Nurse Lore Cool

chatgiraffe Member Posts: 113

Just wanna say I really like the nurse lore, since a lot of people have been complaining about it but haven't seen anyone posting about how actually good it is. I love how it expanded on Nurse's old lore, which kinda felt like a campfire story to me y'know? like "guys did you hear about that spooooky asylum i heard this nurse went crazy there and choked everyone"

This is def what the format for tomes should be for older killers/survivors whos lore is short or uninteresting. I liked some of the more detached lores like Doctors, but Nurse is def up there for best tomes along with Billy and Wraith.

One sad thing is how the Ashen Lady cosmetic isn't really linked up with her story too much as other outfits like Doctor, Spirit, and Billy. It doesn't mention her burning down the asylum as far as I remember but it looks really good so whateva.


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It isn't good.

    Sure, you may like it, but the issue is, as many have rightfully pointed out, it doesn't fit with what had been there with the nurse before.

    Sally was the emotional counterpart to the later added Doctor. Her Mori has an air of a mercy killing etc. Making her this cold, calculating person that sees everyone below her and will kill to free herself of those beneath her, putting herselg above god or something...

    Sorry, but that's Herman Carter, not Sally Smithson.

    Sally's entire tome entry reads as if it was carelessly thrown together from old drafts for the Doctor's entry (btw: his entry is not detached at all) possibly because someone at BHVR figured having three killers get sympathetic backstories in a row would... drive away paying customers? (develop logic in gaming is all over the place, and cross your heart, would you be surprised)

    But making Sally sympathetic, despairing over the cruelty she's witnessing and going on a killing spree out of misguided care and mercy (not counting smithing (hah) those that commited cruelty) would have been good.

    Killer that are just bastards like doctor, clown or ghostface, they don't need lore entries to make them sympathetic. They are made to be hated. But Sally? Just like Billy and Phillip, her story is one where the feeling of the entity already messing things up to 'unleash' potential should be there.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I'd actually say her outfit is linked to her lore in the details.

    'Ashen Lady'

    Emphasis on the Ash part, I've heard of crazy women who burned down their houses with family inside being called Ashen Ladies a couple times but that's about as obscure as it gets and could be a regional thing.

    On the gloves in her outfit when she is blinking instead of the usual cracking effect it actually looks like her hand is burning from the inside.

    Finally the dress and weapon have an ashy particle effect that makes it looks like she is burning without fire/smouldering.

    Also yes her lore is ######### awesome

  • Gruo
    Gruo Member Posts: 129

    The Devs stayed true to the Nurse lore, they didn't change anything about it. In her original lore she joined the asylum because she had to, not because she wanted to help people. The idea of purification have been mentioned there as well.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    sigh Look, I know you probably lack the reading comprehension to get what the difference is, so I won't bother explaining. But y'know, when about as many people in the community say the tome entry felt wrong for the nurse as there were people saying the new UI sucks... are you going to defend the new (not new new) ui design as brilliant and fitting?

  • Gruo
    Gruo Member Posts: 129

    Just check her original lore. What have been used for the tome is from there.

    Some are just upset because they wanted their theories to be canon but were proven wrong and they also ignored what already have been written in her original lore.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    so you majored in english, so what. Doesn't make you more qualified than anyone else, and the fact that you tried to play that card makes you even less qualified.

    Because looking at Nurse's initial lore entry there's a tone of her getting her ideas of the world (and good in it) was shattered upon working at the asylum for years. the new tome entry however provides us with the idea that she always had a despicable view on others. That's a difference in tone and theme that's quite crass.

    Also, the people defending the new lore seem quite keen on having lore as dark and edgy and gritty as possible, whether it's good for the character or not. And no, just because this is a horror game doesn't justify having things be darker and edgier for the sake of it.

    Sally's new lore is... just not good writing. There's shock-value for shock-value's sake, and that's it.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 976
    edited February 2021

    I guess you just enjoy to dismiss people having a different opinion to yours.

    I'll leave it at that, as I know from personal experience that arguing with someone like that is practically impossible.

    Just know this: open-mindedness to the opinion of others doesn't hurt. Outright being dismissive to them, however, does.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited February 2021

    You are dismissive of the opinion that this 'new' lore sucks because... why exactly? No note on 'why' it fits (compared to people noting why is doesn't).

    When I go through the thread and see how people think it's 'fine' because it's dark and gritty, then... no, those things are not qualifiers.

    Please do tell me: What would have been wrong (because I get the sense people who like the new mess are convinced nothing else would have fit) with the impression the initial lore gave: that sally went on a killing spree over, potentially, the doctors and nurses etc being cruel to the patients once again, and she just snapped, killing them and then mercy killing the patients before falling catatonic?

    What would have been wrong with that? Why have her feel like her new lore was hastily thrown together from leftovers from the doctor instead?

    EDIT: sidenote, talking about being dismissive: were'nt you the person who was super dismissive and condescending towards people who said they'll disconnect against certain killers because they give those folks a kind of stress that is, well, distressing and shouldn't happen in a controlled environment such as a videogame? or was that someone else with a felix avatar?

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    People aren't stupid or "wrong" for liking Nurse's new lore. With that said, I agree with what appears to be the majority/popular opinion on this one. I don't think Nurse's Tome content improved her at all.

