We get a kpop idol and fortnite gets....
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I mean, to be fair, Fortnite is a TITAN compared to Dead By Daylight. It's played by more people and thus- Get's more licenses.
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Fortnite gets EVERYTHING. This isn't that special in comparison
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Yeah,i feel bad for Fortnite.We got the better deal😥
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Guys i guess we are getting a fortnight chapter soon, can't wait for the killer to build over pallets!
or will it be survivors doing that?
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Its sad to me that this is a sentiment probably genuinely held by most of the community. But even though most of our community isn't horror fans its still more than fortnite! I hope...
I would say this should make the devs ashamed but i think we're past the point of shame since, well you. "Fnaf too cringe tho!"
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I would say this should make the devs ashamed
I could tell you like a billion other things BHVR should feel more ashamed of than adding a Kpop idol.
I personnally am excited for the chapter and interested in how the concept and everything behind it will look like.
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Survivors will be able to build the killer into a box so they can peacefully play M1 Gen simulator.
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And to be fair all fortnite does is skins. There is no power, maps, addons, and everything else that takes tons of time and detail
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Fortnite gets more attention than my mother (and thats a lot)
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Well let’s hope that if we ever get Ripley she won’t look like that...
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I love the original alien series it really is one of the best examples of great sci-fi (with a compelling, believable, bad ass, well written female protagonist) but I just don't think a xenomorph fits into the lore of DBD.
It would feel kinda forced.
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Are we sure they didn't get the files mixed up? A Kpop Idol, we get and they get a horror icon. How embarrassing.
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I don't think a xenomorph would really have anything more unique either to make it anything other than a demogorgan clone with fewer abilities.
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I’d rather have a KPOP idol survivor over Ellen Ripley tbh and I’m a massive horror fan.
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Why? That literally makes no sense the Xenomorph and Ripley fit better than most characters in the game. You know, hope and fear? I think its more of
HELLO fellow horror fans!
But nah you guys are genuine kpop just really fits the game in a way alien doesn't lol
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Well, you can go play Fortnite if you want. I'll stick with DBD.
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Here is how Ripley will look like dude :D
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Yeah obviously.
Again to any devs watching, great community huh?
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Who cares its just a skin 😂
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Please god, NO!
i wouldn’t mind the Ellen Ripley model from Alien: Isolation though!
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Yeah....not gonna lie it does sting. It can't be helped though I suppose, Fortnite has much MUCH more money to throw around than DBD ever will.
I hope DBD can get Alien some day though because I have never cared for Fortnite but I'll play anything if it lets me play as a xenomorph....
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Is this an april fools joke?
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Remember when people said that Saw wouldn't fit DBD?
Remember when people said that Demogorgon wouldn't fit DBD?
Remember when people said that Silent Hill wouldn't fit DBD?
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How envious that Fortnite is the second best Super Smash Bros and that now Alien joins them and not DbD. They give us a simple K-Poper as a reward.
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This 1000 times this.
BHVR can make it fit for sure
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To be fair Fortnite just steals licensed/copywrite content from people and hopes they don't get sued.
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Why do we care what Fortnite gets? Game doesn't interest me, so I'll be over here chillin' and killin'
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Nope fortnite added Predator and Alien into the game.
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Actually that's not true I used to think the same but my son plays fortnite and when they have events like this you can kill the boss and obtain a power up that's like super powered , when marvel was the last event they could kill a AI boss and obtain their power to use against other players, it wouldn't surprise me if they did the same with this event .
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That is just depressing
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no I don't
Saw fits in DBD because its a slasher flick,
Demogorgon fits in DBD because in the series it was already the minion of a shadow monster so how is the entity different?
Silent hill was a stupid premise to begin with, because traffic cone head is just the protagonists own guilt and self loathing made manifest, but hey its still beholden to some higher darkness albeit the darkness in the protagonist's head, so it fits in DBD.
From a hive building behaviourally insectiod alien race, what is its motivation to hook survivors in service of the entity? It makes no sense and doesn't fit themtaically in what DBD has crafted.
Yes you could horse shoe it in but it would feel forced, just by the very nature of how in depth they have built up the xenomorph in terms of backstory.
You are welcome to disagree but do better than that.
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Many people argued against those franchises though, even if not you personally.
and aren’t the Aliens kind of controlled by their Queen? It is hivemind-like after all and the Entity has surely the power to manipulate a Xenomorph to do what it wants. Those aliens are pretty intelligent and can be manipulated after all..
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The tradition and hypothesis of its gameplay does not prevent a Xenomorph, a ghost or a doll from entering the game just because people think about their qualities and are not suitable to enter this game just because it is their point of view. It has more to do with agreements and permits in the commercial area.
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And how is the xenomorph different from the Demogorgon?
