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So DS will be nerfed and NOED will stay the same?



  • LeatherFeather
    LeatherFeather Member Posts: 53

    I wont response anymore because it looks like I have to repeat myself over and over again so yea, thanks you all for participating in this conversation

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    If I have time to cleanse 4 totems then I hope to god my team is working on gens and being chased by the killer. That IS working together. If there were text phrases we could say like "I'm going for unhook!" or "I just cleansed a totem!" then you'd have a point. There's literally no way to communicate how many totems are cleansed. And sometimes you end up screwing over you or your team inadvertently because you cleanses all the easy totems and left the best hidden one, or the one that happens to be exactly in between two exit gates or right next to a hook the killer is now camping.

    This game is lot more complicated than "uhh duhhh just cleanse totems, doh"

    Sorry if you rely on NOED to get kills. There's no shame in being bad at a video game

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Sure. Your 3 other teammates can't have a single person for 16 seconds to cleanse . It is so damn hard, and it's not count as working as a team~

    What do you know? Sounds like it's your problem, not the perk. Funny how totem is viewed as second objective, but somehow working on it means no teamwork.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    These perks are very different and have little in common.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    On the subject of nerfing noed, let me ask you something.

    In an ideal game how would you like the endgame to play out?

    I ask this because for me personally, I have a few differnet ways i will play out the endgame with 3 or 4 survivors left.

    1. I've had a solid game, chases fairly fair with hits and hooks. In this endgame i will be moderately aggressive i will chase and pursue downs and kills. In my mind this is the ideal endgame.

    2. Ive had an okay game not very successful maybe have my 4 stacks of BBQ or a couple people 2 hooked. When the gens are done if i have a hook i will camp it to secure a kill or trade to make sure i get my stacks. I may get aggressive if i have a one shot killer or Noed. This one is not ideal but can still be fun and have the most interesting results for either side and creates an intense situation.

    3. I've had a bad game, barely any pressure, long chases, not alot of downs, maybe 1 or 2 hooks through the whole match. On this one without a one shot killer or noed I'm opening the gate breaking any pallets or walls I left up and then cornering up till the match is over and people are gone. This one is pretty boring on both sides but im stuck till people get tired of waiting at the gate to tbag me and im not coming no matter how much noise they make

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 699

    I mean Moris were changed and keys weren't touched.

    Maybe worry less about whataboutism and recognize that some things need to be changed on different timetables.

    Also cleanse totems.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yes, whattabout some more, that always solves problems.

  • DownUnder
    DownUnder Member Posts: 19

    I don't know whats the connection between Noed and DS but listen...

    Noed is a mentality, killers who use that perk jump in a game knowing they will lose all gens no matter what, its pathetic. I started my own topic with Noed and guess what people just always said "just do bones" or "just bad survivor mains complain about it". They don't understand the fact, it's badly designed perk which won't improve your killer gameplay, it's the opposite. They don't understand that you cannot communicate with solo's,so you don't know how many totems left in the trial, maybe your team team did 4 totems and Noed still come in play, but don't worry these killers just say your team was LAZY!!! It's embarrassing really.

    That's why I stoped responding too.

    I never use Noed, because Im confident in my skills to stop gens popping. Win most of my game at rank 1, even against decent decent SWF can do atleast 2K. Slowdown perks are meta for a reason.

    I have Zero respect for ingame Noed users and this coming from a player who loves playing killer at high ranks.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    how many times you 3-4k? Let me guess, 90% of matches, but only because survs at red rank are potatoes. Probably, but killers at red ranks are also potatoes. Remove b&c from the game and 90 % of red rank killers won’t kill more than 1 survs

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Killers usually sacrifice at least two perk slots for gen slowdown perks. Why shouldn't survivors have to run something so they can 100% counter a perk designed to punish survivors that don't do totems? It isn't the dev's or the killer player's fault that you might be the only one doing totems. Blame your teammates for only wanting to sit on gens, or for wanting to loot chests over doing bones.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    oh yeah, NOED the most commom perk to see in 9 out of 10 games, that has no counterplay

    DS* my bad

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    How to fix NOED: Remove 4% speed increase.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Do bones, best way to counter noed.

    And ds also affect klers who don't tunnel.

    You can hook 1 or 2 other survivors before you see the first again and still getting hit by ds.

    And yes this is very well possible as I have experienced it on more than one occasions and they were fully healed as well.

    So tell me how it is the killer who needs to get punished for survivors who are just playing bad?

    And yes noed is not a well designed perk and personally I would rather see it being taken out entirely.

    But other than that, it has very easy counters

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Do you have any idea how much that would destroy a 4.4 killer against a survivor running hope

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    very unrealistic scenario, most 110 killers have insane 1v1 abilitys Spirit, Huntress and Deathslinger, no realistic reason to run noed on them and then u have Hope a perk that is almost never run, the 4% with aswell bloodlust is just dumb.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    For all the killer stuff that has been nerfed and we finally get a decent survivor nerf I have two words for this... shut up.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    It's weird there are people seeing NOED in every game but I never see that ######### and when the Killer does bring it, I've already cleansed all the bones.

    Back when I kept stats of my games, it only appeared 18% of the time(compared to BBQ's whopping 59%) and only managed to activate twice.

    I do myself bring Small Game and work to cleanse every totem on the map. Explains probably why NOED its such a minor annoyance to me.

    And yes, I still escape(61% of the time) despite all the suicides and DCs.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Remove Bbq? I can track w/o bbq with actual game knowledge my guy, You can watch me on my stream and you can see me actually track w/o any tracking perks my guy, i will show you Strengths and Weaknesses of Every single killer and survivor mistakes 100% off the bat, You just need to get more skill as survivor before you can comment bout Noed my guy

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Whataboutism at its finest

  • LeatherFeather
    LeatherFeather Member Posts: 53
  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Guess you won't learn my boy... Guess ya won't learn. gl with whatever Entitlement you have there,

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    NOED represents a failure of the survivors to do their optional objective of doing the bones in exchange for the killer playing with only 3 perks for most of the game.

    I fail to see the issue here.

  • LeatherFeather
    LeatherFeather Member Posts: 53

    Instead of expecting improvement from others, first, improve yourself, and that's what I wish for you mate.