Daily Rituals...

I've had COVID since last Wednesday. So, while I normally only get to play a couple times a week, I've been playing every day. Since then, I've only gotten one Survivor daily ritual, and the rest were Killer.

Am I the only person experiencing this? I really wish there was a setting to choose what distribution of daily rituals we get. I rarely (basically never) play Killer, and feel like I'm missing out on all of these Bloodpoints because they sit there until I delete them.

Does anyone else have this issue?


  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    On the contrare I'm only getting survivor ones

    I've got four killers dailies past two weeks and theyve all been for billy, like how unlucky can I get?

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I think someone did say killer ones appear more often, but that was about a month ago. I’m not sure they fixed it since then, because recently it has been 50/50 for me. But a month ago yes, more killer ones.

    Also, wish you get well soon.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Play both sides and you won't have an issue with daily rituals sitting there and rotting.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I'm pretty sure that the Daily Trials try to get you to play both sides equally.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Or they can....you know....get rid of an outdated RNG daily system that nobody seems to like except diehard fans that think there’s never anything wrong

    For context, I play both Survivor/Killer, I have multiple prestiged characters on both sides and I still have to say It’s not a good system. It would definitely be on my list of feedback if given a survey or if I got asked for the reasons why I’m taking breaks from playing more often. If players only want to play one side whether it’s killer OR survivor then they shouldn’t miss out on one of the only sources of the main currency in the game or alientated for that decision. What makes it worse is that the rift pass is currently an unnecessary micro-transaction that will give you little points outside of poor quality reskins/other cosmetics that you forget about quickly, so you’d think one out of the two only outlets of bloodpoints wouldn’t be as inconvenient as it is. I’m not complaining for myself more than I’m empathizing with those affected by the Ritual RNG


    For the sake of this topic let’s be honest... the Bloodweb system is severely outdated and way too grindy/RNG which already adds to the long list of valid stuff that pushes players away, and if you’re a real fan of this game you wouldn’t support a feature that further alienates **any ** of the remaining players. If a casual survivor only has one to two hours of playtime in a given day but they exclusively play Survivor, do you really expect that they randomly stop doing what they’ve always preferred and what they purchased the game for to go ‘Hit 4 Survivors after uncloaking with the Wraith’ just to get a lowly 30k points ? That’s delusional, and any real fan of the community or player with 1000+ hours here knows it’s a bad system but will probably still have fun with what we have anyway because we still love it.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Devs said during one Livestream that there are more Killer Rituals, so it is more likely to get one of those.

    They should implement that if you delete a Daily you get one from the other side automatically. (And especially not with the same Character. Like, if I dont want to chase people with Freddy, the next Ritual I get should not be to get two Sacrifices with him, lol.)

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Nah, I still say you should play both sides. The system is fine.

    You'd get much more mileage defeating the grind by reducing bloodweb costs. Reduce the price of every item in the bloodweb by 2000 bloodpoints and a huge relief for the players not sitting at 3K hours with every character at P3.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I'd rather swipe a Killer I don't want into a Killer I do want.

    I'd much, MUCH rather get "Get 4 Hatchet hits in with Huntress" rather than "As the Demogorgon, slay 1 Survivor by your hand."

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    No, the system is nothing close to ‘fine’. This is the blind undying support I mentioned in my first sentence LOL.

    *Logs in*

    *Chase the Survivors for a total of 180 seconds with (Insert Killer you never use and have no desire to use either because it’s level 1 or you just don’t feel like being forced to play it)

    *Removes ritual*

    *Hit 4 Survivors with the ability of the Killer you just confirmed that you don’t want to play as. Oh and this time you have to wait 24 hours before you delete this one*

    Sounds almost like an outdated RNG daily-hub that pigeonholes you into playing either a Survivor/Killer you have no desire to play as just to collect a cheap 30k bonus that you should be able to get by choosing a specific role in the first place. Mind you this 30k you may or may not get easily depending on what the RNG gods decide is chump change considering you have to pay 4-6k per item for more tacky RNG nodes on the same strand as your desired item that you may not have to level up 20 times just to find. It’s all outdated, and the Daily Rituals are icing on top of that cake. I love this game I just tell the blunt truth

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583
    edited February 2021

    It's not blind, undying support when I literally just criticized the grind costs.

    You don't have to do the rituals. And you can store up to three, cycling every day. Whether or not you do them is entirely up to how picky you are. There are archive challenges that mandate specific characters as well. Yet no one ever seems to complain about those.

    I have never, EVER managed to get my daily rituals all the way to three and not had ANY that I felt like I could knock out in a single match.

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242

    I’ve found that it helps to choose either survivor/killer, log in to the character selection screen, & then trash the daily for a new one while in the survivor/kill select screen. It “usually” scraps the daily objective I’ve been given for one on the current character select I’m in. Hopefully that makes sense. Example: Say I get a survivor daily quest, before a trash can it for a new one, I’ll choose to play a killer, once I’ve chosen, I’ll login to the killer character select, then trash the daily. Like I said, that “usually” works for me.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    I just really hate playing Killer. I don't find it to be anywhere near as fun as Survivor. I shouldn't be coersed into playing what I consider a lesser side.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    I'm going to try this next time, thanks! I just deleted a Killer daily ritual and I got replaced with another Killer ritual. It's obnoxious!

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    It's not about being able to complete them, except for the Nurse one because I just suck with her. It's the fact that I have literally not gotten a Survivor daily ritual in almost a week. I know you don't have to do them, but I like being able to get the few thousand points for doing something like unhooking three people. I don't want to go in and play the Clown and try to hit 3 intoxicated Survivors.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    Based on what other people have said, I think it's intentional to try and get you to play Killers, Survivors, or the side that you play the least. I guess I'm just going to ignore daily rituals from now on.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    I'm not going to play as Quentin and open the exit gate because he's level 1, and I'm not dumping 100k bloodpoints for 25k return

    the rituals need changing like the bloodweb does, they're both outdated as hell

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Killer rituals are much more frequent than survivor counterparts bc there are much more of them.


  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Then don't. It's as simple as that. The daily is optional.

    I don't understand why people balk at "Hit 3 intoxicated Survivors", a daily I can do in literally 5 minutes or less and get it even if every single Survivor escapes, but clap their hands like a seal over a daily like "Escape with Bill" when it might take you four matches to get a single escape out of him.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    It's not that specific ritual. It's just one that I mentioned. It's that it's a Killer one. I just think it's stupid that it tries to convince me to play the Killer side. Killer is so boring in my opinion.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    So just swipe every killer ritual. You only lose out on bloodpoints if you somehow get four in a row, and these forums are constantly boasting about how they get 30K blood per Survivor match, effectively making a single ritual barely one match's worth of bloodpoints.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    This whole thread gave me an idea after reading one comment lmao

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    Did you read my original post? I went 5 days without a single Survivor ritual. That's 5 in a row. Here we are, one week from when I started my quarantine, and I've only gotten 1 Survivor ritual. 1 Survivor, 7 Killer.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    For the last week now it's only been killer, and I'm a survivor main. It's frustrating

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Reworking the rituals all together to 'disable' killer/survivor from appearing again on the ritual for 1 day, so if you trash a daily for getting bear trap snags as Trapper you won't immediately get another challenge for Trapper

    Also having 3 rituals for survivor and 3 rituals for killer

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    I'd like it if, when we deleted a ritual, it let us select either Survivor or Killer and gave us a ritual based on that choice.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    It's only worked once for me. Last 6 days, only gotten one Survivor ritual. I even played a Killer match (Twins suck) and it still gave me the Legion one.