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Killer mains please help a survivor main and give tips

Hello. I'm a survivor main and I'm trying my hardest to get better at playing against different killers and preparing for mmr when it inevitablly comes. I decided to maki a list of tips for certain killers to try and memorize to help me get better. I knew a few things but not a lot.

For the killers you main please tell me your killers strength and weaknesses that I should take note so I can be better. Thank you and have a nice day.


  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Think hes looking for tips to play AGAINST killers, not as them.

    My mains being Billy and Blight, the hardest counters are windows and spins. Anytime someone can cause me to miss a chainsaw or chainsaw into an object is a huge loss of time for me. as blight if I need to use multiple bounces and then miss the hit after, it eats a lot of time due to having to continue the chase as well as waiting for the powers CD.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Yes Thank you so much.

    I will put that on the list for Billy and Blight

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Thank You. I will keep that in mind and what you wrote before.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I'm no 5K hour Killer main, but here we go:

    Trapper: Do not blind vault windows! Watch for door entrances, especially at choke points and Killer Shacks. Traps can be very hard to see in grass. Remember stepping in a trap gives Trapper a notification.

    Wraith: He is now even more invisible, but not silent. Listen for the animal growl he gives off to tip off he is nearby.

    Billy: Do not face him in open ground. Billy loves his straight shots. Use twists and turns to avoid getting sawed down.

    Nurse: Be as erratic and unpredictable as possible. After her first blink, she will blink again to triangulate the hit. So right after that first hit juke in the most random direction possible!

    Myers: Do not try to fake him out. Any kind of "which way am I gonna go?" mind game is an excuse to just give him more stalk. Keep breaking line of sight as often as possible.

    Hag: Crouch walk when unhooking survivors and approaching generators.

    Doctor: Right after he does his first hook, get in a locker. Most doctors use their big map shock then to find their next victim. Avoid it!

    Huntress: Avoid straight aways, pallets, and windows that give her line of sight. It is very common for her to hatchet right into an M1 and down you very quickly.

    Cannibal: Avoid other Survivors. Do not group up. If he starts to camp, avoid the urge to whine on the forums and genrush as hard and as fast as possible to capitalize on it.

    Freddy: There's not much counterplay. Sorry. Spine Chill helps spot his coming in the dream world, but you don't have much going for you. Wake up when possible. His biggest weakness is finding Survivors, so try to be stealthy and make him waste time looking for you.

    Pig: Remember she gets a limited number of hats. Once they are gone, they are gone. Her lunge has a long distance, so if you are going to juke commit to it. Watch out for her crouch, it makes her undetectable.

    Clown: Drop the pallets early. Avoid simple loops he can exploit with the tonic.

    Spirit: Heal early and often. Staying injured is a death sentence and makes it ten times easier to locate you while phase.

    Legion: Exploit his fatigue when frenzy wears off. Avoid being near other Survivors so he cannot chain hit. Don't forget to mend.

    Plague: Don't avoid the pools. It fully heals you, and you don't want to be coughing and vomiting and telling where you are at all times. Yes, corrupt purge can wound, but so can her M1 when she finds you because you thought you were hiding behind that rock - you weren't.

    Ghostface: Always be looking around you at all times. Do not get tunnel vision when working a chest, gen, or totem.

    Demogorgon: Watch for his shred lunge. Avoid being near his abyssal portals.

    Oni: Make him earn his hits. Heal up to avoid dropping blood orbs. Use windows and sharp turns to duck Demon Strike

    Deathslinger: Avoid standing where he can get a clear shot. It doesn't matter if there is a barrier between you or not. He CAN drag you to a window with his chain and M1 you anyway.

    Pyramidhead: Don't try to pallet mindgame. Be wary of generators near a wall, as he can strike through them. Do not blindly run unless you can see the floor to avoid torment. If you do need to move past trails, crouch over it to avoid torment.

    Blight: Use windows and other interactives to make him regret bouncing near you. Windows, pallets, floor openings, etc can throw him off.

    Twins: Make Victor take corners. Kick him if he misses a lunge. Remember if he downs you and they swap back to her, she gets a Killer Instinct heartbeat to locate you when downed. This can get your friends killed if you accidentally train her into them.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ages ago I've made a pretty detailed post about countering my main Deathslinger. It's very old but since he didn't really get any changes, things I said should still apply the same way as back when I posted it. If you want a long read go for it.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Thanks. Deathslinger had been one I have been meaning to get tips on how to counter.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181
    edited February 2021

    I mean, I doubt you need help against the killers I play the most, but I'll offer what I can.

