still waiting forever for a queue

as killer =/ no more event. waaaaduuuuheck!?


  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    The game is region locked.. Steam download region has nothing to do with your queues.  

    There are more Killers playing lately.  Not saying there are more Killers queuing as Survivor, but the 4 to 1 ratio is definitely skewed these days. 

    I live in Germany and at R4 Killer I wait at least 15 minutes, still.  It wasn’t an event issue.  
  • SirVicksTheSlayer
    SirVicksTheSlayer Member Posts: 101

    im in vegas and have never had this issue. i mean, maybe 3-5 minutes but not seeing any survivors after more than 10 minutes still

  • Xbone rank 1 takes too long to really bother. Like 10 minutes with zero survivors.
  • SarDeantje
    SarDeantje Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2018

    I wait at least 12 minutes for a full lobby. Yeah I clocked that (europe btw). Why don't the devs give the survivors 150% bloodpoints when there is a lack of survs and give killer 150% when there is a lack of killers. This way they can realize the 4:1 ratio

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    Time to derank, maybe.

    Personally, in western Europe region, the moment i got to rank 9 i had to wait 20 minutes to get a full lobby, and more often than not, a 4 man SWF lul.

    Deranking was a pain in the ass.

    But when i got back to rank 10, lobby magically started to get filled in 2 minutes.

    Weird, huh ?

  • Hadji
    Hadji Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2018

    I doubt it has anything to do with the number of killers, Lobbies getting filled in less than a minute to getting filled in up to 30minutes after a single patch screams matchmaking error

    if it's because the so called survivor nerfs aka much needed balance causing survivors to play killers instead, It will happen gradually, Not instantly across ALL ranks, and once they actually see how killers get bullied in red ranks they will go back to playing survivors.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Remember everyone blaming the event and the player distribution for the long killer lobby times?
    Now the event is over and I still have to wait for 15-20 minutes to get a lobby.
    What's the excuse now?!?

  • HomerDoh
    HomerDoh Member Posts: 7
    I think is becouse people play more killer now after last survivor's nerfs, more BP and is much easier now
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @HomerDoh said:
    I think is becouse people play more killer now after last survivor's nerfs, more BP and is much easier now

    mot really gens are still done too fast and a healing nerf didnt change too much but when stuck in the lobby just watch this
    Freddy Says Haaaay! GIF - FreddyKrueger Hay Hey GIFs

    i guarantee you'll soon forget that the game has started.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I wait less than a minute in queue.
    My guess is that your rank is too high, all survivors are back at rank 15 after the flower suiciding event

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:
    I wait less than a minute in queue.
    My guess is that your rank is too high, all survivors are back at rank 15 after the flower suiciding event

    yeah it kinda sucks

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Master said:
    I wait less than a minute in queue.
    My guess is that your rank is too high, all survivors are back at rank 15 after the flower suiciding event

    At what rank?

    Actually you are right, I am rank 1 atm.
    Because I can't derank when I have to wait 20 min per match. :P

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Master said:
    I wait less than a minute in queue.
    My guess is that your rank is too high, all survivors are back at rank 15 after the flower suiciding event

    At what rank?

    Actually you are right, I am rank 1 atm.
    Because I can't derank when I have to wait 20 min per match. :P

    Green ranks

    If you wanna derank, Dc the first few games and then switch to afking at some point