In Defense of The Trickster

A lot of people seem to be hating on this killer, mostly with comments like "He just doesn't LOOK like he belongs in Dead by Daylight" or "KPOP? What's next, Fall Guys?" (Hilarious, by the way.)
But I gotta say, I really like this Killer.
Keep in mind, I don't own a pc. I have no access to the PTB, so I can't honestly say anything about gameplay.
What I can do, however, is discern a well-written character from a poorly written one. That's always been my favorite thing about DbD, the evolution of the writing in characters backstories is so obvious, and with each new chapter, we got to see really creative characters blossom from what essentially used to just be three tall guys with gimicks chasing four scared short people around in the corn.
So what's wrong with the Trickster? Is he not worthy of being a Killer just because he doesn't wear a mask? Essentially, he's Legion with a baseball bat, and Darkness Among Us was one of the best chapters they've dropped. Personally, I'd be more scared of my fellow man than some disfigured monster, and I must say, the writers have done an excellent job portraying insanity with his backstory.
All I'm saying is, give it a chance. Take a step back. Appreciate a character based on more than his exterior appearance.
Addendum: I feel like this new Survivor is intended for Solo Que, what with all the self preservation perks. Good news for me! I have no friends.
Darkness among us was one of the most hated chapters to ever arrive in dbd what?
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I agree, this post is it
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I didn't hate it. I thought it was very original, and it dropped both an interesting killer and survivor, both with great backstories and perks. Thats more than I can say with recent chapters.
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I know u did not just say darkness among them was one of the best chapters dropped.
Anyways to the point i overall dont like him because he doesnt fit into the theme of dbd. While I can appreciate well written lore what matters is how a character is presented. I like how they gave him chatacter through his animations, but his overall appearance just does not make him fit as a killer. I personally think he is too bright and humanlike. And before people argue about cosmetics being bright, there is a difference between the face if a character and extra cosmetics
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If you really think another Legion in the game is good... I can't even-
PD: Self Sustain is literally useless. The only killer that would more or less be punsihed by it would be Plague and it's alright since she disables half the survivor perks in the game (healing related).
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I think his design is great.
A LOT of posters are being overdramatic and childish when it comes to him. Many of them also only equate Horror to the Killer's looks. Which is just ridiculous.
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Darkness Among Us was pretty decent from a presentation design standpoint (Legion is arguably the single most successful character design in DbD) but from gameplay I think most would agree it was the single worst in the game's history.
I don't think The Trickster works with the current graphical design of Dead By Daylight. He doesn't have to wear a mask or anything but it doesn't take a professional artist to tell you he clearly doesn't fit with the game's visual identity very well. I'm not asking him to become a disfigured monster, but even if the design MUST, absolutely MUST keep him as a relatively normal human, there'd still be ways to successfully communicate his identity as a crazed murderer and get him to visually fit amongst the roster than just having some blood splatters.
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I love him so far. He's a psychological and unhinged performance themed killer instead of the usual body horror killer with sad past and muddy colors trope the game has done to death at this point. Something fresh is just exciting to me. And to the people crying sexy killers don't exist in horror... you're just straight up wrong. There's plenty of good looking killers in horror movies. Even the Scream franchise had the handsome boyfriend as the killer. They're not always abominations.
The new Survivor is also one of the few Survivors to get straight up unredeemable lore. She figured out he was the serial killer and hid it cause of her career. She's nuts to!
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I'll copy what I posted in another thread because I really think he deserves every defense he can get: I think the new killer is absolutely fantastic from an art and lore standpoint.
I can totally understand why people wouldn't be into his design, however I think it perfectly encapsulates what they were going for aesthetically (a "trickster", a privileged and charismatic "normal" person who's actually batshit insane,etc).
It's all about deception, which is exactly what you get from this.
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Darkness among them was the buggiest chapter ever. Brought anannoying map and a buggy killer that would cause a wave of dcs for the next month
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My point exactly. The thing is, in real life, Killers have only ever been human.
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People didn't hate it cause of the characters, the ability for on release legion was uncounterable and when reworked they became an incredibly weak killer, it took a long time before they finally became a killer that could hurt survivors
Also I never see any of Jeff's perks getting used anymore and it upsets me, same with legion's perks Mad Grit and Iron Maiden
It wasn't a good chapter, hell if I am correct Ormond got disabled on release
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You have to remember that this opinion is completely unrelated to gameplay, as I have not played the trickster. The comparison to Darkness Among Us is purely based on the creative aspects.
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Personally i love the way he looks. Mostly because he is different from what we have. He reminds me of Ichi the killer. I'm sold
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Sorry. I didn't know all killers wore masks, dark clothes and/or were visually horrific in some way.
Oh wait. They don't/aren't. Are you saying they can't represent deranged Killers who don't fall into this stereotype?
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People complaining that this guy doesn't fit but wanting a fnaf chapter. What a shame
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What else would you change to effectively communicate this while keeping him as a normal human?