    Against Wraith, always be on the lookout. Wraith is pretty easy to see up close, and good Wraith's will try to trap you in corners. I can't count how many times I've managed to trap a survivor against a generator just because they weren't paying attention. If a Wraith is uncloaking and you can't see him, assume he's at the pallet, trying to block it. Wraith has no chase, his potential lies in when whole teams stay injured, so heal. If and when you heal, heal at a pallet and again, keep a lookout. Wraith's will try to get ahead of you to block windows and pallets with their speed. If they do that, run to some other loop. They'll have to leave where they are to come after you. Against silent bell, heal heal heal and be extra observant.

    Against Ghostface, it's a lot of the same tips. Be very observant and hope that the game let's you reveal him. If you see him chasing someone while in Nightshroud, reveal him. If he's chasing you with Nightshroud, be observant and careful. Prethrow pallets if you can't see him at all. Ghostface also has nothing to counter loops, so. Also, heal against Ghostface the same way you do with Wraith. At a pallet, looking around. If you suspect Ghostface has you 99'd, try and make him hit you. Getting hurt is better than being insta-downed. If he has you marked, be super safe.

    Spine Chill also counters these killers hard.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Well I main Legion and Myers so here's some tips.


    Simple, just don't heal. Legion is probably next to Nurse for being the best killer in the game at injuring people, but unlike Nurse he sucks at downing people. So just stay injured, it isn't worth wasting time healing.

    For frenzy itself, let me tell you, it's basically uncounterable. You have to accept that you are most likely going to get hit. There are some things you do though.

    1. Run in a straight line. If The Legion is far enough away from you, running in a straight line is good way to delay or maybe stop them from hitting you.
    2. Try some funky #########. Good Legions can predict almost every mindgame or juke you throw at them. The things that get me is really weird pathing and movement.


    He's a fairly straightforward killer, who doesn't have many counters. The biggest thing I recommend is using the environment to your advantage. Try to hide behind anything you can to delay him from reaching Tier 2/3.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
    edited February 2021

    I might post more about other killer but i'll start with the twins.


    -Great at proxy camping and slugging


    -Staying healthy is very important

    -Windows can be really strong against victor because they won't get blocked against him

    -They are the only killer that struggles with grouped up survivors.Being in a group of 2 survivors helps because if one of you gets downed then the other one can kick victor and heal you up

    -Everything that increases healing speed is very good against them

    -Lockers are THE biggest counter to the twins.If you are chased by Victor and injured jump into a locker.You remove any map pressure they could get by doing that and even get away with it if Charlotte is far away

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Sometimes killer mindgames too much. If you see them do it break los and rotate to the next tile. Always look at the killer at the pallet and windows, just don't run into an obstacle. Get a feel of how killer plays at the first pallet (if he doubles back, respects it or just holds w). And don't forget that most of pallets have 2 sides, go around the shorter one if can't loop around the longer one. On top of that stealth is boring, but underrated. You can waste a lot of killers time if you lose him or move away from the gen when you see him coming to you. This will waste a lot of his time if he doesn't find you.

  • TheMidnightRidr
    TheMidnightRidr Member Posts: 600

    Trapper - All about early game setup and understanding populated paths that are often used. Try placing traps in approaches to loops adversely to inside the loop/pallet itself.

    Wraith - Has very little strength in chase and pressure, but excels in initial hits. Playing a hit and run tactic where survivors rarely know where you truly are and who you’re chasing is the way to go.

    Billy - His main mechanic that determines strong players from weaker ones is his initial curve when you start his sprint. Using that half second of increased turning at loops, walls, and other mind game able places can really give you the upper hand.

    Nurse - Practice. lots of practice. Only tip I know of is understanding survivor routing and trying to play off that. Sometimes instead of blinking through the wall the survivor just turned, try blinking as if you couldn’t go through at all in case they decide to double back.

    Myers - Monitor and Abuse is pretty much a must on him. He is great at sneaking up to survivors similar to wraith, but his main strength comes from his tier 3. Leaving your stalk meter at 99% before tier three then tapping it when you’re about to hit a survivor is a good tactic. Bringing infectious fright also helps take full advantage of you moment of strength.

    Hag - Do not chase as Hag. Like trapper, spend the early game setting up. Try to coral the survivors into your minefield you’ve set up. Once you catch a survivor and hook them, Hag excels at controlling that area and snowballing. But do NOT chase normally. You will lose doing so.

    Doctor - Keeping survivors up in madness is great slowdown and even sometimes can help you down unsuspecting survivors. Learning to time his shock to shutdown loops is one of his bigger strengths. Personally, using his static blast as much as possible to keep making every go mad is a good tactic I use.

