No obsession No Problem!

I think there should always be an obsession in the game simply because everybody wins. Teams should not have to be punished when there is no obsession because once most killers see that there isn't one tunneling off the hooks seems to become more of a stratagy, Killers will get more points as well as survivors
Thoughts welcome
Survivors should get the benefits of making the killer think have Decisive Strike when not one of them is willing to use a perk slot for it? 16 perks, not a single DS, but the survivors deserve the killer to be fooled into thinking they have it
This might be the most entitled thing I ever read. The simple fix is to bring an obsession perk. There’s one called Decisive Strike, it’s pretty good you should try it.
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That may be the most entitled comment I've ever read lmao not everyone runs a 4 man squad, the killer shouldn't care if survivors don't have it but they do, because it's an easy game. Wouldn't want to take that away from you would we buddy
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Yeah let me stick that into the rest of my build of perks "needed" in solo to have a good experience. There's plenty of room alongside Bond, Kindred, Iron Will, Spine Chill, an exhaustion perk, Off The Record, Borrowed Time, and Windows Of Opportunity.
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People like you want the benefits of DS but you also want someone else to be the one to take it for you so you can stack up your Dead Hard/Unbreakable/Adrenaline/Iron will/Deliverance builds.
None of the survivors should get the benefits of a perk if none of them are willing to take the perk. Get over yourself and stop being entitled. Just take the damn perk if you want the benefits of it.
You should be grateful that 3 people get the benefit of it from just one person using it. The developers did you a HUGE favour there. You should personally thank which ever survivor brought it after the game since you’re clearly just going to leech off everyone else.
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I run Blood Pact a lot for this reason. I don't currently have DS on any of my survivor's, because I just don't level survivors up. I do have Blood Pact.
I actually kinda think Blood Pact is under-rated. I really enjoy the perk.
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Yes they do, the entire game is nothing but a bunch of Squadettes and ugly cosmetic Nea SWAT teams.
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Just goes to show how busted tunneling is.
But let’s keep dissecting DS and it’s “abuse”.
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That's a good point, when there was no obsession and I only realized it when I thought to look when I got hooked without bringing ds I basically consigned myself to my fate. I don't blame them for doing it. Chances are they misperceived something I did, I actually did something to annoy them which is very likely, or they are simply just playing to win. But a persistent obsession mechanic makes sense for the game anyways in my opinion. Probably not for every killer if you al ore nut, but in a game where somebody hunts and tries to killy ou I can accept that being a steady thing based on what goes in the match like how some perks move the obsessiona round. A killer bringing an obsession perk already gets one, so it might look odd if they don't use those kind of perks, but shouldn't the killers in the game be imagined to wonder which tricksy survivor is hiding a shank in the boot after so many hooks in the realms or whatever lol.
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95% of my survivor time is solo and I only consistently run 1 of those. Kindred. I have a great experience.
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Well lucky you.
Solo is the reason I quit playing survivor for half a year because the experience was so ######### miserable.
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Lmao thats the first time I ever read about Bond, spine chill, exhaustion perk, off the record and windows of opportunity being mandatory perks for solo queue. Seriously get good you dont need half of those.
Theres 16 perk slots for survivor. All it takes is one survivor to bring 1 obsession perk for an obsession.
killer has 4 perk slots and also has “mandatory” perks for a good time, especially so for M1 killers
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I don't think that's dependant on the perks. I'm sorry you aren't enjoying yourself playing, I hope your other leisure time activities actually make you happy
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Oh I also forgot Detective's Hunch/Small Game?
Camping? BT
Coordination? Bond/Kindred
Spirit? Spine Chill/Iron Will/OTR
NOED? Detective's Hunch/Small Game
Seriously get good you dont need half of those
I'm just quoting what I've been told around these forums. Personally I play with DS/WGLF/IW/Hope a lot of the time, and the matchmaking decides to set me up with 3 rank 14s and I'm the only one who gets out.
At rank 1.
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No, it's actually incredibly dependant on the teammates you get, which is actually imo the main strength of SWF (not the voice comms but the fact that you know for a fact your teammates will play efficiently and well). Like I said in the comment above when the killer's rank 4, I'm rank 1, and I get matched with yellow ranks it kinda takes the fun away,
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I mean, as long as you are not complaining that all Survivors bring the same Perk, if they are basically forced to run DS (or any other Obsession-Perk), just for the sake of the Killer not knowing that they are free to tunnel?
And what is the problem with the Killer having an incentive to not tunnel? Especially since DS will be nerfed next Patch so that the Survivor who might have DS cannot do any Objectives without losing it.
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Anyone who tells you that you need off the record is an idiot.
Kindred maybe, borrowed is good too, the rest you dont need so much.
But maps are going trash again so killed have the same issue. Gens too fast? Corrput, ruin, pop, too many god pallets? Enduring/spirit fury/brutal strength, new overpowered windows being put in game? Bamboozle
Everyone is in the same boat.
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Yes, we are all experiencing the same matchmaking issues.
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OTR + Iron Will is the counter to stridor spirit. That's been said to me at least 7 times.
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An obsession a day keeps Michael Myers away.
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I feel that their should always be an obsession.
Killers complain about DS, then when there is no obsession, many go full on tunnel.
I play about 60/40 survivor, but started the game as 100% killer. I see both sides.
Survivors complain about tunneling, killer says bring DS. Killer complains about DS, then tunnels when there isn't.