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Never said he was forced to wear a mask now did I? I said his overall appearance just doesnt really fit in the game
I'm all for making humanlike killers but make them actually look like they would be in the theme of killers and not some hybrid
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Not as bad as a binding of Kin, no way in hell
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Couldnt have said it better myself.
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Personally I didn't find binding of kin as bad. At least the map wasnt disabled, brought a mechanic(deep wound) that would be exploited until it would be fixed chapters later, a killer with ZERO counter play yet sucked. The only good thing about the chapter was jeff.
Even the power is more interesting. Legion was marketed as a multi personality killer all we got was teens run fast with knife
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Yeah I take it back, although I didn't play the game during that time. However there is no denying A binding of kin was the most forgotten chapter so far. the only thing memorable about it is Elodie because of her damn screaming
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He gives me big Sangwoo vibes and honestly yeah, your average every day human can be just as terrifying as any monster.
I think because the more someone looks normal and human the less you expect them to actually be psychotic and a serial killer which is exactly what Trickster nails.
All that being said I don't like his default color scheme at all though. Idk that bright yellow coat just makes me puke LOL I'm sure he'll have nice recolors and skins though.
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I don't think an over the top mask or deformities are necessary, but in his current state, if you removed the blood splatters, he'd genuinely just look like a normal person. The blood splatters honestly feel like the character designers giving up.
I appreciate the "yeah, but real serial killers don't look like monsters", and that's perfectly true- But that has little to do with visual design/appeal.
Kpop (and music groups in general) often use makeup, so that's what I would suggest as a way to create a divide between his popstar persona and his actual personality. Something that could pass as real makeup to try and beautify a band member, but looks unsettling when on the face of a grinning maniac.
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But what would you change, though? Rather, specifically what would create the desired effect? You mention make-up, but that to me seems comparable to the blood splatters.
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I'll outline it more clearly, though I kind of implied it in the thread:
-Remove most of the blood, especially the stuff on his actual body
-Use makeup to try and create a more interesting design for his face and establish his identity as a Killer, without necessarily having to turn him into an extaggerated monster and keeping the popstar look.
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Personally, I feel the blood really lends to his look and sells the craziness. That's just my personal opinion, though.
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I honestly don't see what's wrong with a singer who turned into a psychopath as a killer?
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Killers aren't defined but having something on their faces.
And removing blood would improve this how, by the way?
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Dumb question but is it just blood or is it bullet holes leaking blood . I can’t tell cause all I’ve seen are bad quality pictures
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My first impression is "he looks like a bully", and I feel like they should've just went that route and make his lore more down-to-earth. Though with the recent bullying scandals that hit South Korea's celebrities and athletes, it could be too soon.
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I'll say one positive thing about the blood: I DO really like it on his hands, edges of his coat, etc. The visual designers clearly did put a lot of thought into making sure the bloodstains didn't all look identical or generic, either. I just think having that much blood on your chest and face without thinking to wipe it off, especially for such a showboat character, is kinda weird.
I didn't mean to imply that they are. I mean "define his identity as a Killer" in the sense of it being less regular-guy looking, BY playing into the idea of him being a popstar.
If you love his design, that's totally cool. And hey, he'll certainly have lots of skins, and some of them are bound to land for me. I actually don't even necessarily want to take away his current VERY unique yellow-pink-black colour scheme, if anything I just want the rest of his body to reflect it more.
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Just blood. He is quite gruesome with his killing in lore.
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I absolutely love this killer, mainly because he has so much personality. Most killers in the game have no personality, so you can't really get too invested in their backstory and appreciate the character.
A lot of people are saying that he isn't scary, which I get- he's not the typical big, buff, broody man with a mask that a lot of horror fans are used to. But for me, if I saw this dude in real life, I would be terrified. Regular-looking Humans have always been scarier to me than monsters. It's only one character out of the many others and if this killer brings in swarms of K-pop fans and I wont have to wait in a lobby for 10 minutes before getting into a match, then I will be very happy.
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I think liking or disliking the killer is a matter of just overall preference. I like his design as just a general character, but I personally am not a big fan of him as a killer. But that's 100% because of my personal preferences, in which I like more generic scary-monster-horror killers than killers like legion or trickster. They sorta just come across as edgy punk kids which have zero scare factor compared to like deformed monstrosities or paranormal spooks.
But that's a ME thing and definitely not that Trickster is made poorly or anything. Though I won't lie, with his name I was hoping he was a mindgame killer that would trick you as masquerading as a fellow survivour like a shapeshifter or The Thing or such. So that was a tad disappointing to see he's just a snapped narcissist pelting you with rave knives.
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The makeup K-pop idols wear isn't enough to actually do that though. It would be some eyeliner, light eyeshadow, and lip stain...It would honestly make the character look better (and better as in prettier)
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I think the reason the blood is still on a showboat character is because the fog grabbed him after he hack and slashed up the entire board of his record company, so it was still fresh.
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