    Huntress - Like Nurse, practice practice. Learning where the hatchet is thrown and getting comfortable with it is a must. She is slower so using her hatchets effectively will be what determines if you get the down. My advice is to not be conservative with your hatchets. Throw them often and try to “pre throw” hatchets where survivors might be. You’d be surprised how many hits you get that way.

    Bubba - Bubba is great at eating through pallets. When survivors loop you, readying and using your chainsaw will often catch up to them where they either need to throw the pallet and you break it instantly or they get greedy and you down them. Unless they time it perfectly and stun you, you will often get something out of it. Like Billy, try to kind game places where line of sight is broken, out positioning survivors is what makes Bubba strong.

    Freddy - Not much to Freddy. At loops, use your snares often. I like to put one snare on one side, push the survivors the other way, revert back to the other side and put a snare, the survivors steps in the first snare, I wrap back around the original way, and with the second snare I catch them.

    Pig - Like wraith, she is great for sneaking up and getting initial hits. However, her real power with the reverse bear traps is what makes her a threat. Instead of using your bear traps for every survivors you down. Manage how many traps are on at a time so there is always at least one person with an inactive trap in their head. This will slow the game down and allow you to snowball.

    Clown - With his buff, everybody is still learning how to play him optimally. Personally, I’ve found that using his yellow bottles when a survivor is running away is good. Throw it at them while they run, by the time you get there you get the buff. Switch to purple and throw that at them and you catch up very quickly. Also, don’t be afraid to chuck those bottle everywhere. With his reload speed buff, you can really take advantage of his power with little downsides.

    Spirit - Good headphones go a long way. Use your power often (or sometimes don’t and throw them off). Understanding loops and pathing is what makes spirit such a threat. That and the fact that if you a good listener, you will almost always be able to get the hit. Practice.

    Legion - Spread the damage with your power when you can, but understand when you shouldn’t. Sometimes speeding hits wastes too much of your time when you could be downing survivors. If a survivor is severely out positioned, you should try going for them rather than running after someone who is several meters away. Also, every now and again, you get the opportunity to body block after you cancel your frenzy. Hooks, windows, pallets, doorways, your power allows you to get ahead of them, use it.

    Plague - Get everyone sick as much as you can. A mistake I see many players do is constantly trying to puke on survivors to make them broken and then hit them. While this is useful and has a place, is often a wastes way too much time. Your main objective is to get them sick so they will EVENTUALLY be broken and will either be one shot downs for when you see them next or they cleanse and you become huntress on steroids.

    Ghost Face - Playing a lot like Wraith is very useful here. Hit and run. Hit someone, lose the terror radius, find another. Or sometimes follow them without them knowing. The whole power focuses around completely disappearing. Don’t spend too much time stalking, but make sure you do some especially in early game. You can also kind of Myers it and 99 someone then come up close and execute them by tapping your stalk.

    Demodog- His portals are his map control. Placing portals on top of generators forces survivors to either take the time to deal with them or suffer being oblivious and have their location shown while they work. Using his shred when survivors have little room to move left or right like in the fences in Haddonfield or when they are at a pallet can really benefit you. Just understanding loops and knowing when to use his shred is what makes him a threat.

    Oni - If you know where multiplier survivors are at the beginning of the match, hit one, leave them, then chase another. This makes that first survivor leaves blood around the map (or spend time healing) and gives you the chance the pretty much finish filling your power with the second survivors. Once your power is full, being infectious in and go to pound town. Oni can trim about 90 degrees when you slam, so use that to your advantage at walls and loops.

    Deathslinger - His main strength is his ability to 1v1 very well. Without forgetting to lead the shot, quickly raising your gun and firing is the best way to play as it gives the survivor less time to react. Much like huntress though this requires knowing where your shot will go since you aren’t really using sight. You can also bait dead heads by simply aiming at survivors. Don’t forget you can shoot through small gaps unlike huntress. You can really catch people off guard.

    Dorito Head - Whenever you get to a loop, set down some trenches as you get there. Being able to quickly deal with survivors is this guys strength, so tormenting them and not having to deal with borrowed time or decisive is what you want to do. Understating loops and pathing, again, is useful in predicting where survivors will go when you try to hit them with your ranged attack. But don’t forget that you can slam your sword in the ground and let go of your power to bait going for the range. Small loops allow baits to be quite effective and can get you hits with your regular attack.

