Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Petals removed from inventory and no point refund.

SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

Well this sucks. I just opened my offering inventory on my nurse and noticed that the petals that i had have been deleted since the event ended. I had 87 petals on her which amounts to 261000BP all down the drain. It would not have been to much to ask if we could have gotten refunded the value of them since they were clearly wasted.

Edit: Petals are not removed from offerings inventory they have just been pushed to the last page of offerings and disabled. Still would prefer BP instead of 87 useless offerings that i will have to wait atleast a year to be useful again.

Post edited by SadonicShadow on


  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Why exactly did you have 87 unused petals?
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @JanTheMan said:
    Why exactly did you have 87 unused petals?

    Because i was working on getting all perks on my nurse. I tried using as many as i could once i got all perks but with the queue times being 20 - 30 minutes for me i could not even come close to using them all.

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Oh yeah, I forgot killers got hit hard with the long queue times during this event
  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    This needs to be changed asap, I want s refund for the pedals. And just storing them for the next event isn't good either, cuz I will have again plenty of them at the end of the event. Also, if I prestige all is gone for nothing 
  • Purr
    Purr Member Posts: 83

    i feel ya i got 62 on my nurse i prestiged her soon as i could so wasted alot from that i even farmed all 60 vials and finished an hour BEFORE the change on vial earning and still couldnt run out of petals i used one every game from P1 nurse to P3 and still earned more than i could use this doesnt count my other killers i lvled
    nurse 62 petals
    trap daddy 6 petals
    billy 2 petals
    huntress 1 petal
    daddy myers 4 petals
    granny hag 3 petals
    fart bottle clown 9 petals
    diddler freddy 2 petals
    and spirit 44 petals
    0 petals on survivors
    133 petals left over in total

    :dizzy: so many flowers

  • ConsoleNurse
    ConsoleNurse Member Posts: 170
    My pig has 72 pedals.I really want to refund
  • Y’all crazy. Refunds? This is BHVR we’re talking about. Them shits will sit in your inventory forever unused. 
  • ekto
    ekto Member Posts: 103

    Shouldn't have bought them, dummy. They've never EVER done ANYTHING like that.
    Still though, can't help but agree; you should be able to refund items to some extent. Didn't they do something like that for the Howling Grounds event where you could use the offering during the Scorching Summer BBQ?
    I remember people hyping up a crafting system a long, long time ago. I swear I remember the developers mentioning it, but oh well. I'd like to see it come back, but TBH poor balancing would cause the game to crumble if high-tier items became so prevalent. Although... Maybe it could help Dead by Daylight's endlessly losing battle of whether they should balance the game around the average player or the experienced one.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Idk, weren't Moon Offerings just removed as well?

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    If they didn't say that unused petals will be refunded then it's better to assume they will not and not make thread about it.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,533

    Lesson learned from other events:
    Have someone at P2, ready to P3 at the start of the event. P3 and then grind hard. If the event comes back, you're all ready to start with a bunch more offerings!
    Looking forward to the Lunar Eclipse, Summer BBQ and next years' Hallowed Blight events (if they come!), with a shed load of tickets for both sides!!!
    W00p W00p W00p!

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @JanTheMan said:
    Why exactly did you have 87 unused petals?

    Well because you need to play 87 games for that?

    I had 80 offerings stocked on myers too, but I quit DBD when I was over because I dislike farming

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245
    If you didn't want to have left overs, you shouldn't have power llevelled during the event.  I had well over half a million bloodpoints at the end of the event, but I specifically waited for the event to end before doing so.

    I mean. I levelled my brand new hag during the event quite a bit, and I have 20 or so left on her.  Not complaining though, it was my choice to do so
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    again: you didnt waste these BP at all, since, if it hadnt been the event, you'd be stuck with 87 brown add-ons / offerings you would never use, so where's the problem?
    also you never know, the event might come back next year? the offerings are just disabled during the time where there is no event, so they will probaply be available again next year on halloween, similar to the event items.
    just stop complaining about this. no one asked you to buy these offerings, you could have letten the entitus eat them away and stick with other stuff or you could have used them (yes, i know. lobby waiting time, but why do you have 87 event offerings on your killer, when you couldnt play killer during the event?).
    they didnt give any refunds in the previous events (Howling Grounds & Scorching Summer BBQ), so they wont do that this time neigther.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,334

    @JanTheMan said:
    Why exactly did you have 87 unused petals?

