2 ppl hatch or last gen

Why are most of the games when it gets down to me and one other with one gen left it turns into a game of hide and seek for the hatch? Do ppl even try to hit the last gen anymore?
I will usually look forr hatch and then once i know where it is i will look for the nearest gen
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Nope everyone is too selfish.
If the game has gotten to this point the team didn't probably do amazing so I'll just sit on final gen till the killer comes to me, chase as long as I can then kill myself on hook and hope the other person enjoys having less points than me.
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They need to try to do gens still. Rank 20 cowards wait it out for hatch. I'm gonna get my gen or chase points, and maybe one of us gets out. Me dying in a chase immediately is better than dying in a chase later, or from EGC after hatch gets closed.
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I never look for a hatch unless I am the last survivor. Never bring keys either but if I find a key and me and my teammates have a really rough time, I try to get everyone together to find a hatch if it spawned.
You can't expect others to do the same tho because some love escaping more than anything else. And funny thing is you don't even have to escape to pip.
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if i plundered green+ flashlight i will look for hatch and then do gen with clear path to it,
if i didnt plundered green + flashlight i couldnt care less about escaping, i will just sit on gen (unless i have grudge to other surv, but its rare)
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It's not just rank 20. I have seen people as high as rank six do this. Hide in lockers most of the match. Letting the other survivors carry them.
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That's why they should be at rank 20 instead of up here with us pros.