Every day Freddy remains in the state he is in is another hair i lose.

Just baffles me how the devs thought infinite map control, loop winning with barely any slow down and built in game slow down on top. Don't reply to this i wont be reading them


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I hope you have lots of hair

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Because he doesn't want to listen to people who challenge his opinions or want to discuss the topic.

    That would hurt his feelings :( and his hairline.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Male baldness is a serious problem, but I don't think it's related to Freddy or this game.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Good thing you have 100,000, maybe a little less now.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I will miss facing freddy

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    "Don't reply to this i wont be reading them"


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Don't tell me what to do.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    He will probably be nerfed around mid march or sooner, whenever the next update hits.

    Just hold on until then!

    His win rate is only like a little higher than spirit's, so if you can endure spirit for years you should be able to suffer through Freddy for just a few more weeks haha.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Hah, silly you. I am already bald.

    (Actually I am not, but I still wanted to make the joke)

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Question is: are the devs aware what drives his killrate so high? Because, frankly? it's a bit of a list that all together calls for yet another complete rework

  • This is the power of group think. Freddy was the same 12 months ago but people played on rather than complaining. Now with survivors reinforcing each other beliefs on sites like Reddit or certain twitch streams despite Freddy not actually changing somehow Freddy is so broken games against him are unplayable now and everyone needs to give up on first hook.

    I’m not going to name names but I’ve seen a few very influential streamers say Freddy takes no skill and I’m guessing thats it, they are THE authoritive source for DBD and if they say Freddy takes no skill then every survivor is fully justified in disconnecting against him. I feel sad for the future of humanity, most people are just sheep wanting to be led in a flock.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Given that they think his pallets are stronger than his puddles....no...probably not.

    However no he does not need a rework. Hell is is almost fair, the problem is his power is so spammable that anyone can play him at max efficiency because there is not much thought involved- resulting in a kill rate that is high across the board, and too much gen pressure against survivors in a normal fair game.

    If you had to think about when to use his power instead of just spamming it at literally every loop, shack, thing you want and then teleporting anytime tinkerer procs- he wouldn't be that bad. His power is ALWAYS up. If they made him have to actually think about his power, not be able to teleport almost all the time, he would be fine.

    They don't need to nerf him too awfully much they just need to raise his skill ceiling so he only wins games when he plays well instead of just by spamming his power with no repercussions.

  • “ they just need to raise his skill ceiling so he only wins games when he plays well”

    Just curious, why does this always apply to killers but never survivors?

    Sprint burst to nearest god loop or most busted part of the map anytime the killer comes near you does not require any skill. Plus we’ve all seen those games where swf teams can’t loop to save their lives but none of it matters because of gen speeds.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Bald is beautifull

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited February 2021

    They aren't too far off though. Most of Freddy's abilities baby the player. Freddy takes knowledge of the game, as pretty much every killer does, but definitely doesn't take much skill. The problem with him in particular is that he gets a lot in terms of power for little in the skill department. I'd love to see the old sleep mechanic return in some form to incentivize smart juggling of survivors.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    It's a 4 v 1 game. Survivors have to execute a certain amount of skill as well as teamwork and coordination. A killer is going against everyone and has only themselves to rely on, there are no team mates for them except the Claudette's that kill themselves on first hook.

    Gen speeds are also fine for the most part when certain factors are not in consideration, things that have been getting slowly adjusted over time such as toolboxes.

    Some maps are a bit unfair in their design, such as the reworked Pallet packing plant I mean meat packing plant sorry; but I mean of course a survivor is going to run to a good loop spot, why on earth would they not? Same reason why I try and push survivors into dead zones. That's just map awareness and playing the game dude.

    I mean yeah you need the normal amount of M1 killer basics and game understanding like every killer for the most part. It's just beyond that his power is auto pilot. Almost no one uses it incorrectly because it has no consequences to just spamming it when you feel like it. Normally that is where the highest aspect of a killer's skill comes into play; be it trapper thinking ahead, blight calculating a route on the fly, nurse and her muscle memory, deathslinger and aiming, etc....

    Freddy is just "Tinkerer proc'd teleport now" and "Spam puddles cause' loop, doesn't even matter where just anywhere in the path will work" survivor leaves the loop? You can just do it literally every time so no matter how good they are you WILL get them eventually.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    If your not going to read any comments on your DISSCUSION...


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    his power is spamable and the counterplay for him is disadvantageous to survivors. The combination of both makes things a problem.

  • Hazular
    Hazular Member Posts: 31

    I must have only gone against new Freddy killers then because every single match I've had against him as Surv I've escaped 😅

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,625

    Anyone who genuinely thinks that Freddy is broken does not understand Freddy at all. I could tell you how to counter him, but you will not be reading the comments here, so it doesn't really matter. But then again, why am I surprised? Survivors never want to adapt. They just cry for nerfs, nerfs, and more nerfs. 

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    Imagine complaining about Freddy, when there are so many other things to complain about.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I rather face freddies than spirits tho, at least freddy needs to rely on addons and perks to be truly disgusting.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, the only real counter is literally genrushing and going from tile to tile. That's the problem with Freddy, you cant mindgame, you can only brute force. Brute forcing isnt a counter to any specific killer, brute forcing is the counter to all killers.

    Thats like saying its easy to counter OoO just facecamp, but killers just cry for nerfs nerfs nerfs.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    so you want him to have 2 teleports per game with 20 seconds per snare gotcha.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I think the oblivious buff was the main issue as Freddy was still strong even before it and this caused him to become even stronger

    But I will say he’s not as bad as people say he is

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I thought the same thing. I become more bald every time I play a match against Freddy. I found out he's much more sinister than just making me more bald though. Those hairs aren't gone. He just made them grow in other places. Check your ears. That's one of the spots I keep finding the hairs he's moving.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Nah people said Freddy was way too strong a month after his rework, then they nerfed the slow down add-ons and said "ok, give it a try now", so people did and found it was still too braindead powerful, then things like Tinkerer buff and Undying came and made it even worse to deal with him.