    It's reflective of a general problem with other Killer tome lore where they often feel the need to make the Killers more evil, even when it doesn't fit. Despite some of the best-liked Tome content, like Hillbilly's or Wraith's, being their most humanising. This is especially apparent in Legion's Tome where Susie's character took a complete 180, but Spirit suffered from it too. (Spirit's was not so much the premise as it was the execution being bad, though. Wraith's tome also dealt with the idea of a latent bloodlust and it did it fine)

    It traces back to literally one word: "Purification". "Thoughts of purification emerged in her mind." I always read that of being a bizarre thought that would only make sense to The Nurse personally in her maddened state, not something that could be boiled down to a communicable idea like eugenics.

    And, as many people have pointed out, Nurse's mori contradicts the idea of her being a eugenicist. It explicitly demonstrated that Nurse thinks what she is doing are mercy killings.

    Besides, as anyone who's played Mass Effect 3 could tell you, if all the fan theories came up with a better story than the one you chose to tell, maybe the story's the problem.

    Plus, it definitely retreads Doctor's territory too much. Eugenics isn't exactly what his story deals with, but I don't think the topics are sufficiently divorced to justify them both being seperate stories.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    I personally really like Sally's tomb, except for the whole eugenics part which always struck me as very out of character, I thought she was merciful in a deadly way, hell she even gently brushes the survivor's head after they die, and with her husband, I always thought she was filled with grief and pain from her experiences in the Asylum, and so she felt need the need to put everyone to rest and purify the place of it's suffering, and let all their souls rest. (Even if she took their breath in the process).

    I guess you could say that she's breathtaking, she's like a nymph, blink and she'll disappear, but gawk for too long, and she'll quite literally take your breath away! A sort of deadly kind of beauty no? :D

    Yeah I'm tired, goodnight everyone!

  • Gruo
    Gruo Member Posts: 129

    You cannot write fan theories or fanfictions without the original story. That's what the fan part of those words mean. There was close to nothing about most of these characters' personalities, nor were any details about the events provided originally. We barely had information and the only way of getting any clue about what was probably going on was through bios, add-ons, perks off of which fan theories were built unless the devs spoke about it.

    Thought the same about the Mori before they added more stories about her, but the tome/rift item (plus the add-ons) gives the idea that she may have kept that "special treatment" for people who were "special" to her. We have confirmation that she has at least done that to the boy with the wooden toy who was close to her.

    Another thing about the Mori is that it could be intended to tell us that she completely snapped, which fits more with her original story because asylum's are not all sunshine and smiles.

    I also want to add that the Nurse's story is interesting: it seems to touch on spirituality and negative energies/environment affecting people and taking a toll on her.

    The Nurse, desperate for food and survival, she took up a job in an asylum that took her in despite her lack of qualification. If I remember correctly, even if this asylum was based during an era where churches took in cases of insanity it still required a certain type of qualification, none of which the Nurse fit. What I mean to say here is that this asylum itself is quite questionable.

    It seems that this asylum also plays a role in taking its caretakers down a certain road. The Broken Woman probably was on the same road as the Nurse, and the Nurse went further down the same road. Of course, add the energies/environmental effect on the people working there and it would propel their mental health down the gutter leading to the exact conclusion both these women reached.

    Neither of them were insane, rather it was something they chose to do after reaching their boiling point in the asylum. The child whose hair the Nurse braided was, from what I see, an unfortunate case living inside an asylum: however, there were many other cases around her who were clinically insane.

    There is an interesting contrast between the Broken Woman, who is the end result of negative energy, and the child who represents the beginning of a journey towards an arduous and scary journey. A scared child surrounded by insanity until they reach the end of their humanity.

    The Broken Woman is also a symbol for the end of all humanity. I believe in the Bible it says that to kill one human being is the death of all humanity. The child is the face of humanity, what the Nurse probably felt when she started this job: "I don't want to be here, I shouldn't be here, I have no choice though."

    It is also possible that the asylum played a role in the worship of the Entity. It is also possible that the patients there were folks who were supposed to be touched or taken by the entity. As I said, the asylum is questionable and it would not be a surprise if it was a place of experiment and Entity worship.

    If I remember correctly, the Blight was there before his transformation. The man being in a church/asylum represents a place worship, a place where he probably sought safety or a momentary reprieve (I doubt he sought God in realm of the Entity but hey, who knows). This asylum was corrupted and twisted, providing no hope or light for one seeking safety. The transformation, in the asylum where the Nurse snapped, shows a good symbol of descent into insanity, in his case it touched on schizophrenia.

    However, touching on Blight would require me to touch on a lot of his lore and I'd like to keep this about the Nurse.

  • chatgiraffe
    chatgiraffe Member Posts: 113

    thats a pretty interesting idea, never heard about "Ashen Ladies" before but i guess you could say the death of her husband burned her life to ash or something.

    also, i never noticed the new effect on her hand during a blink, normally she has scratch mark looking things which makes me think that her power is completely given by the entity, and that she basically just throws herself thru the spirit world to hit people harder.

    also, particle effects are cool as hell, first wraith and now nurse if they keep this up rift skins are gonna get better and better.