What do you guys think of the Trickster?

I don't have the ptb but watched vids on it, what do you guys think of it?
Design wise, he looks really cool, but gameplay is another story.
He's basically a mix of Huntress and old Legion. Bad, little counterplay, and incredibly boring for survivor.
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I like his design.
I think having a visually unique Killer was the right way to go.
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He looks good and his perks is not bad. fun to play with and fun to play against.
I think if he is going to camp me, I'm not going to get mad x3
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This but i would also say he is played against very similarly to deathslinger except you can react to him more and you last longer.
He is slow so just like deathslinger he lacks map pressure, he can't snowball well due to needing 8 knifes to hit, and he has little counterplay in the open and at common loops but he is very easy to last long against at loops with high walls like shack and vaults are a lot safer.
so yeah a weaker deathslinger
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Haven't gotten to play him yet, but I'm loving his design and personality. He's a smug, smarmy egoist, and he's here to mug for the
cameraEntity. DbD has been in need of a bit of camp to lighten things up.2 -
Fun killer, but weak.
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Yeah pretty much. Yet another weak killer
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From a character design standpoint regardless of whether you like it or hate it, it's certainly unique and a very different approach to the idea of what a killer is. I personally don't mind it, and I'm not gonna crucify the character "BeCaUsE KpOp" that's just a ######### line of reasoning, all around.
From a gameplay standpoint I think there's a lot more to think about than people realize and it's hard to tell whether he's strong or weak. The Trickster is to Huntress as Leatherface is to Hillbilly. They both have a foundationally similar power but they're wildly different in their purpose and how they perform.
Huntress plays more akin to a "sniper" who values precise shots from nearly any distance, having a capability to hit targets from all the way across the map but with only a few "rounds" of ammo, so she needs to make those shots count before requiring to reload.
The Trickster on the other hand seems to play more of an "assault gunner" esque playstyle. The throwing knives seem to be most effective at a closer range and are less accurate- and thus harder to hit than huntress hatchets at farther distances, the trade off being for the sheer ammo supply you get to carry around, 60 knives at base and more with add-ons.
The playstyle for the trickster seems to be upfront and aggressive, throwing as many knives as possible in a "death by a thousand cuts" (which I hear is one of the worst ways to go irl) fashion to mow down his victims. His special ability "main event" which gives him an unlimited supply of knives after reaching 0 seems to back this up as his primary playstyle.
One the one hand, I can see this being a powerful ability because of how much easier it might be to hit these shots just because of how much less punishing missing a single knife (or more) is meant to be. On the other, I think people might realize just how serious body blocking counters this killer (and my putting this up on a forum post for people to realize probably doesn't help his strength). Because it takes multiple knives to change a survivor's health state from healthy to injured and from injured to dying, survivors can REALLY easily counter this by bodyblocking just enough of the knives so that they don't hurt themselves, but also don't allow their friend to die quickly.
There's a lot of depth here to think about that I don't think people realize.
TL;DR, gameplay needs more testing (as usual, first day impressions fail to do the reality any justice)
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i think he is kinda cool. im on console too so i cant access the PTB so i cant judge him completely. he looks really fun to play and i cant wait for the full release. i do have one problem thou, which is that at first i thought he was the survivor because he dosent look as much as a killer as the others killers in the game. maybe make him have like a mask or somthing? make him a bit taller? i still do kinda like his visual design i just think that maybe he should look more imtimidating and less like a survivor. his mori is awesome thou
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Super design, I thought it would be a type of Hacker Stalker but in the end it is a type of Singer with a touch of gay.
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Actually lol’ing looking at his gameplay. Very over the top but in a good way.
It looks pretty fun for the killer, miserable for the survivors. But hey what else is new?