Demogorgon serves the mind flayer and the Xenomorphs serve the Queen
Just because you personally don't want the xenomorphs in this game does not mean they shouldn't be implemented.
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if fortnite didnt have building i would play it non stop
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Yes but you failed to address the themtaic aspect that I'm talking about in that why would a xenomorph serve the entity and hook survivors when their goal is a biological one, to cocoon and reproduce via hosts.
It could be included but it would be thematically forced, a stretch at best. I'd rather not see that kind of half arsed attempt to add a franchise. Givcen the nature of xenomorphs not as serial killers but as animals just doing their thing. It doesn't kind of fit.
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I would love an Alien chapter. For me that's my ultimate want. Not sure if it will ever happen but damn thatd be so cool and it is a horror icon. And I would love to see Ripley as a survivor. If Demo can be taken by the entity I dont see why Alien couldnt. Here's to hoping! I mean its in Mortal Kombat so the license is out there.
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Xenomorphs work like a hive, they obey the queen but its to propogate the species. Part of what makes them such a great monster is that they are so biologically believable. There is very little willing suspension of disbelief to make then a really teffiying idea. Hence why it works so well.
Why then would this giant space ant basically hook someone three times for the entity? The answer is it wouldn't.
Any device to justify it would likely be very contrived hence my point.
Stranger things set up the demogorgom in a similar light but then took this tangent where they were agents of an already stange shadowy overlord, so they have been set up themtically to obey the instructions of a creature like the entity and its totally feasible it would hook survivors in its name.
So the demogorgon makes sense but the xenomorph doesn't really. This is the importance of plot and character development even of an antagonist that makes a story great.
Aliens persists as one of the greatest franchises thoughout the years because of this. Even if the later films are kinda crappy they can't undermine how great the original series was.
I'm not saying I hate the idea but it feels thematically forced ergo my point that it probably doesn't really belong.
Theme is important as it makes up the idea, the aesthetic and even the powers that killers have. To deny that misses what makes the xenomorph such a great monster to begin with.
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"How would an all powerful demon make a hive mind creature obey its will in a video game????"
You know we're ignoring the fact that Xenmorphs are fighting in fortnite, duked it the ######### out in mortal kombat, pretty sure they have raced karts at one point. Theyre doing all kinds of #########, im pretty sure one can buddy up with demo and omg thats so cool. The fact that is a possibility is the reason i can't leave this bullshit ass game alone lol.
Im getting on mkx right now to kill bubba as a xenomorph
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Tbh, I think Predator would be a much more interesting killer due to the story behind them and their behavior. But a Xenomorph is definitely more of a bloodthirsty killer than Predator is.
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yeah they have and its always kind of contrived.
Also fortnite is mindless and kinda crap so it doesn't surprise me that anything goes there because lack of plot is th ebastion of the masses. Why do super hero movies rate so high when at base most of them are plotless crap, because it rates with the mindless masses.
I'm not saying it can't happen, it won't ruin the game but I'm not holding my breath for it because like most games that try and horseshoe in something that doesn't quite work it will feel contrived and crappy as a result.
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There's a difference between wouldn't fit and wondering how it could be implemented well enough that it wouldn't be a gimped version of the characters or if it makes sense in the lore. Of the 3 you mentioned I think only pyramid Head hit the nail on the head.
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Fortnite also gets silly dances.
Where are our silly dances BHVR?
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Dbd has silly dances. There's the teabag. The butt wiggle. The 360. The moon walk. And whatever other weird animations you can think of.
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Killers over here flexing with "The Nod"
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The shuffling with a controller was my favorite dance! Sadly it’s gone. But I guess Running without moving on controller is now a thing.
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They need to add a downvote function to the forums 😭😭😭😭 I had a visceral reaction to seeing this TERRIBLE image LMAOOO
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Fortnite isn't crap just cause it doesn't have a plot LMAO, you might prefer a game with a background story line but it doesn't mean that games without it are bad. Fortnite has one role to play and one role only, so adding skins is a great way to add a little more variety (along with map changes). Adding any type of skin doesn't matter because there is no plotline to contradict or work against. You already have Demogorgon throwing grenades from a car window at Travis Scott hiding in Kit's Cantina, so what's stopping you from adding in Alien crouching behind a tree third partying with an AK? It doesn't make the story weird because there isn't really a story.
Anyways, you still have a point in that DBD actually has something of a plot/storyline with a little made up universe angle going on, so it really WOULDN'T make sense to just up and add everyone. Like, every addition has to have the overarching lore taken into account. It still leaves a lot of room for who it takes into the Entity's realm, but definitely not as much room as Fortnite LOL
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The Xenomorph doesn't fit in DBD but it's okay to see it use guns and dance? Sure Jan. /s