So DS will be nerfed and NOED will stay the same?

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Just cleanse.
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Just dont tunnel xD
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NOED isn’t even a good perk
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Stop the cycle of hatred :P
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Have you ever tried using NOED? It is a good perk, but it is ridiculously inconsistent with its results. Never getting to endgame, Survivors cleansing all totems, and Survivors insta cleansing NOED has all happened to me back when I ran it because I had nothing better. There's a reason why NOED is almost never used outside of Killers who are new or going all in on an end game build (which most don't). It's good, but its not that good.
Besides, DS is getting changed to prevent Survivors weaponizing an anti tunnel perk. As the killer, I shouldn't get punished by you or your survivor buddy getting unhooked and instantly going back on a generator wtihout leaving to recover or literally anything else. If you've been on a Generator, you shouldn't have the option to stab me with an anti tunnel perk. If you were on a generator, you obviously weren't getting tunneled.
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Both things are fine with me, however upcoming nerf is not, and ds can be also countered so xD
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Yea thats why at least half of the killers take it xD
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Yes I used noed many times, I never was disappointed once in result
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"Just cleanse totems!"
*brings Small Game or a map and cleanses 3-4 totems as a solo*
*Gets downed for the first time and 1 hooked in EGC*
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And just what do you mean by tunneling? I get accused for tunneling if I spread out all the hooks and just get someone on second hook at all. Nonsense. Last night I walked a dying survivor to the exit gate and let them wiggle free and they teabagged on the way out. This survivor garbage is how you perpetuate toxic killers. Play fair but don't give an inch.
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I'm not saying NOED is OP or anything but bad killers are desperately, desperately reliant on it and because they're reliant on it they never get any better so they keep using that perk
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Rank up, bud. You’ll see it less and less.
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Can we not have just one day without the 'You've nerfed DS (not true btw only stopped it getting abused) so nerf NOED'? Every single day on this forum.
NOED is a hex perk not an outright perk. Is it frustrating? Yes. Is it OP? No you get a notification when its in play amd the totem can be destroyed. Is it OP? No because if destroyed especially if not used its been a wasted perk slot for the killer.
As a killer main I'm not a fan of NOED as I believe it teaches bad habits (as killer my aim is to prevent exit gates being open so I'd rather use the perk slot to prevent it happening rather than waiting for it to happen). Although it can be game changing i don't believe its OP (Haunted Grounds or Devour Hope can be game changing in the same way)
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If that's the case then you were either lucky or against Survivors who couldn't find Totems.
There are very very good reasons why you'll basically never find NOED in a Killer build outside of a new killer or someone with an endgame build. The effect it gives is powerful, but the perk is way too inconsistent for general use. Also it basically has no synergistic perks. Freddy has 3 end game perks, but those and NOED are literally the only ones and most of Freddy's perks are... meh at best.
NOED simply isn't a huge issue like DS is. Also NOED fulfills a very very important role in the game.
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Nah. I see it regularly in red ranks, even with killers like Nurse, Freddy or Spirit. Even with killers with unlimited one hit downs like Billy.
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Noed is inconsistent it needs a change because of Solo Q potatoes. DS is guaranteed to be there so it should be changed first.
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Its not hate, rather all I can do is laugh about this ridiculous nerf
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The DS nerf is so infintesimal that it would only be considered a nerf by someone who wanted to use it as a weapon. As a defensive response for those killers who just want to tunnel them for easy kills, the perk still remains very potent.
NOED is fine as it is. Half of the time, it doesn't even get a look-in anyway.
Besides, if I read correctly, DS doesn't deactivate when a survivor enters a locker, so there is a little bit of weaponising still available. For me, I won't notice a difference as a survivor. As a killer, it just means some smartarse won't be brazen enough to jump on a gen in front of me, believing they are as invincible as Mario with an invincibility star.
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U mean there is something after red rang?
Im currently 2 rang and Im playing versus red rangs killers with noed xD as I said at least half of them have it
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It's not guaranteed after a 60 s, and sometimes u can even miss skill check so there are possibilities
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Ds+UB cant be countered.
No ignoring a survivor is not counterplay.
Counter for Noed is totems you lazy boi.
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Do totems you lazy boi, leave one that u couldn't find and die because of it xD
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Well said. Asking for a nerf because DS is getting nerfed isn't a good argument. Basing an argument on the enjoyment of vsing noed is much better.
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Technically, Pop Goes the Weasel was the counterpart to Decisive Strike, and Pop was nerfed before Decisive. NOED isn't strong it's just not healthy or very nice, usually only gives the killer one extra kill. Please stop acting like your side is the side that gets bullied or mistreated more, both sides have nerfs and buffs, and the devs are getting around to everything.