    Blight - Understanding loops is his game. You know the window the survivor is going to, preemptively run to a spot where you can get to the other side as the get there. Obviously this doesn’t always work, be creative approaches to dealing with loops is what makes him strong. That and his mobility to pressure gens. What really makes him good a chasing is the players ability to slam into something directly next to them and quickly rush towards the survivors. Be aggressive with him.

    Twins - As much as people hate it, they are great from defending hooks and slugging. Use Victor as often as you can. I recommend the brown addon that allows victors charge up to be quicker. I don’t have a lot of experience with them, but using victor to add pressure around the map and leaving Charlotte to defend the other areas is the best way I’ve played them.

    Anyways, those are a bunch of short, small tips for each one. I’m sure I’ve left out plenty but that’s a decent overall summary at least. Hope this helps.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,305

    Play atleast a few rounds as the killers to see what their FOV is. This will help you a ton in chases.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    For Myers the best thing you can do is let him not see you, because if someone new to rank 20 who does not know how Myers' power works, they will be lost. If it is a Myers with Mirror from EW1 the best is to run, because in EW1 it is very slow, to be brief, Myers starts a game weak and ends up being powerful.

    For Ghostface the best thing you can do is look at him and cancel the power, but if he marks you, the best thing is to run and make a mental game of whether to throw a pallet or not, the same for Myers in EW3 because I feel that most of Rookie killers have a lot of respect for pallets.

    For Bubba, if he does not know how to click on the load numbers of his power, it will be easy to play against him, but if he knows how to play, it is best to run and if he is almost 2 meters from you, it is better to throw a pallet or make him a mental game of whether to throw or not, a pallet, if it hits you, it is best not to expose yourself much and even more as a team. It is certainly next to impossible to get away from a Bubba Camper.

    With them 3 you already give yourself an example of how to play or not, let Myers not see you, ######### the power to Ghostface if he is stalking someone else or yourself and with Bubba, if he is a camper, the best thing is to do Gens, in 2 complete stages of hooks will already have 3-4 Gens finished, so you can escape, but there will always be casualties. Although my main advice, if you play against medium or basic killers, it is best to learn to loope and never take your eyes off him, because in a chase, it will always be a mental game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565


    Playing as- Pay attention to where survivors are looking in chase. This tells you a lot about what juke, if any, they'll attempt. You have to predict some, but don't try to predict too much.

    Playing against- think of Nurse as a sniper that you're running from. A sniper will have a very hard time hitting what they can't see. Doubling back will maybe work one time at most against a good Nurse and proceed to get you killed for the rest of the trial. A basic double back is rarely the answer.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Always heal when you can is not always a good thing.

    VS legion if he's using his powers often, then healing is pointless.

    By the time you are healed, he hits you with frenzy and you basically have to go through 2 states.

    Unless you want to spend a entire match mostly healing, i would recommend staying injured.

    If he barely uses his powers than healing is the best you can do.

    VS plague going for cleansing is also not a smart thing as it gives her the corrupt purge and make her a whole lot stronger.

    Only cleanse if another survivor does it or if she's using blood echo (where all injured survivor get exhausted), if you're running exhaustion perks.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Ah yeah that makes more sense yes 😅

    What I do if Victor managed to get me, is I just keep him on my back and make sure I don't run towards other survivors on gens.

    And a good counter against Victor (if you haven't said it yet) are pallets.

    Dropping a pallet and sliding over makes it a lot harder for him to get you.

    Till now I've only been downed once because he managed to jump over.

    Other times he jumps against the pallet and i slide over and kick him

  • I don't have time to do a full list so I'll shorten it to the killers that survivor seem to complain about the most.

    Freddy - His early game is his weak spot. Without getting a hit he has no power for the first 60 seconds of the game until survivors fall asleep. He can't teleport straight away either. He starts out as an M1 killer. If all survivors rush gens, and most importantly play pallets and jungle gyms safely and don't get greedy then you can knock out 3 gens without Freddy getting a single hook. That puts him in a bad spot for the rest of the game and he needs to claw his way back. Freddy's Pop/BBQ combo is where he starts to do some damage and slowdown to the team, and by then he likely has more traps around and everyone asleep so he can start getting people down easier. Its more on your team than you to be honest if you want to escape. If you get survivors that play safe and rush gens you're out free, if you have survivors that go down because they got greedy, or survivors that dont take that early game advantage to rush gens then the game will become harder later.

