Killer specific ranking is weird...
I have noticed that killers I'm very experienced with, I get plenty of kinda terrible survivors. Yet I can get competent ones with killers I'm still pretty terrible with.
With killers like huntress, legion, pyramid head, spirit, hag even I seem to always get ~3 yellow ranks and one purple and it's even so easy at times that I'll just go afk to get some snaccs and come back so I can continue playing normally while they have a chance to escape too. Notice how most of these killers are some of the admittably easiest ones to play too.
For nurse, myers, trapper I seem to get fairly ranked killers. Usually green or purple ones and we can all play normally and have a great game. With plague, however, I seem to always get well coordinated ballsy survivors with flashlights and toolboxes and before I make any mistake I know I'll lose the game pretty much. Makes it even more difficult when vomit and corrupt purge struggle to register hits somehow.
I'm now just some green rank trash but regardless, it has been going like this for pretty long time to me... So I got curious if anybody else seems to have really strange killer rankings like this. Any specific killers that'll frequently give you way too low or high skill opponents?
Now that you mention it... It's true that I stopped playing Plague because I somehow get against godlike Survivors who destroy me and make my game miserable.
There may be a pattern here...