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Always an obsession in return for killers always start with corrupt intervention? Because its unfair survivors can put so many charges into gens before the killer even finds one, or how they can spread out across a 500 mile wide map that the killer will never be able to pressure
No im guessing “that wouldnt be fair”
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How is that even remotely the same? I'm not saying every survivor should have an automatic decisive strike you goose tf out of here with that
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Dude you need to go get some sleep or something clearly the thought of not getting a game with no claws around any of the survivors triggers you something fierce to the point where over half the point you're making are coming off salty and invalid
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I’ve wanted this since I got the game. It’s stupid the killer can get a message saying “tunnel now” when no survivors brought DS(which is common when I don’t bring it)
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Killers get the benefit of survivors thinking they have BBQ even if they don't.
So I think it's fair the other way around.
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A small nerf to tunnelling isn't welcome? Remember if you do tunnel with an obsession in the match, you're not always gonna get d striked. There shouldn't be any compensation for killer if tunnelling received an indirect nerf. It's simply addressing one of the ass parts of survivor gameplay. Killer performance wouldn't change and QoL for survivor - especially solo q would change.
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Seriously? LOL that's the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Nevermind that you can't "counter spirit" because you don't even know if you're going to face Spirit.
This is like saying bring Calm Spirit just in case you fight a Doctor.
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I'm just quoting what people have said to me before. "Spirit has counterplay; iron will, off the record, and spine chill"
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Blood Pact is a good perk.
Any perk that gives your teammates info to help them player is a good perk. Many of the problems solo survivors have would be alleviated if people learned to play with perks like Blood Pact, Aftercare and Better Together. They've learned to use Kindred, these other perks also deserve to be used. Maybe buffing them would do the trick; people didn't use Kindred until it got buffed.
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Yeah, the things people say on this forum really confound me at times.
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Or the game should have actual anti-tunneling mechanics implemented rather than just putting in a couple of perks and hoping the killer respects them to provide an enjoyable gameplay experience.
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Give survivors build in 45 seconds DS and killer can have Pop for free.
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I wouldn't mind the info perks being buffed at all, but I'm not sure how you could. Blood Pact is already map wide, same thing with After Care. I'm not too sure about Better Together.
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Yeah off the record is actually really underrated in my opinion. The ability to hide your aura is extremely good especially against perks like bbq.
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aka the coms.
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Not sure how knowing that your teammates aren't yellow ranks and they're actually competend is the comms but do go off sis xoxo
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Let me get this straight...
The dev's have turned this into an actual anti tunnel perk and now survivors refuse to use it because they can't gen in the killers face and want obsession protection for free?
Survivors always told the killer not to tunnel. Well, now that statement is legit. If they get decisive off, it is clearly because they got chased off the hook and didn't have time to pick their nose and do a gen.
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We wouldn't have this problem in solo q if swf wasn't a thing because there would be a larger player pool to match equally skilled survivors together.
SWF literally ruins everything in this game. From the balance to the match making to the fun. but it is also what keeps the game going so will never be addressed.
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Hello? Are you ok?
There are so many obsession perks that aren't DS if you don't wanna run it and they are all useful
Having no obsession is the risk you take when not running an obsession perk
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Have to use perks to prevent Tunneling, Camping, Gen rush is a fail design. Non of those is fun for the other side.
If no Obsession, tunneling happens, no fun for the tunneled.
If no Gen slow down perk, Gen rush happen, no fun for killer.
Camping because killers can, and there is no other thing to do in EGC
People get mad because these thing happens. As long as these still a thing in game, complainings keep coming
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Extra bloodpoints in deviousness for safe unhooks? Bonus if you down someone else after?
... Or is that a terrible idea?
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I think killers that tunnel don't care about blood points and just want a good match result (lots of kills). You already get bonus blood points for your first hook on each survivor.
My suggestion is that if you rehook someone in a certain amount of time, say 30-45 seconds, then their hook timer resumes where it left off as opposed to jumping to the next stage.
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I mean, I love this suggestion, and I'm fully prepared for people to call me a [BAD WORD] idiot for liking and supporting it!
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Or, you get people like me who don't use DS, and would like to not be automatically tunneled for it.
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The "abuse" is when the survivor gets on the gen, and they have essentially 60 seconds of freedom of doing the gen, and a gen takes... 80 seconds I think? Maybe 120, but even if it is 120, that's HALF the gen done for FREE, multiply that by 4 because of all the survivors that run it, and that's 2 FREE GENS, no perk should allow half gen progression
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Yeah I'm the one thats coming off invalid, lets just recap the conversation shall we?
You: I want the killer to think I have Decisive Strike so that they won't tunnel me
Me: Ok, bring Decisive Strike then
You: NO!, I don't want to!
That's pretty much the actual conversation. There's a very simple solution to your problem - bring decisive strike!
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are you a bush blendette? I couldn't care less if the killer has BBQ early game I'll sit on that gen until they're on me. laugh out loud if it's a low tier killer, what are they gonna do? get looped?
The only time you need to respect BBQ is if it's a solid Nurse.
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Do you want survivors to stop using d-strike or not???
I hate that argument lmao. So many will absolutely ######### on survivors for bringing that perk but every single time this topic comes up you get all the killers screeching “why should they get the benefit if they don’t bring it !!!!!!!!!” Make up ur minds lmao
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Yes all killers have a hive mind, true story. How silly of me to forget that.
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its okay I’m here to remind u :)