    Spirit - All I can say is that you need to play Spirit to understand her. Most Spirits are predictable, they'll always make the "right play", i.e. what Spirit should typical do in a given situation. The more you play Spirit the more you'll understand what her most likely next move will be. Eventually you learn to read the average Spirit like a book. A good rule of thumb is to never move towards the Spirit, especially not if you don't understand her well. If she fakes phasing then just move away, don't jump into her arms and give her the easy hit.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    To addon for what he said about trapper only time it is acceptable to blind vault is if your injured allready in a chase and have no other options that's when you risk it

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    Freddy main here, I will see if I can help you.

    -First of all, WAKE UP. In the Dream World you are vulnerable to his Dream Traps and Add-ons, so make sure to wake up when possible.

    -Freddy is a chase-oriented killer, so try to be stealthy and commit to generators.

    -Be extra careful when looping him. Stepping on a Snare will give him a hit, so try your best to avoid them. As for Dream Pallets, make sure to remember which pallets are real.

    Contrary to popular belief, Freddy is not invincible. I guarantee.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    First of all, against Ghostface just try to keep track of him. Don't sit on a generator facing one direction because he might stalk and expose you. Always keep your head on the swivel.

    If you do get exposed, you need to play super safe. Drop pallets early, fake mindgame the leave safe loops. Ghostface can only go at 115%, and so he's got nothing to actually close distance with you besides sneaking up.

    If you're hiding close to him, consider not breaking him out of shroud until he is farther away. He gets buggy directional notifications if you start looking at him, and then a proper Killer Instinct locator if you succeed. If you're too close, that might be a free hit when je couldn't even find you.

    Aside from that, just split up on gens. Gen efficiency beats every single killer.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm a Twins main.

    The biggest strength of the Twins is Victor's ability to slug the whole team. Of course, you have to get the survivors injured first. The more survivors that are injured, the more Victor can slug.

    My first piece of advice for you is not to let Charlotte get hits on you. Most Twins players run Sloppy Butcher, so getting hit puts you at risk against Victor.

    Once Victor is dispatched, you need to immediately run to a safe pallet and throw it down early. As far as I know, Victor can't do much once a safe pallet is thrown early because his pounce is not quick enough to catch survivors that fast vault. Important note, I said safe pallets, not the unsafe ones. The loop needs to be long enough to prevent Victor from easily moving to the other side. Keep in mind, Victor is slowed dramatically while charging his pounce. If you have enough time to fast vault the pallet and crouch, I don't think Victor can hit you. At least I haven't figured out how yet.

    You can also hop in a locker to prevent Victor from downing you. But I would only do that if the killer hasn't slugged multiple people already. You'll have to make a strategic call early.

    That's about it really. Basically, make it as hard as possible for Charlotte score M1 hits. And throw down pallets early to create a barricade between you and Victor. You can also enter a locker in order to stop a potential slugging spree. And of course, anti-slugging perks are helpful as well.

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    If you are facing hag, best thing to do is annoy her instantly to avoid her setting traps.

    Once she has picked someone up run around near pallets, windows and gens to set off as many traps as possible

    You can also use flashlights to dissolve her traps.

    If you look closely you can see dust particles above her traps.

    Crouch everywhere!

    The most effective and safe way of dealing with had however, is to provide her with an offering (toolbox, med kit etc) and bow down to her and hope she accepts your new found loyalty.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837
    edited February 2021

    My main is Ghost Face. The best tip I can provide to countering him is to keep your eyes open. He's a stealth killer, so you won't hear him coming most of the time. No matter what you're doing, make sure you're always looking around, and train yourself to seperate the colors of your map from the white of his mask. It may seem easy to spot him, but your mind can play tricks on you. Also look for things like grass or bushes that look like their moving.

    If you do find him and he's running toward you, try not to focus too hard on trying to break him out by spotting him. Ive caught too many survivors because they were too busy trying to reveal me and weren't looking where they were going as a result.

  • Feleas
    Feleas Member Posts: 123

    Best advice I can give is run Windows of Opportunity so you can learn where loops are in maps as you get used to the game, and to also use Spine Chill so that you can get that headstart when you know the Killer is coming.

    Hope this helps!

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Best tip is play both sides. It will definitely help.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I'm a Doctor main, so ill give my 2 cents

    -Calm Spirit significantly hurts Doctor. Finding survivors is one of his strongest characteristics. CS stops screaming and thus he can't find you.

    -Do not pallet camp Doctor. He will shock you and get the hit. Always pre-drop pallets.

    -when in tier 2-3 madness and you see illusionary Doctors, be aware! The Doctor can see these illusions too. Direction and distance are always the same (facing you and 4m away). These essentially track your movement. I caught a Claudette hiding in a locker because the illusion doctor was facing the outside of the shack because she was facing the locker. She didn't even see the Doctor and it gave away her position.