
Tried ot play this on and off an I have no desire to play as survivor since its just all swf or bust. I've watched non swf get just bailed on by swf teams, toxic to even other survivors great showing. Nothing like having 2 gens popped pre 30 secs into the game. Nothing like the killer hit box being so big you can't get around objects. Nothing like getting 1st down an having a survivor DC immediately.

Even the event crap is garbage on killer. one 3k blood bonus for hooks that takes a slot in the blood web and is worthless outside the event. Survivovrs get fireworks that deafen and blind at any angle.

And the constant constant tea bagging and crying for face camping when I hook a surviror, walk away and one of the other idiot survivors rushes past me right to the hook. So I'm supposed ot just ignore the hook rescue as a courtesy?

I want to enjoy this game I really do. Its rare to see a interesting horror themed game but its all slated against the killer heavily and for what?

The toxicity is unreal. I don't think there is a game that goes by am I am not told to kill myself or worse even if i get nothing int he game. get a four kill, I am garbage and should kill myself. Get no kills, I am garbage and kill myself. Its not a one off its perpetual, every single game.

This community is toxic and ruins its own game.


  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

    Yeah I do and will play other games. If you even read the OP 'Tried ot play this on and off".

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Sounds like you're stuck in low ranks where there's a bunch of noobs and selfish people who DC on a whim. Once you get past there it gets better. There's garbage players in red ranks but it's not gonna be like that every game. And if you can find SWF, do it because it makes survivor a lot easier, assuming y'all know how to play. But you're wrong on the game being killer sided. Most high level players agree that overall the game is survivor sided. Maybe if you're going against Nurse, Freddy, Spirit and pink/purple add-on users all the time, you're not seeing that side of the game, but it's there nonetheless. You can quit if you want but sadly this game is the best of its genre, and you'll have a hard time finding a replacement.

  • To be fair, if you are expecting survivors to be "Afraid" of the killer....you're expectations are unrealistic.

    You are not actually some big bad killer, you are someone on the internet playing a game against someone else on the internet.

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

    I'm not expecting fear but I am expecting a game where survivors try to a void the killer vs going hunting them with flash lights and fire works. Its not a good sign when the thing they should be running form they actively seek.

    I maybe wouldn;t mind so much since this feels like it should have been a FTP game with stuf fyou buy in game but I had to buy in and regretted it not long after but no refund. So you make lemonade out of lemons.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2021

    Just play to win if that's how you have fun. Don't concern yourself with the "survivor rulebook for killers", it constantly changes depending on how you win.

    As killer, expect to be called trash any time you win. Just consider it a compliment.

    Edit: I usually respond to the salt by just repeating variations of "so what, now you're all mad about it", "why you gotta get all mad about it" etc... Usually turns the hate pretty hilarious in a hurry.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    The problem is the devs have said and actively augmented the gameplay to encourage chases and nerf stealth play.

    They have added aura reading to make engaging in chases easier and faster as that's where they feel the game thrives.

    Personally I loved the tense feeling of hiding near the killer and hoping they didn't find me but unfortunately the game has changed since then

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    Just play the game how you want. Want to camp, because that's the best strategy that match? Go for it. Tunnel if necessary.

    You're not entitled to give the survivors a good time, you bought the game so you can do whatever you want (as long it's not against TOS of the game itself, of course).

    I mean, survivors play how they want and bring stuff in to try and escape. You should do everything in your power to kill them.

  • GravyRobbers85
    GravyRobbers85 Member Posts: 69

    Disable your coms with the other players. The survivors are going to do absolutely nothing but just dump all over you. The mentality of this Gaming Community is a 5 alarm dumpster fire. I'm on Xbox One, when I play killer, I usually just block the other Xbox players from communicating with me because I know absolutely nothing good is going to come from them. One of the most important mental prisons that you will ever free yourself from is the prison of caring what other people think.