope they learned from the mistakes of the recent updates..
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Weren't they in 'The Game' map though?
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I dunno, i think they were new tho
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Lol, if love to see a charger added as a killer! Send survivors flying through the air!!
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Id love if the glitches/bugs in game and the weird logo was intentional and hinting towards a hacking killer.
Obviously this isnt the case but It would be hilarious and I would totally stop caring about the bugs lol
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I'm after seeing the picture, and if you look at the screens it's clear that its security footage of The Game map, so I have my doubts for it being Fnaf, still it could happen.
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That's why they make a new killer 4 times a year and they dont have enough time for quality updates. Im not saying they should just make balance updates over and over again but they should work on it for a good time and polish it before release, yet they dont have time. I would be fine with 2 killers every year for example. Currently quantity is over quality. Im saying it should be otherwise but, who am I to say anyway...
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Hopefully its a garrison gate but that's being hopeful. It's probably something to due with how glitchy the game is/was
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Thatcher from r6 obviously
Emp grenades disable flashlights and start regressing gens at 300% speed
Sometimes my genius frightens me
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I really hope they learned from the mistakes of the recent updates
I respect your insane amount of optimism
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Well there are enough depressing pessimists here already :)
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Plot twist its representative of the bugs in the game and they are finally going for a health update I mean bad timing due to recent updates but i still would like
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I actually wouldn't mind a fnaf chapter, I know most of the fandom can be quite cringy but I have nothing against the actual games either. Either way it kinda looks like they might be going for maybe some kind of crazy hacker killer or whatever it is.
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To be fair,BHVR did a very good job at creating a TON them
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THat is possible, and we don't know if it is licensed or no, if they release and actual teaser, then its not licensed, if not then I put my money it is licensed
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Pessimists are Optimists with Experience.
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People jump on FNAF for a killer somewhat related to video appearance but a lot of killer/horror movie can be also linked (The Ring, Blair's Witch, Paranormal activity, Sinister, V.H.S etc...).
I hope this one will be an original (most of the best/fun killers are original IMO) and that they keep the licenced for their 5 years anniversary to introduce a very big one like Alien or RE.
And if it is FNAF, I'm afraid it would be a spirit BIS, cause his "power" in his game is that he disappear/tp when you don't look at him...
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That fits DbD quite well
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And the next killer is:
Vanellope von Schweetz
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The ring maybe? It does look a bit like a VHS.
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And dokkaebi as survivor to stalk him in cameras 🤣😂
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I thought of this guy.
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This plus the monitors, things are looking sus ;)
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I see the similatirties now, thx for posting
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I know its crazy :)
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It is, although it could just be similar to it, idk. I still have hope!
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Same we need this !
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just... try not shove it in peoples face though, please.
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It looks blocky though, like 8 or 16 bit graphics.
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Nice find!
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All that's Missing sware idk why but when My Mind saw this and looked in the scratches sware i see. A animatronic 😂😂 had to add the words. I'm being to opportunist for this though
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It's the beginning of a picture becoming binary language = It's something robotic = the new killer is a robot = the new robot killer will look like a guy in cardboard boxes covered with aluminum foil = I'M SOOO PUMPED!!!!
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Their DBD name on Twitter is changed to Magnum Opus and their profile pic is that of a lady now.
EDIT: A quick Google search gave me a Wikipedia link where it is Latin (the name) for Masterpiece:
"Masterpiece, magnum opus (Latin, great work) or chef-d’œuvre (French, master of work, plural chefs-d’œuvre) in modern use is a creation that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship. Historically, a "masterpiece" was a work of a very high standard produced to obtain membership of a guild or academy in various areas of the visual arts and crafts."
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it changed again
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Jason beckons.
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I really still think that II1 logo is referencing a hyperfinite factor.
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I think this might just be only a survivor or both a killer and survivor, either way my guess is that the survivor might be LGTB inclusive which was brought up in one of their streams.
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If the monitor thing is anything than it would happen in November since fnaf and scott is from America.
Edit then again bhvr is Canadian and didn't think of it.