    I had around 80 leftover petals as well because when I'm already P3 Level 50 with most killers the commons get replaced by event stuff and I'd average get 3 per bloodweb. Once I finish the event it's not like I'm going to keep using them or playing considering my queue time was like 30 minutes. Although I had to keep using my bloodweb to keep getting addons to stay competitive so the offerings ended up getting stockpiled.

    I don't mind them disappearing because 1 hook on an event hook pretty much refunded them but I'd prefer events without the need for offerings. I know OP pretty much answered you long before me but I'm not going to be surprised if most players had at least 20+ sitting in their inventory still.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited November 2018

    @Mister_xD said:
    again: you didnt waste these BP at all, since, if it hadnt been the event, you'd be stuck with 87 brown add-ons / offerings you would never use, so where's the problem?
    also you never know, the event might come back next year? the offerings are just disabled during the time where there is no event, so they will probaply be available again next year on halloween, similar to the event items.
    just stop complaining about this. no one asked you to buy these offerings, you could have letten the entitus eat them away and stick with other stuff or you could have used them (yes, i know. lobby waiting time, but why do you have 87 event offerings on your killer, when you couldnt play killer during the event?).
    they didnt give any refunds in the previous events (Howling Grounds & Scorching Summer BBQ), so they wont do that this time neigther.

    I would rather have 87 brown offerings that i could use vs 87 offerings that i am locked out from completely and wont get any use out of for a whole year. Dont be shitting on the brown addons. There are some legit good brown addons that are worth having. Wooden horse and badmans keepsake being ones i would LOVE to trade my petals for if i could.

    Also its not like i can avoid buying petals altogether. The petals usually spawn close to the center node and you are forced to buy them or else you might be passing up a perk or particular item of interest. If i had the option i would have simply not spent any bloodpoints this whole event but because the devs think its a good idea to have a hard cap on how many BP you can save i am forced to dump the points regardless of if i want to or not.

    Also just because the devs won't do something does not negate the fact that i have the right to criticize them for it and ask for change. If you are happy with your useless stash of petals then that is on you. I personally feel scammed out of half a million BP for nothing.

  • 2BadWaluigiTime
    2BadWaluigiTime Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2018

    @SadonicShadow said:
    Well this sucks. I just opened my offering inventory on my nurse and noticed that the petals that i had have been deleted since the event ended. I had 87 petals on her which amounts to 261000BP all down the drain. It would not have been to much to ask if we could have gotten refunded the value of them since they were clearly wasted.

    Edit: Petals are not removed from offerings inventory they have just been pushed to the last page of offerings and disabled. Still would prefer BP instead of 87 useless offerings that i will have to wait atleast a year to be useful again.

    99% sure the event was half meant to drain your BP to stop power creep. The longer it takes you to get to end game (which is essentially non-existent) then the longer the game lasts for you.

    Edit: In short, you will not get a refund and that is as intended.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Yea it would be nice. I have around 100 left myself

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890
    If I remember correctly didn't they say the event will be yearly for new players to try or something? 
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    You're dreaming if you think you'll get a refund on bloodpoints spent. They have never refunded past event offerings and I see no reason why they should. It would be a bad decision on their part if they did for a lot of reasons.

    What happens if the refund would put you over a million BP? You'd lose all the extra. So people near the bloodpoint cap would ######### about losing out on all those BP even if they gave warning to spend before hand. Then you begin the slippery slope argument of "why can't I get my past event offerings refunded". Even if they did that then people would cry about how they prestiged up a character with a bunch of offerings and lost out on the refund. Then people would start saying, "well if you will refund event offerings, why won't you refund all the garbage add ons and offerings we never use".

    It would start a never ending ######### storm for them. That's just a fact. They would be very dumb to step on this landmine. Players are nothing if not predictable with their thinking.

  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83
    Did we get refunds for our moon offerings lol
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Turn all the petals into 50% bloodpoints to everyone offerings, budget Party Streamers, and rename them "Withered Petals" or something. I have so ######### many on my spirit since I went ahead and P3'd her during the event.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    That's right, you'll probably have to sue them.

    Jesus Christ, we're talking about virtual items purchased for virtual currency in a virtual world. Just let it go. It's not like all of our characters don't have loads of brown addons and offerings we're never going to use.
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    If the likely hood of us getting a refund is nonexistent then i think it would be fair to ask that these petals atleast be automatically converted into the offerings for the next event when it comes around. I dont know if the devs have an event planned for Winter Solstice or if our next event will be the Lunar New Year but it would be nice if these event offerings were converted to whatever event offering will be present at the time.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    The refund is the blood rush event.