Why trapper could use these changes

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited September 2021 in General Discussions
  • It now takes 12 seconds to escape the bear trap when caught in it by yourself
  • It now takes 3.5 seconds to rescue a survivor caught in a bear trap
  • The Trapper now can hold 2 traps at base (starts with one)
  • Injured survivors who escape a trap by themselves should be downed (Idea by Otzdarva)
  • Healthy survivors who escape a trap should be afflicted by deep wounds
  • Survivors can no longer use I-frames such as dead hard or the 2-second immunity from wiggling out or a DS stun to walk through a bear trap unscathed
  • More spots in all maps in paths survivors take or grass that helps hide his traps (to an extent) by being the same sort of color
  • Improve how traps spawn around the map, make them spawn in more manageable locations so Trapper players don't have to walk a mile to get a trap

Trapper is an inconsistent killer because of maps and the RNG aspect to his traps much like Pig. All of these buffs that are really simple would be great for him to have. Right now, survivors can still dead hard through his traps, they can still get out on the first attempt or just see them easily because of such thin grass on the graphically updated maps. This just makes his only power even less threatening. He is a territorial killer with a rather weak power that deals with being territorial.

Survivors can literally escape and be rescued from a trap faster than you can place them; this is pretty inconvenient. The best thing to do as Trapper when a survivor steps on a trap far away is just to not go after them if you are doing anything because they will most likely escape on their first attempts, all you will get is an injured state out of them.

Right now, the Trapper with a trapper sack (a brown addon) is a completely different killer than a trapper with no addons that increase the number of bear traps he can hold. Allowing him to carry 2 at base would actually help so much and make the trapper sack an actual brown addon. You need to have a trapper bag or you will have an incredibly difficult time throughout the trial.

To give him more pressure in general, it should be much more punishing to step into one of his traps. When an injured survivor steps into a trap, they should be put into the dying state if they escape unless they get help from a fellow teammate. This would make survivors heal more often against Trapper, slowing them down a bit and promoting teamplay which can be very fun.

If a healthy survivor steps into a trap and escapes, they should be afflicted with deep wounds so they are punished more for stepping in a trap. If you are far away and decide not to go after a survivor who just set off your trap, you can get just a little bit of stall off of it.

Just more grass or places where it would be good to place a bear trap, many places that would be good aren't because they can be easily seen. There should be more places that aren't crazy good for traps, but will just hide them a little bit better, enough to where you can't see it unless you look closer.

This one is more of a QoL change, but traps spawn in pretty bizarre places sometimes. You could have 3 in a place where you could just go to real quick all reasonably close, and then you can have some that spawn in the between the Himalayan mountains. I would suggest to just improve on this a bit. It isn't exactly a huge game-breaking problem, but it is a problem and a problem on an already struggling killer.

A few of these suggestions are quite popular and will definitely help out our Trappy boi that we know and love.

Thank you for your time if you read this.

Post edited by Yords on


  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Those feel like effects that should be tied to add ons tbh.

    Traps downing injured players and inflicting deep wounds on healthy survivors feels like way too excessive.

    I like a LOT of these ideas and think Trapper absolutely needs some love but at the same time I think we need to calm down with saying his power is "weak" because it most certainly is not in the right scenarios.

    Also yes please, Dead Hard should have never been able to let people dash over bear traps I'm really hoping they implement this eventually because it just makes no sense at all.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Yeah, if trapped while injured at least give them deep wounds if not a weaker version of the Honing Stone

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I like all of these ideas except 12 seconds to escape a trap. I agree escaping on first attempt is dumb, but maybe 7-8 seconds would be more reasonable. It's enough time to get to any nearby trap, but traps in the distance should be less lethal, like how Hag can't teleport to traps that are too far away.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    I mean any killer will flourish if you give them a ton of buffs

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yeah, I was unsure on how long the set time should be 8 seconds still seems just a bit short though. Most of the time survivors step on your trap even on a closer trap to you, it still takes you about 6-10 is seconds (roughly, it depends on the map). Maybe it could be 8-10 and have addons that increase it.

    But yeah, I really like the ideas above. Imagine if an injured survivor steps on a trap far away, they will have to choose whether or not they should escape or wait for a teammate to come rescue them. The trapper could go over and try to get a hook, and if not then he is not as severely punished for them getting away (they would step on a good trap, and have very little punishment for it).

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited February 2021

    They could be, but I think it would do just fine working as base kit. Remember, traps would only down an already injured player and can be completely avoided if a teammate rescues them.

    It would make Trapper much more consistent on the bigger maps and make survivors think about healing much more against a Trapper as otz said in his video for buffs and changes to all killers. I fully agree with him.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I like that idea as well. It is just a deep wound timer, meaning it only 12 seconds to get rid of this so it is not a really long time. So if a survivor steps on a trap and is healthy, they are stalled for a short time.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    I know trapper needs some adjustments but sincerely I think most people don't realize certains ideas would destroy the sense behind the killer, and would make the killer unfun to play against.

    If trapper had all traps in hands, or all traps in a pool in the middle of the map for example, this would destroy the strategic sense of this killer, and would promote to trap one single area of the map with 7 traps, and becoming the game unplayable. Is it worth to walk to pick up that trap? or not? That is the game sense behinf trapper, the strategic style that this killer have, and i'm very agree with that.

    BUT, this doesn't mean trapper is in a good state, in fact, it needs some buffs... but some bufs that provides TIME to elaborate an strategy, without destroying the game itself... 2 traps without addons is ok, deep wounds if survs escape by themselves is ok... but please, think ways not only to improve the killer, but also to improve the game itself.

    Sorry for my language, not native speaker.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2021

    I think one buff would be make his trap setting like magic. Hear me out. When Freddy sets a snare or a pallet he waves his hand and it's set. The survivors don't even see him do anything. One HUGE weakness with trapper is headsets. If one person see's him plant a trap they all know where it is. I feel this can be fixed by removing the animation and just having his hand move. Have the trap appear on the ground after waving his hand and after the normal setting time, it becomes armed. This would eliminate the whole bending down and setting the trap. Telling anyone watching him that there's a trap right there.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    At this point I'm just begging for better grass on new maps.

    The fact nobody at behvr saw how ######### trapper was going to get with these new grass patches is beyond me.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    BHVR failed to predict something they changed would totally screw up the game? Not to be an ass but how long have you been playing DBD? They do this every patch.

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    it would be great if the grass has a random spawn chunks in the right locations, ie had always new way to calculate where to put the traps

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    A bit over 2 years if I'm not mistaken. What can i say? I'm an undying positive person.... Or maybe I'm just an idiot..... Yeah let's go with the idiot thing

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I see what you mean. I myself do not think that giving Trapper all of his traps is a good idea. I think the same thing for pooling all of his traps together, I just want the RNG of where they spawn improved just a little bit. With these buffs, I very much think that Trapper will keep his level of strategy and just be more effective.