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Missing a skill check falls to the skill of the player it's not hard to hit it after a few games. And 60 seconds means you know how long you'll have it and choose to use it defensive and aggressive so you're guaranteed Decisive since you'll know when it goes off. And it's more in your control. The suggestion it's hard to hit the DS skill check gives me the idea you're new to the game where Noed is common in low ranks. When you're in higher ranks you'll see it less in exchange for stronger killers
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What If the killer run into the same unhooked due to chasing another survivor? Should the killer say,oh I'm sorry you still have a couple of min before I can hooked you again? The perk was designed as an anti tunnel perk but yet people are using it as an aggressive to force a stunned/immunity against the killer.
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Undying and moris were nerfed while keys and ds was untouched, stop with false equivalencies.
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Im amazed how you so-called experts assuming my rang, tell me would rang 1 satisfy you since I'm currently in the second rang. So only 1 rang is considered a high right?
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Survivors sometimes cant counter certain things, if you dodge hilly chainsaw thanks to locker you can be exposed by the specific perk by doing so. Of course both sides has their struggles. But the Idea of this nerf is ridiculous, of course, ds irritated me when I play as killer, but if we start to eliminate all the things that irritate us then maybe we should remove all the perks then at least this subjects would be settled.
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Based on your 12 posts it was safe to assume. And please respond to the other stuff I said about how DS is a guaranteed perk in your control unlike Noed.
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It doesnt matter what side im on, I rarely saw keys, However, old moris were frequent and were at the same time basically guaranteed win. But it would be nice if opening the hatched using the key would have some cooldown at least.
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I would blame the randoms in that case.
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Well the problem is I cant really respond to your defense of ds nerf. In my previous post I mentioned that both sides have something frustrating or irritating to play against, but nerfing a one of a few really good survivors perks because its just...good its ridiculous. In certain conditions, it may seems unfair, for example in the end game, but in the most cases it prevent you from early game elimination. And if that can be canceled by simple touching the gen or doing anything at all then the value of that perk would be insignificant.
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You are still completly ignoring the undying nerf even if i conceeded what you just said about keys.
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Precisely. It is rare for me to get hit by DS. It should be rare for you to get hit by NOED.
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You want to use it aggresively where you can sit on a gen and not fear the killer which is abuse of the perk as you addmited. And the devs nerfed Undying and are now going to nerf DS which can be just as infuriating. Undying got nerfed good killer perk and DS is getting nerfed good survivor perk. The devs are making the right call to nerf DS.
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Detective's Hunch > Small Game.
At topic, DS will still do what it needs to. Noed would never be an issue if everyone cleansed totems.
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You don't have to be tunneling to get hit with ds
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I don't offend you sir but the post that you just typed, and that post is just a stupid statement that compares two different things that working in a different way.
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Also I admit that undying could be stronger than it is at the actual state, I couldn't speak about it previously since I had to check this perk before the nerf.
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Well as well as Barbecue & Chilli is op, and the same goes with Corrupt Intervention, Hex: Ruin, A Nurse's Calling,Pop Goes The Weasel but I wouldn't change them either.
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NoEd is fine.
Also NoEd isn't really the proper analogue to DS.
DS is closer to Ruin.
NoEd is actually more like Keys.
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It was sarcasm to their response, saying just don't tunnel or just cleanse the totems is the same simplification
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BBQ and Chili is OP? A perk with four counters. Corrupt Intervention depends on the killer's spawn and you can just wait it out. A Nurse's Calling only really good on stealth killers and those with a small terror radius. PGTW already got nerfed. What a joke. I'm sorry can't take you seriously after what you said.
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Yes, the game wasn't easy enough for killers so they talked about nerfing DS so survivors can't do anything useful, help their team or anything. Bad killers can still keep all their perks like NOED to make their game easier.
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Dont worry I dont take you serioulsy from the begging :D and you call good perks overpowered so I gave you a good comparison, however, you are too rooted in you killer beliefs, but well that's just from my point of view
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And you still acting like only killers perks have counter, while ignoring ds counters. Looking at the other killer perks these ones are indeed overpowered among them and that should be keep that way. Thats why there are commonly picked. But I guess you couldn't assume that this time xD
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my god if i see one more survivor complaining about NOED im gonna lose it. just cleanse the damn totems
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I've said Spirit and Freddy need nerfs and changes. And face camping is lame. Sorry survivor main.
1. BBQ and Chili has four counters
Go in a locker, Hide behind a generator, be within 40 meters, walk one way then a different direction. It's bad if you can't do one of those.
2. Corrupt Intervention
Play stealthy simple
3. PGTW has 45 seconds can't be used twice in a short amount of time. And don't tap a gen simple.
4. A Nurse's Calling minus a few maps you'll see the killer coming. No worries